(Paper) Civil Services Exam Paper Pattern (Pali)
UPSC : Civil Services Exam Paper Pattern (Pali)
Answers must be written in Pali language - Devanagari or Roman Script
Paper I: Pali Language
Section A
- Origin and Homeland of Pãli and its characteristics.
- Pãli Grammar:
- Technical Terms of Pãli Grammar- Akkhara, Sara, Vyañjana, Niggahîta, Nãma, Sabbanãma, Ãkhyãta, Upasagga, Nipãta, Abyaya
- Kãraka
- Samãsa
- Sandhi
- Taddhita. (Apaccabodhaka-and Ãdhikãrabo-dhaka-Paccaya)
- Etymological derivation of the following words: Buddho, Bhikkhu, Sãmanero, Satthã, Dhammo, Latãyã, Purisãnam, Tumhe, Amhebhi, Munina, Rattîsu, Phalãya, Atthîsu, Raññam, Sangho.
- Translation of two Pãli unseen passages into English.
Section B
- Essays consisting of 300 words on any
one of the following:
- Bhagavã Buddho, Tilakkhanam, Ariyo atthañgiko maggo, Cattãri ariyasaccãni, Kammavãdo, Paticcasamuppãdo, Nibbãnam paramam sukham, Tipitakam, Dhammapadam, Majjhimã-Patipadã.
- Summary of Pãli passages.
- Explanation of Pãli verses in Pãli.
- The meaning of following indeclinables
(Abyaya and Nipãta) and their use in candidates’ own Pãli sentences:
- Atha, Antarã, Addhã, Kadã, Kittãvatã, Ahorattam, Divã, Yathã, Ce, Seyyathîdam, Vinã, Kudãcannam, Saddhim, Antarena, Kho, Mã, Evam, Ettha, Kira, Pana.
Paper II: Pali Literature
There will be two compulsory questions which must be answered in Pali Language (Devanagari or Roman Script.
The remaining questions must be attempted either in Pali or in the medium of examination opted by the candidate.
Section A
- Life and teachings of Buddha from the Pãli sources.
- History of Pali Literature-Canonical
and Non-Canonical with reference to the following books and authors:
- Mahãvagga, Cullavagga, Pãtimokkha, Dîgha-Nikãya, Dhammapada, Jãtaka, Theragãthã, Therîgãthã,Dîpavamsa, Mahãvamsa, Dãthãvamsa, Sãsanavamsa, Milindapanha, Petakopadesa, Nettippa-karana, Buddhadatta, Buddhaghosa and Dhammapãla.
Section B
- Textual questions, critical comments
and annotated translations would be asked from the following prescribed
- Dîghã-Nikãya (Only the Sãmaññaphala-Sutta)
- Sutta-nipãta (Only the Khaggavisana-Sutta and Dhaniya-Sutta)
- Dhammapada (Only the first five Vaggã-s)
- Milindapanha (Only the Lakkhana-panha)
- Mahavamsa (Only the Tatiya-Sangiti)
- Abhidhammattha-sangaha (First, Second and Sixth Chapters)
- Pãli Prosody : Vuttodaya-Anutthubha, Indavajirã, Upendavajirã, Vasantatilakã, Mãlinî, Sikharinî, Upajati, totaka, Dodhaka, Vamsattha.
- Pãli Rhetoric : Subodhãlankãrã -Yamaka, Anuppãsa, Rûpaka, Upama, Atisayutti, Vyatireka, Nidassanã, Atthanta-ranyãsa, Dîpaka, Ditthanta.
- Short Notes on Buddhist concepts dealt within the prescribed texts.
- Explanation of Pãli Verses from the prescribed texts.