(Model Test Paper) General Knowledge Solved Model Paper (World Politics)
1: The ideal of internationalism involves
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Total abandonment of nationalism
2. Partial abandonment of nationalism
3. Adequate recognition of cultural distinctiveness of
4. Derecognition of cultural distinctiveness
Question 2: Assertion (A) : Systems theory is criticized for its alleged
ideological bias in favour of status quo. Reason (R) : Systems theory stresses
upon notions of stability, equilibrium, steady state and pattern maintenance.
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation
of A
2. Both A and R are true, but R is not a correct
explanation of A
3. A is true, but R is false
4. A is false, but R is true
Question 3: Which one of the following statements is correct ?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. The constitution clearly lays down what its basic
structure is
2. The Supreme Court has elaborately defined the basic
structure of the Constitution
3. The Law Commission of India with the help of Attorney
General of India has defined the basic structure of the Constitution
4. Neither the Supreme Court nor the Parliament have
defined the basic structure of the Constitution
Question 4: The name of first woman judge of International Court of
Justice is—
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Rosalyn Higgins
2. Rosa E. Otunbayeva
3. Gestrud Mongella
4. Sadako Ogata
Question 5: The theory of sovereignty is historically associated with the
rise of
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Feudalism
2. Absolute monarchy
3. Democracy
4. Decolonization
Question 6: Which of the following is not part of EOP of USA?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Office of management and Budget
2. The white House office
3. Office of personnel management
4. National security council
Question 7: Which one of the following scholars consider International
law as true law ?
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Grotius
2. Hobbes
3. Holland
4. Austin
Question 8: The advocates of deliberative democracy emphasise
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Parliamentary sovereignty
2. Judicial autonomy
3. Executive supremacy
4. Popular participation
Question 9: On which day of the week is the general election
traditionally held in Great Britian?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Monday
2. Wednesday
3. Thursday
4. Sunday
Question 10: Who is US's SECRETARY OF STATE appointed by Obama
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Hillary Clinton
2. Robert Gates
3. Timothy Geithner
4. Janet Napolitano
Question 11: Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched ?
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Aristotle : State is a magnified individual
2. Hegel : State is a march of God on Earth
3. Marx : Modern state is an instrument of class
4. Gandhi : State represents violence in concentrated form
Question 12: President Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine belongs to....
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Fatah Party
2. Baath Party
3. Hamas
4. PKK
Question 13: The thinker who based politics on Psychology, Physics and
Geometry was
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Thomas Hobbes
2. Montesquieu
3. Rousseau
4. Bentham
Question 14: Who among the following, characterized bureaucracy as
ration-legal authority ?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. F.M. Marx
2. Vilfredo Pareto
3. Max Weber
4. Herbert A. Simon
Question 15: ‘With the causes of exploitation of class by class
removed, with the abolition of classes, the State will therefore, inevitably
wither away. To which theory of the origin of State is the above statement
applicable ?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Divine Right Theory
2. Social Contract Theory
3. Evolutionary Theory
4. Marxist Theory
Question 16: Who among the following characterized bureaucracy as a
rational-legal authority ?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. F.M. Marx
2. Vilfredo Pareto
3. Max Weber
4. Herbert A. Simon
Question 17: Marxian view treats international politics as an extension
of class war in
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Global perspective
2. National perspective
3. Societal perspective
4. None of the above
Question 18: S. Finer has designated the interest groups as
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Invisible governments
2. Unofficial government
3. Government within the government
4. Anonymous empire
Question 19: The idea of the Union giving directions to the states was
adopted by the makers of the Indian Constitution from
Correct Answer: 1.
1. The Government of India Act, 1935
2. The US Constitution
3. The Soviet Constitution
4. The Australian Constitution
Question 20: In December 2008, Time magazine named ------- as its Person
of the Year
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Barack Obama
2. McCain
3. Hillary Clinton
4. Joe Biden
Question 21: Who was the President of Palestinian National Authority in
March 2006?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Mahmoud Allawayi
2. Ahmed Rashid
3. Mahmoud Younis
4. Mahmoud Abbas
Question 22: Consider the following statements: 1. Development of
comparative approach of public administration was funded by the American
Government. 2. One reason for funding the development of comparative approach of
public administration was political interest to arrest communication. Which of
the statements given above is/are correct?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Only 1
2. Only 2
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2
Question 23: Which one of the following is NOT correct in respect of
China ?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. The Communist Party of China is organized on the basis
of democratic centralism
2. The Chinese constitution provides for a uniform
judicial system
3. Mao’s ideas of ‘New Democracy’ have been put into
4. The Chinese constitution provides for a bicameral
Question 24: Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
using the codes given below the lists : List-I (Characteristic Features) List-II
(Political Ideology) A. Formation of the natural, harmonious, organic,
communities for the free development of the individual and the abolition of the
main source of coercion – State 1. Guild Socialism B. Formation of
self-governing autonomous associations of people that will work on cooperative
basis to establish partnership between groups and State 2. Democratic Socialism
C. Combination of human fellowship, just social system, common ownership and
mutual service 3. Syndicalism D. A system of revolutionary tactics using
non-political methods to create an economic federation
Correct Answer: 1.
1. A-4 B-1 C-2 D-3
2. A-2 B-1 C-4 D-3
3. A-4 B-3 C-2 D-1
4. A-2 B-3 C-4 D-1
Question 25: The Unitary State is stronger than a Federal one because all
powers of government are concentrated in the hands of one single set of
authorities. Hence there is
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Absence of conflict of authority and responsibility
2. Absence of simplification of governmental organization
3. Overlapping of jurisdiction
4. Duplication of functions
Question 26: Which one of the following statements is NOT correct ?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Diplomacy is an instrument of foreign policy
2. Major international agreements are usually negotiated
by foreign ministers
3. Diplomats do not play now as great a role in
international negotiations as they once did
4. Diplomats now get greater latitude than they enjoyed in
19th Century
Question 27: Bill Clinton was the ----President of the United States
Correct Answer: 1.
1. 42nd
2. 41st
3. 43rd
4. 44th
Question 28: Who among the following theorists advocated participatory
Correct Answer: 2.
1. F.A. Hayek
2. C.B. Macpherson
3. Michael Oakeshot
4. Gaetano Mosca
Question 29: Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
using the codes given below the lists : List-I (Development Approach) List-II
(Features) A. Blue print approach 1. Utilization of capital resources over human
resources B. Learning process approach 2. Cybernetic process with latitude for
change according to needs C. Production centred approach 3. Planning in advance
for development D. People centred approach 4. Individual as an actor who defines
the goa
Correct Answer: 3.
1. A-3 B-4 C-1 D-2
2. A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4
3. A-3 B-2 C-1 D-4
4. A-1 B-4 C-3 D-2
Question 30: ‘Alternative vote and confidence’ is in vogue in one of
the democratic political system. Identify the country
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Switzerland
2. Austria
3. Germany
4. France
Question 31: The Communist manifesto was first published in
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Russian
2. French
3. German
4. English
Question 32: Which one of the following is NOT an input function of
political system?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Political Communication
2. Political Recruitment
3. Interest Articulation
4. Rule Adjudication
Question 33: Which of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched ?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Sunderlal Bahuguna : Chipko Movement
2. Sardar Patel : Warli Struggle
3. Narayanaswamy Naidu : Tamiliga Vyvasaigal sangam
4. Ram Manohar Lohia : Kagodu Satyagraha
Question 34: Obama was the junior United States Senator from ------in
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Illinois
2. Texas
3. California
4. Columbia
Question 35: In which of the following federal systems decentralization
is implemented under the ‘grass roots’ doctrine ?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Canada
2. Australia
3. India
4. U.S.A.
Question 36: “Means are after all everything. As the means, so the end;
there is no wall of separation between means and end.” The above statement is
characteristic of
Correct Answer: 1.
1. M.K. Gandhi
2. B.R. Ambedkar
3. Mao-Zedong
4. Karl Marx
Question 37: Which Prime Minister wrote "The labour Governement: a
personal record and the Governance of Britian"?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Hugh Gaitskall
2. Herald Wilson
3. Jo Grimond
4. None of these
Question 38: The International Criminal Court is located at—
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Geneva
2. Hague
3. London
4. Washington
Question 39: Who among the following has described the world wide triumph
of liberal democracy as the end of history ?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Samir Amin
2. David Held
3. Francis Fukuyama
4. Samuel P. Huntington
Question 40: The practice adopted by the party in power to reward its
members and supporters through government contracts and jobs is called.
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Division of powers
2. Implied powers
3. Power politics
4. Spoils system
Question 41: In which of the following countries, the judges of the
federal constitutional courts are elected by the federal legislature ?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. United States
2. Britain
3. Russia
4. Germany
Question 42: Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani is the
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Prime minister of Iran
2. Defence Minister of Iran
3. Head of Iran's Expediency council
4. Head of Irans Religious council
Question 43: Identify the two among these who sought to define
underdevelopment in terms of neocolonial dependency mode : 1. A.G. Frank 2.
Celso Furtado 3. E.W. Weidner 4. Gunnar Myrdal Select the correct answer using
the codes given below :
Correct Answer: 1.
1. 1 and 2
2. 1 and 3
3. 2 and 3
4. 1 and 4
Question 44: Which one of the following countries has a disciplined
multi-party system ?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. France during Vth Republic
2. India
3. Sri Lanka
4. Italy
Question 45: Which one of the following is NOT a Peasant movement ?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Telangana Insurrection
2. Tebhaga Movement
3. Naxal Bari Movement
4. Chipko Movement
Question 46: Obama was the --- African-American Senator in U.S. history
Correct Answer: 1.
1. fifth
2. 4th
3. 3rd
4. 6th
Question 47: Consider the following statements : The major functions of
political parties are 1. Rule making 2. Interest aggregation 3. Political
socialization 4. Regulation of the behaviour of the people
Correct Answer: 2.
1. 1 and 2
2. 2 and 3
3. 3 and 4
4. 1 and 4
Question 48: In the U.S.A. the filibuster is a method used by
Correct Answer: 3.
1. The Congress to pressurize the President
2. The President to prevent the introduction of a Bill in
the Congress
3. Members of the Senate to obstruct the passage of a Bill
4. Judiciary to prevent Congress from passing Bill
Question 49: The idea of ‘World Systems Theory’ signifying the
arrival of international capitalist order was predicted in the 1970s. identify
the scholar who advanced this idea
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Samuel P. Huntington
2. Andre Gunder Frank
3. George Wallerstein
4. Cardoso
Question 50: ‘Government of National Unity’ is a concept developed by
which one of the following third world countries ?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Nigeria
2. Tanzania
3. Argentina
4. South Africa
Question 51: The first Prime Minister of Bangladesh was
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Gopalakrishnan
2. Mujibur Rehman
3. Billahdi Moni
4. Samuel Raj
Question 52: “Everything for the state; nothing against the State,
nothing outside the State” sums up the philosophy of
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Marxism
2. Fascism
3. Fabian Socialism
4. Guild Socialism
Question 53: Which Prime Minister lost a vote of no confidence in the
house of Commons in 1979 in U.K.?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Herald Wilson
2. Ramsay McDonald
3. Edward Heeth
4. James Callaghan
Question 54: Which one of the following is NOT feature of French
Constitution of 1958 ?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Adoption of Declaration for Rights in 1789
2. Favouring strong Presidency
3. Limited powers of Parliament
4. Unicameral legislature
Question 55: China has moved away from the policy of statism to market
economy, which was propounded by one of the communist leaders of revolution who
said “Market in China is like a bird in cage”. Identify the person
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Chou En Lai
2. Lio Shao Chi
3. Deng Tsiao Ping
4. Chiang Kai Shek
Question 56: Consider the following statements: 1.Kofi Annan – the UN
Secretary General is from Nigeria. 2.Kofi Annan is the first UN Secretary
General to be appointed from the ranks of the United Nations staff. 3.Kofi Annan
was appointed for a second term to the office of the UN Secretary General. Which
of the statements given above are correct?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. 1 and 3, only
2. 2 and 3, only
3. 1, 2 and 3
4. 1 and 2, only
Question 57: Assertion (A) : Decision making theory directs attention not
to states as metaphysical abstractions, but instead seeks to highlight the
behaviour of decision-makers. Reason (R) : Decision-making theory identifies a
large number of relevant variables and suggests possible inter-relationships
among them.
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation
of A
2. Both A and R are true, but R is not a correct
explanation of A
3. A is true, but R is false
4. A is false, but R is true
Question 58: Which one of the following is NOT correct about
‘Dyarchy’ introduced by the Government of India Act of 1919 ?
Correct Answer: 1.
1. It was a system of dual governments at central and
provincial levels
2. Provincial subjects were divided into reserved and
3. Governor appointed ministers from the elected members
of the legislative council
4. Governor had the power of overriding the majority
Question 59: Which Constitution is called a ‘tailor-made’
Constitution ?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Constitution of Fourth Republic of France
2. Constitution of Fifth Republic of France
3. Constitution of United Germany
4. Constitution of U.S.A
Question 60: Who among the following has described democracy as “that
institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which
individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for
the People’s vote” ?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Robert Dahl
2. Peter Bachrach
3. C. Wright Mills
4. Joseph Schumpeter
Question 61: The Poona Pact in 1932 upheld
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Joint electorates
2. Separate electorates
3. Joint electorates with reserved seats for the scheduled
4. Joint electorates with reserved seats for caste Hindus
Question 62: Non-security issues have taken priority over force,
violence, and military might because of
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Modernization of the world political and communication
2. Modernization of the world political and economic
3. Trans nationalization of the world economic and
political systems
4. Decentralization of the world economic and political
Question 63: Who among the following is an acclaimed analyst on political
parties ?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Walter Lippman
2. Maurice Duverger
3. H.J. Laski
4. Jame Bryce
Question 64: Which one does NOT contributes to the formation of
International Government ?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Expansion of international trade
2. Establishment of international trade
3. Inter-state rivalry
4. Means of communication
Question 65: Who was the prime minister when the John Profumo Christien
Keeler scandal broke out in 1963?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Ramsay McDonald
2. Herald Wilson
3. Herald McMillan
4. William Hauge
Question 66: National League for Democracy is
Correct Answer: 2.
1. A ruling party of Indonesia
2. A opposition party of Myanmar
3. A ruling party of Bhuttan
4. An opposition party of Indonesia
Question 67: Chelliah Committee is related to which of the following?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Banking reforms
2. Securities Scam
3. Taxation
4. Rajiv Gandhi's murder
Question 68: Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
using the codes given below the lists : List-I (Acts) List-II (Provisions) A.
The Government of India Act, 1935 1. Transfer of power from the East India
Company to the British crown B. The Government of India Act, 1909 2. Envisaged
Dominion status to India C. The Government of India Act, 1919 3. Introduction of
provincial autonomy D. The Government of India Act, 1858 4. Introduction of
Dyarchy in provinces 5. Introduction of separate electorate for Muslims and
Correct Answer: 2.
1. A-1 B-4 C-2 D-3
2. A-3 B-5 C-4 D-1
3. A-1 B-5 C-4 D-3
4. A-3 B-4 C-2 D-1
Question 69: In 1990 which former Prime Minister travelled to Iraq to
secure the release of British Hostages?
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Edward Heeth
2. Margaret Thatcher
3. James Callaghan
4. Jo Grimond
Question 70: The concept of sustainable development was popularized by
Brundtland Report and Report of the World Commission on Environment and
Development in
Correct Answer: 2.
1. 1991
2. 1992
3. 1993
4. 1994
Question 71: ---- is appointed as USA's TREASURY SECRETARY by Obama
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Timothy Geithner
2. Janet Napolitano
3. Lawrence Summers
4. James Jones
Question 72: Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
using the codes given below the lists : List-I (Author) List-II (Phrase) A.
Hayes 1. “Of all the evils I hate, I think I hate nationalism most” B.
Organsko 2. “AN organized self interest of the whole people” C. Rabindranath
Tagore 3. “As a belief nationalism has been a curse and nothing but a curse”
D. Victor Golancz 4. “To believe that nationalism will vanish because it is
dangerous or the nations will wither away because there are other ways of
organizing mankind is false”
Correct Answer: 2.
1. A-1 B-2 C-4 D-3
2. A-3 B-4 C-2 D-1
3. A-1 B-4 C-2 D-3
4. A-3 B-2 C-4 D-1
Question 73: Begum Khaleda Zia belongs to which of the following
political parties?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Muslim League
2. Awami League
3. Jatiya Party
4. Bangladesh Nationalist Party
Question 74: Which of the following is not a principal organ of United
Nations Organisation ?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Trusteeship Council
2. Economic and Social Council
3. International Court of Justice
4. Human Rights Commission
Question 75: The relationship between the government and the President in
France is a complex one due to
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Direct election of the President
2. Centralization of powers
3. A mixed presidential parliamentary form government
4. Parliament’s reduced powers to control the government
Question 76: Which one of the following can enforce the judgement of
International Court of Justice ?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. General Assembly on the recommendations of Security
2. Secretary General
3. Security Council on the request of International Court
of Justice
4. None of the above
Question 77: Who among the following were known as physiocrats at the
time of the French Revolution?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. The Clergy
2. Economists
3. The Nobility
4. Medical professionals
Question 78: Which one of the following statements is NOT true with
regard to Non-Government Organizations ? 1. They have come to play increasingly
constructive role in the development process. 2. They have to redefine their
role in accordance with the changing times. 3. The government has to change the
bureaucratic attitude towards the Non-Government Organizations. 4. The
government should affiliate Non-Government Organisations to its respective
departments in order to have better control over their functioning. Select the
correct answer using the codes given below :
Correct Answer: 4.
1. 1 only
2. 1 and 2
3. 1 and 3
4. 3 and 4
Question 79: Who is selected as the national intelligence director in USA
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Dennis Blair
2. Leon Panetta
3. Hillary Clinton
4. Michael McConnell
Question 80: Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
using the codes given below the lists : List-I (Authors) List-II (Books) A.
Simon de Beauvoir 1. The Second Sex B. Betty Friedan 2. Sexual Politics C. Kate
Billet 3. Feminine Mystique D. Sheila Rowbothom 4. Woman’s consciousness
Man’s World
Correct Answer: 4.
1. A-2 B-3 C-4 D-1
2. A-1 B-4 C-3 D-2
3. A-2 B-4 C-3 D-1
4. A-1 B-3 C-4 D-2
Question 81: Assertion (A) : A social movement is a participation form of
collective behaviour in which the motivation act springs from the attitude of
members and the challenges of the society. Reason (R) : Social Groups and
movements of brace interest groups and political parties to achieve their goals.
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation
of A
2. Both A and R are true, but R is not a correct
explanation of A
3. A is true, but R is false
4. A is false, but R is true
Question 82: Consider the following features of the Civil Service in the
USA: 1. Top posts are filled up by ‘insiders and outers’. 2. Recruitment
takes place at various levels of hierarchy. 3. Partisan political activities are
prohibited. 4. Rank classification system is not upheld. Which of these are
Correct Answer: 2.
1. 1,2 and 3
2. 2,3 and 4
3. 1,3 and 4
4. 1,2 and 4
Question 83: -----will serve on Obama's Foreign Intelligence Advisory
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Michael McConnell
2. Dennis Blair
3. Leon Panetta
4. Steve Kappes
Question 84: The National Parliamentary body of China is known as
Correct Answer: 2.
1. State Council
2. National People’s Congress
3. People’s Assembly
4. Supreme Soviet
Question 85: The author of the American Declaration of Independence was
Correct Answer: 2.
1. George Washington
2. Jefferson
3. Lafayette
4. Thomas Paine
Question 86: According to Keohane Nye, the internationalization of the
world economy had led the major industrialized nations to a pattern of
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Complex interdependence
2. Complex dependence
3. Dependence
4. Interdependence
Question 87: Assertion (A) : Development administration signifies
action-oriented and target-oriented programmes suitable for developing
countries. Reason (R) : The success of rural development plans acts as a strong
impetus for initiating other developmental plans.
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation
of A
2. Both A and R are true, but R is not a correct
explanation of A
3. A is true, but R is false
4. A is false, but R is true
Question 88: Gen. Bruno Cuche from France recently visited India. He is
the counterpart of India’s....
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Army chief Gen. Deepak Kapoor
2. Navy chief Admiral Arun Prakash
3. Chief of Air staff Air chief Marshal Fali Homi Major
4. Defence Minister A.K. Anthony
Question 89: In which year did India become a party to the International
Convention on Biological Diversity ?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. 1992
2. 1993
3. 1994
4. 1995
Question 90: Birsa Munda was associated with tribal struggle of
Correct Answer: 2.
1. North East Region
2. Jharkhand
3. Nagar Division
4. Deccan
Question 91: To which part of U.K. does the Plaid Cymrau party belong?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Northern Ireland
2. Scotland
3. Wales
4. London
Question 92: Which one of the following is NOT the characteristic of ‘a
six point syndrome’ of totalitarianism propounded by Friedrich and Braezinski
Correct Answer: 4.
1. An official ideology
2. A system of terroristic policy
3. A monopoly of means of communication
4. A divine right to rule
Question 93: Who succeeded Nigel Lawson as the chancellor of the
Exchequer in 1989?
Correct Answer: 3.
1. Tony Blair
2. William Hauge
3. John Major
4. Douglas Hurd
Question 94: Which aspect of imperialism does the dependency theory
emphasize ?
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Economic
2. Political
3. Cultural
4. Strategic
Question 95: Who is the Defense Secretary of USA
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Robert Gates.
2. Dennis Blair
3. David Petraeus
4. Andrew D. Lipman
Question 96: The constructive no-confidence vote in the Basic Law of
Germany means that the Bundestag can overthrow a Chancellor
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Only by a special majority vote
2. Only if it is first able to agree on a successor
3. Only with the consent of the President
4. Only with the consent of the Federal Constitutional
Question 97: In which one of the following countries did women get the
right to vote only in 1971 ?
Correct Answer: 4.
1. Australia
2. New Zealand
3. Mexico
4. Switzerland
Question 98: Who was the First Woman Prime Minister of any Country?
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Smt Indira Gandhi
2. Smt Sirimao Bhandaru Naike
3. Smt Shahin
4. Smt Benjir Bhutto
Question 99: Environment problems and issues received special attention
of the Government of India from the
Correct Answer: 2.
1. Third Five-Year Plan
2. Fourth Five-Year Plan
3. Sixth Five-Year Plan
4. Ninth Five-Year Plan
Question 100: Under Article 243 D, which one of the following categories
enjoys reservation for Panchayat membership in proportion to their population ?
Correct Answer: 1.
1. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
2. Women
3. Backward Classes
4. Physically handicapped persons