(Model Test Paper) General Knowledge Solved Model Paper (World Geography)
1: Identify the climatic type which has cool summer (10 ° C to 15 ° C) and
cold winter (0 ° C to 5 ° C) and rainfall throughout the year with no dry
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Df
2. Cw
3. Cs
4. Cf
Question 2: Which one of the following latitudes forms a Great Circle?
Correct Answer: 1.
1. 0 degree
2. 23-1/2 degree
3. 66-1/2 degree
4. 90 degree
Question 3: Which of the following statements is/are correct? (1) The
Russian platform is an extensive natural lowland. (2) The scandinavian Mountains
were formed during the cambrian period. (3) Columbia-Snake plateau consists
mainly of volcanic formations. (4) The Atlas Mountains are of Alpine orogeny.
Correct Answer: 3.
1. 1, 2, 3, 4
2. 1, 2, 3
3. 1, 3, 4
4. 2, 3, 4
Question 4: Large areas in India are subjected to considerable rainfall
variability. Rainfall variability is likely to be the greates in areas of
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Very high rainfall
2. High rainfall
3. Medium rainfall
4. Very low rainfall
Question 5: Which of the following is NOT correctly matched?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Folkland Current - East coast of South America
2. Renell Current - Bay of Biscay
3. Irminger current - East coast of Greenland
4. Cayenne Current - East coast of Africa
Question 6: The Pacific Ocean was named so by
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Bartholomew Diaz
2. Magellan
3. Vasco da Gama
4. Columbus
Question 7: Which type of forest belt supplies most of the world's
requirement of news print?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Evergreen forest
2. Deciduous forest
3. Coniferous forest
4. Mediterranean forest
Question 8: Harvard Medical School is located in
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Houston
2. Boston
3. New York
4. Texas
Question 9: The hunting and gathering economy can support only
Correct Answer: 4.
1. 1 person per sq. km
2. 3 persons per sq. km
3. 5 persons per sq. km
4. 7 persons per sq. km
Question 10: The tropical cyclone of the Bay of Bengal are usually called
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Hurricanes
2. Typhoons
3. Depression
4. Tornadoes
Question 11: Which one of the following is not a correct example of
tropical cyclones?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Tornado
2. Typhoons
3. Hurricanes
4. Northwesters
Question 12: The first research project programme which focused on the El
Nino – Southern Oscillation and its predictability was called
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Climate Variability and Perdictability (CLIVAR)
2. Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX)
3. Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystem (GCTE)
4. Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA)
Question 13: Where is the headquarters of WTO located
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Hague
2. New Delhi
3. Geneva
4. New York
Question 14: The Suez Canal shortened the distance between India and
Europe by:
Correct Answer: 4.
1. 4000 km
2. 5000 km
3. 6000 km
4. 7000 km
Question 15: The shift of aluminium industry from the Dneiper region to
Siberia was made possible because of
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Exploration of new bauxite sources
2. Development of hydroelectricity
3. New favourable market location
4. Development of efficient transportation
Question 16: Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Szechwan Basin : Petroleum
2. Hainan region : Iron ore
3. Shansi region : Coal
4. Shensi region : Tin
Question 17: Which country ranks top in the mining of gold?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. India
2. South Africa
3. U.S.A.
4. Canada
Question 18: The behavioural environment is meant by
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Reality as it exists in nature
2. The decision based on reasoned thought
3. Man’s behaviour as a function of the environment
4. Reality as is perceived by individuals
Question 19: Which place in the world is called as "Land of
mid-night Sun"?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Bangladesh
2. Norway
3. South Africa
4. Japan
Question 20: Which sea has been called the incubator of western
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Black Sea
2. Mediterranean Sea
3. North Sea
4. Red Sea
Question 21: what is the largest ocean in the world?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Atlantic
2. pacific
3. Arctic
4. Indian ocean
Question 22: Mecca is located in
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Saudi Arabia
2. Baharin
3. UAE
4. Qatar
Question 23: Which one of the following is included in the World List of
Biosphere Reserves by UNESCO?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Kinnaur Region
2. Spiti Valley
3. Nallamalai Hills
4. Sundererbans
Question 24: Peru is the -------country in South America.
Correct Answer: 1.
1. third largest
2. largest
3. 2nd largest
4. 4th largest
Question 25: Which one of the following statements is not correct about
Correct Answer: 4.
1. It is the most densely populated country in Western
2. It is an efficient dairy – producer in the European
3. It depends heavily on the imports of livestock feed
4. It is the largest exporter of butter in the world
Question 26: Which City is Known as "City of Canals"?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Mexico
2. Venece
3. Damascus
4. Detroit
Question 27: The layer of atmosphere which provides ideal flying
conditions for largest jet aeroplane is
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Troposphere
2. Stratosphere
3. Ionosphere
4. Exosphere
Question 28: Which city once known as "Forbidden City"?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Nippon
2. Greenland
3. Peking
4. Detroit
Question 29: Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Rotameter : used for measuring distances on maps
2. Planimeter : used for measuring areas on maps
3. Pantograph : used for reduction of maps
4. Ediograph : used for measuring volumes
Question 30: Who is the Managing Director IMF?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Rodrigo Rato
2. Dominique Strauss-Kahn
3. Daniel Vasella
4. Alberto Foutana
Question 31: What is the capital of Australia?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Sydney
2. Melbourne
3. Caneberra
4. Perth
Question 32: Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer:
List-I (Tribe) List-II (Country) A. Chukchi 1. Indonesia B. Dayak 2. Mexico C.
Lacandon 3. Russia D. Lese 4. Zaire
Correct Answer: 3.
1. A-3 B-1 C-4 D-2
2. A-1 B-3 C-2 D-4
3. A-3 B-1 C-2 D-4
4. A-1 B-3 C-4 D-2
Question 33: Tarim Basin of Sinkiang experience strong heat wave causing
discomfort during early spring. The wind is popularly known as
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Karaburan
2. Katabatic
3. Chinook
4. Fohn
Question 34: who was the youngest president of USA
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Bill Clinton
2. Theodore Roosewelt
3. Abraham Lincoln
4. Barak Obama
Question 35: George Mason University is located in
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Virginia
2. Illinois
3. Texas
4. New York
Question 36: Who of the following revolutionaries set up the United India
House in the USA?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Ramnath Puri and Vir Savarkar
2. Taraknath Das and G. D. Kumar
3. Lala Hardayal and Bhagat Singh
4. Harnam Singh and Bhagwan Singh
Question 37: Capital of Qatar is
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Doha
2. Riyadh
3. Abu Dhabi
4. Tel Aviv
Question 38: Peru is the -------country in South America.
Correct Answer: 1.
1. third largest
2. largest
3. 2nd largest
4. 4th largest
Question 39: Which one of the following natural regions is not correctly
matched with its economic base?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Canadian Prairies : Spring wheat cultivation
2. Argentine Pampas : Beef cattle ranching
3. Australian Downs : Normadic herding
4. South African Veld : Maize growing
Question 40: Baylor College of Medicine is located in
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Houston
2. Boston
3. Illinois
4. Texas
Question 41: On July 6, 2003, UNESCO designated ------ as "World
Heritage Site"
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Tel Aviv
2. Doha
3. Dubai
4. Abu Dhabi
Question 42: Who are Red Indians?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. The old tribals of South India
2. Tribal inhabitants of Africa
3. Original inhabitants of America
4. None of these
Question 43: The maximum length of a day on the poles is?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. 12 hours
2. 24 hours
3. 3 months
4. 6 months
Question 44: A place having an average annual temperature of 27 Degree
centigrade and an annual rainfall of over 200 cms,could be
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Moscow
2. Singapore
3. Nagpur
4. Teheran
Question 45: The transition zone between two Ecosystem is called
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Biome
2. Biotope
3. Ecotone
4. Sere
Question 46: The climatic region with high temperature ,high relative
humidity and low range of temperature is
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Mediterranean
2. Monsoon
3. Savanna
4. Equatorial
Question 47: Which is the lowest waterbody on earth?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Black sea
2. Dead sea
3. Aral sea
4. Red sea
Question 48: Johns Hopkins University is located at
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Baltimore
2. Texas
3. Illinois
4. Boston
Question 49: Match List I with List II and select the correct code given
below: List- I List- II (Waterfall) (Mode of Formation) (A) Kaieteur Falls (1)
Hanging Valley Fall: (B) Living stone Falls (2) Caprock Fall (C) Yosemite Falls
(3) Plateau Fall (D) Victoria Falls (4) Fault Line Scarp Fall
Code A B C D
Correct Answer: 4.
1. 4 1 2 3
2. 4 2 1 3
3. 3 2 1 4
4. 3 1 2 4
Question 50: Greenwich Mean Time is the local time of
Correct Answer: 3.
1. 180 degree longitude
2. 80 degree west longitude
3. 0 degree longitude
4. 80 degree East longitude
Question 51: Ratzel’s work was based on the concept
Correct Answer: 3.
1. There is a dichotomy between physical and cultural
aspects of geography
2. Geography is a scientific discipline
3. Physical environment controlled human activities
4. Geography is necessarily descriptive
Question 52: Peru is a country located in
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Western South America
2. Eastern South America
3. Southern South America
4. North part of South America
Question 53: For his model of industrial location, Weber makes use of
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Isogons
2. Isophenes
3. Isodapanes
4. Isotachs
Question 54: The natural region which holds the Indian sub-continent is
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Equatorial Climate Region
2. Mediterranean
3. Monsoon
4. Hot region
Question 55: Identify the correct sequence of the given processes
regarding rainfall :
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Unsaturated air, condensation, dew point, precipitation
2. Dew point, condensation, unsaturated air, precipitation
3. Unsaturated air, dew point, condensation, precipitation
4. Dew point, precipitation, condensation, unsaturated air
Question 56: Which is highest waterfall in the world?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Niagara
2. Angels
3. Jog FAlls
4. Thrimbika falls
Question 57: Which one of the following concepts is associated with Vidal
de La Blache?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Determinism
2. Possibilism
3. Environmentalism
4. Probabilism
Question 58: Warm dry winds blowing down the east slopes of Rockies are
known as
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Fohn
2. Chinooh
3. Mistral
4. Northwesters
Question 59: Hawaiion islands are located in
Correct Answer: 1.
1. North Altantic Ocean
2. South Atlantic Ocean
3. North Pacific Ocean
4. South Pacific Ocean
Question 60: Which country is an international leader in fishing,
producing nearly 10 percent of the world's fish catch?
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Peru
2. Holland
3. NewZealand
4. Australia
Question 61: An approach of reasoning from particular to general is known
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Positivist
2. Normative
3. Inductive
4. Deductive
Question 62: Which country's highest peak is Mt Ararat?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. China
2. Turkey
3. Singapore
4. Italy
Question 63: Huntington is noted for describing
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Man as a product of the earth’s surface
2. The evolution of landforms
3. The effects of climate on human life
4. The historical-ecological study of the cultural
Question 64: The contrast in economic development between Israel and the
other South-West Asian countries is due to
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Desertic conditions of other countries
2. Mineral wealth of Israel
3. Irrigation facilities available in Israel
4. High-technology revolution in Israel
Question 65: Which one of the following sites of the Indus valley
Civilization had an ancient dockyard?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Kalibangan
2. LothaI
3. Rangpur
4. Harappa
Question 66: Which one of the following creature did come to the earth
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Man
2. Ape Man
3. Fish
4. Monkey
Question 67: Who reached the North Pole first ?
Who reached the North Pole first ?
Correct Answer: 1.
1. captain Ronald Amundson
2. captain Ronald Amriego
3. Captain Rossario
4. None
Question 68: Which one is the largest island of world?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. England
2. Australia
3. Japan
4. New Guinea
Question 69: Which one of the following statements explains that mining
is “an increasing cost” economic activity?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Mine workers enhance their wages
2. Best and most easily available mineral deposits are
mined first
3. Mining techniques becomes expensive
4. Mining royalties increase
Question 70: What man made construction on earth visible from the moon
with naked eye?
Correct Answer: 1.
1. China Wall
2. Egypt Pyramids
3. Statue of Liberty
4. Eifle Tower
Question 71: An early statement of Geography as Chorology was provided by
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Kant
2. Humboldt
3. Ritter
4. Varenius
Question 72: Which one of the following scholars was the first to divide
the world landmass into three continents : Europe, Asia and Libya (Africa)?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Anaximander
2. Hecataeus
3. Herodotus
4. Eratoshenes
Question 73: The exposed batholithic domes that have suffered intense
fracture because of removal of the super incumbent load, resulting into massive
joint are termed as-
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Cuesta
2. Tors
3. Hogbacks
4. Mesa
Question 74: The correct sequence of the natural regions of Brazil from
north to south is
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Amazon Basin, Mato Grosso Plateau, Brazilian Highlands,
2. Amazon Basin, Brazilian Highlands, Campos, Mato Grosso
3. Brazilian Highlands, Mato Grosso Plateau, Amazon Basin,
4. Mato Grosso Plateau, Campos, Brazilian Highlands,
Amazon Basin
Question 75: In the Northern hemisphere,the wind blowing from the Horse
Latitudes to the Doldrums is called?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Westerly Wind
2. Trade Wind
3. Polar Easterly
4. Jet Stream
Question 76: Kathiawar Peninsula is an example of
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Emerged shoreline
2. Submerged shoreline
3. Ria shoreline
4. Dalmatian shoreline
Question 77: Which one of the following is located in Russia?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Donetsk
2. Krivoirog
3. Zhitomir
4. Pechora
Question 78: How many hours of daylight does the equator experience on
September equinox?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. 8 hours
2. 9 hours
3. 10 hours
4. 12 hours
Question 79: The Mobility Transition Model of Migration was propounded by
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Clark, W.A.V.
2. Lee, E.
3. Ravenstein, E. G.
4. Zelinsky, W.
Question 80: The percentage of radiant energy, reflected back by a
surface is called
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Albedo
2. Greenhouse effect
3. Insolation
4. Refraction
Question 81: Which was the last continent to be discovered by Europeans?
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Antarctica
2. Greenland
3. Oceania/Australia
4. South America
Question 82: Which among the following is a land locked sea?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Timor sea
2. Arafura Sea
3. Greenland Sea
4. Aral Sea
Question 83: "The Inverse Distance Law" of migration of
Population was propounded by:
Correct Answer: 4.
1. D. J. Bouge.
2. S. Stouffer
3. G. K. Ziph
4. E. G. Ravenstein
Question 84: Which is the world’s smallest ocean?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Atlantic
2. Antarctic
3. Arctic
4. Indian
Question 85: In the Newling model on urban population density
distribution, the term ‘Density Crater’ is applied to
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Central Business District
2. High income residential area
3. Suburb
4. Zone in Transition
Question 86: In A.D.the eruption of which volcano destroyed Pompeii?
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Mt Vesuvius
2. Mt Etna
3. Stramboli Island
4. Mt Kilimanjaro
Question 87: Lava cools down is fissures and solidifies to give
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Locolith
2. Sill
3. Dyke
4. None of the above
Question 88: In which one of the following areas of South – East Asia,
is there the largest concentration of peasant population ?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. In areas of shifting cultivation
2. On island areas where grain farming is carried on
3. On highland areas where the climate is cooler and
4. On cleared lowland forest areas
Question 89: The International Date line is located in the
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Pacific Ocean
2. Atlantic Ocean
3. Indian Ocean
4. Arctic Ocean
Question 90: The layer of the water in the oceans that separates the
warmer surface layer from the deeper cold layer is called.
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Hypotherm
2. Thermocline
3. Epiliminion
4. Hypsotherm
Question 91: Which of the following deltas is the biggest in the world?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. The delta of Missisipi river
2. The delta of Kaveri river
3. The Sundarbans
4. The Danuble Delta
Question 92: A person moving from Chile to Brazil along the coast has to
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Bass Strait
2. Cook Strait
3. Magellan Strait
4. Torres strait
Question 93: The Colby hypothesis offers a dynamic explanation of
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Urban development
2. Landuse development
3. Sustainable development
4. Rural development