(Paper) Sociology Model Test Paper For UGC NET And Civil Service Exams
Sociology Model Test Paper For UGC NET And Civil Service Exams
1. A social institution is?
(a) an established procedure that regulates human behavior
(b) a place where social functions are organized
(c) an organization where social positions are determined
(d) an organization that administers social service
2. Which one of the following is not a social institution?
(a) Kinship
(b) School
(e) Education
(d) Prison
3. Who, among the following, has emphasized the positive functions of conflict
in society?
(a) Georg Simmel
(b) Karl Marx
(c) Max Weber
(d) Noam Chomsky
4. Which one of the following is an attribute of culture?
(a) Culture is divinely gifted
(b) Culture is socially constructed
(c) Culture is genetically inherited
(d) Culture is environmentally manipulated
5. Mass culture generally refers to
(a) the symbolic products of a group
(b) artistic and literary creations
(c) the cultural traits of a society -
(d) commercial products of little or no aesthetic value
6. Which one of the following is meant by cultural relativism?
(a) There are universal Relative cultural norms that we must follow
(b) One’s view of social institutions is coloured by his cultural perspective
(c) The function and meaning of a trait are relative to its cultural settings
(d) One believes that one’s own culture is relatively superior to that of others
7. Which one of the following statements correctly- defines
‘Ethnocentrism’? -
(a) Judging other culture with the help of cultural ‘Ideal Type’
(b) Judging other species by comparing with human species
(c) Looking at other cultures with a sense of inferiority
(d) Judging other cultures by comparison with one’s own
8. Who, among the following sociologists, popularized the term ‘Primary group’?
(a) Erving Goffman
(b) C.H. Cooley
(c) David Harvey
(d) G H. Mead
9. Consider the following statements:
Reference group theory has generally been used by scholars to understand the
process of
1. social mobility among individuals and groups.
2. competition and conflict among individuals and groups.
3. social interaction and symbolic unity.
4. formation of human agency.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a)1 only
(b) 1 and 4
(c)2 and 3
(d)l,2,3 and 4
10. According to Emile Durkheim, ‘‘human agency’ is constrained by
(a) political process
(b) social structure
(c) economic resources
(d) agency of other actors
11. Who among the following, classified religious rites/rituals into positive,
negative and piacular?
(a) B. Malinowski
(b) A.R. Radcliffe-Brown
(c) M. Weber
(d) E. Durkheim
12. Which one of the following theories adopts the model of the organism to
understand the social system?
(a) Conflict theory
(b) Functionalist theory .
(c) Mode of production theory
(d) Behavioural theory
13. Louis Dumont conceptualized caste in terms of
(a) social differentiation and untouchability
(b) class and unequal power relations
(c) dialectical opposition of ‘pure’ and ‘impure’
(d) functional unity and differentiation
14. Gandhian Satyagraha can be considered as an example of which one of the
following Weber’s type of social action?
(a) Instrumental-rational action
(b) Affective action
(c) Value-rational action
(d) Value-neutral action
15. Which one of the following sociologists developed the theory that within the
social system roles become institutionalized clusters of normative rights and
(a) E. Durkheim
(b) R. Merton
(c) K. Davis
(d) R. Linton
16. A status-set refers to which of the following?
1. The set of positions an individual occupies in a given network of social
2. The set of distinctions an individual eam in his/her life.
3. A set of privileges an officer enjoys in bureaucracy.
Select the correct answer using the code given below
(a)1 only
(b) l and 3
(c)2 and 3
(d)1,2 and 3
17. Which of the following is not the characteristic of the Jajmani System?
(a) Reciprocal relationship
(b) Hereditary
(c) Goods against services
(d) This relationship between the ‘servicing’ and the ‘served’ castes was short
18. A social norm is:
(a) what everyone adheres to
(b) an evaluation of the state of affairs as good or bad
(c) a belief in something as good or desirable
(d) is not adhered to by everyone but guides the actions of individuals in
social interactions.
19. According to E. Sutherland, which one of the following is referred to as
white-collar crime?
(a) Crimes committed by social elites
(b) Crimes such as briber and corruption in industry and business
(c) Crimes which go unreported
(d) Crimes committed by habitual offenders
20. Who, among the following sociologists, viewed crime and deviance as playing
a positive role in the functional integration of society?
(a) E. Durkheim
(b) Karl Marx
(c) Auguste Comte
(d) T.H. Marshall
21. According to E. Durkheim, law is the visible symbol of society’s
(a) division of labour
(b) collective consciousness
(c) mechanical solidarity
(d) religious life
22. Who, among the following, identified sensorimotor, pre-operational,
concrete-operational and formal operational as stage in the process of
(a) Jean Piaget -
(b) Erving Goffman
(c) Charles Cooley
(d) G.H. Mead
23. Recognition of the cultuial rights of immigrants in some of the West Europan
countries is a good example of
(a) assimilation
(b) isolation
(c) integration
(d) acculturation
24. Which one of the following is not included in the Power Elite by C. Wright
(a) Political elite
(b) Cultural elite
(c) Military elite
(d) Business elite
25. Which of the following is/are the example/examples of role conflict?
1. A football coach whose daughter is a member of the team.
2. A student going to cinema during class time.
3. A judge listening the case of crime against her son.
Select the correct answer using the code given below
(a) 2only
(b) l and3 -
(c)1 and 2
(d)1,2 and 3
26. Which one of the following is the prime factor in reference group behaviour?
(a) Membership
(b) Out-group
(c) In-group
(d) Relative deprivation
27. In the theory of culture of poverty
(a) structural conditions are identified causing poverty
(b) exploitation of labour is identified causing poverty
(c) lack of talents and skills are identified as causing poverty
(d) attitudes, beliefs and behaviour individuals or groups are identified
causing poverty
28. Relative deprivation is a condition where an individual/a group
(a) has become poorer than before even when he/it is above the poverty line
(b) has fallen below the poverty line due to his/its downward mobility
(c) feels deprived in relation to a group with witch he/it compares
(d) feels deprived in relation to his/its own aspirations of material life
29. According to E. Durkheim, the nature of modem law is?
(a) repressive
(b) restitutive
(c) normative
(d) formal -:
30. The essence of secondary group is its
(a) consciousness of kind
(b) degree of performance
(c) face-to-face relationship
(d) impersonality of relationship
31. Which of the following is not an aspect of social structure?
(a) Language
(b) Norms
(c) Roles and statuses
(d) Institutions
32. R. Dahrendorf argued that post-industrial societies are divided on the lines
(a) class
(b) the exercise of authority
(c) ownership of means of production
(d) democratic Participative models
33. Which one of the following is known as the process by which cultural traits
spread from one culturally distinct group to another?
(a) Evolution
(b) Assimilation
(c) Accommodation
(d) Diffusion
34. Embourgeoisiement is:
(a) failure of mobility of working class
(b) automation of industry
(c) reformulation of bourgeois identity
(d) process of creating bourgeois aspirations, style of living among the working
35. Who has applied ‘pattern variables’ to differentiate between developed and
developing societies?
(a) K. Davis
(b) B. Hoselitz
(c) WE. Moore
(d) T. Parsons
36. Directions :The following question consists of two statements, one labelled as the ‘Assertion (A) ‘and the other as ‘Reason (R)’. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answer to this question using the code given below. -
Assertion (A) Norms and values are fundamental bases of societal make-up.
Reason (R) Only religious institutions teach norms and values.
(a) Both A and Rare individually true and R is the the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true, hut R is not the correct explanation of
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
37. Consider the following statements
On the basis of the recent studies on the families in India, it can be argued
that changes in the family have taken the direction of:
1 making all families small and nucleated.
2. increasing filial dependence of son & on fathers and reducing the scope of
the conjugal relationships.
3. weakening family norms and increasing trends towards neolocal residence.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(b)2 and 3
(c)l and 2
(d)3 only
38. In Radcliffe-Brown’s terms, the relationship between a man and his mother’s
brother in patrilineal society is one of
(a) filiation
(b) complementary fihiation
(c) supplementary filiation
(d) fictional filiation
39. The-term ‘Phratry’ refers to which one of the following?
(a) Grouping of nuclear families in a common household
(b) Followers of a religious sect
(c) A close knit community
(d) Clustering of several clans into exogamous units
40. Consider the following statements:
1. Relationships within patrilineage or matrilineage groups are established and
maintained through descent links traced through either or both parents.
2. Affinal kins are related by marriage.
3. The term ‘avuncular’ refers to prominent position of mother’s brother.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a)1 and 2
(b) 2 only
(c )l and 3
(d)l,2 and 3
41. In bilineal descent
(a) men transmit to sons, while daughters inherit from their mothers
(b) men transmit to daughters and women to their sons
(c) descent is traced in father’s and mother’s line, each for different
attributes or types of property
(d) membership is acquired through father or mother and attributes are
transmitted equally through both parents
42. Which one of the following correctly defines the term kinship?
(a) A socially acknowledged and approved sexual union between two individuals
(b) A socially recognized connection between individuals established either
through marriage or through blood relatives
(c) A group of persons directly linked by kin connections, the adult members of
which assume responsibility for caring the children
(d) A group of people who claim a genealogical connection of descent through
male or female line
Directions (Q. 43-45): The following three (3) items consist of two statements, one labelled as the ‘Assertion (A) ‘and the other as ‘Reason (R)’. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the code given below.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and Rare individually true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
43. Assertion (A) : In the opinion of Irawati Karve, caste is an extended
Reason (R) : Members of the same caste believe that they have descended from a
common ancestor.
44. Assertion (A): Emphasis on conjugal ties is supposed to weaken the stability
of the joint family.
Reason (R) : The father-son relationship and the relationship between brothers
are more crucial for the joint family system than the conjugal relationship.
45. Assertion (A) Monogamy is the most common form of marriage in the
contemporary society.
Reason (R) Status of women is likely to enhance in a monogamous union
46. The theory of social stratification offered by K. Davis W. Moore is known as
(a) Multi-dimensional
(b) Conflict theory
(c) Functional theory
(d) Structuralist theory
47. Which one of the following theory/model states that the system of rewards
leads to a system of stratification?
(a) Conflict theory
(b) Functional theory
(c) Weberian model
(d) Roles-status model
48. Which one of the following statements is correct?
(a) The theory of stratification in the form of ‘class’, of ‘status’ and ‘party’
was given by M. Weber
(b) Karl Marx advocated that super ordinate authority in a society is control
the subordinates by issuing orders, putting demands, giving warnings and
imposing prohibition
(c)R Dahrendorf holds the view that stratification exists in each and every
human society of the world and also it is a functional necessity
(d) R. Merton was the forerunner in propounding the conflict perspective for
explaining social stratification
49. Consider the following statements:
1. Social stratification is ubiquitous.
2. Caste and class are examples of social stratification.
3. Sanskritization takes place outside the framework of caste system.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a)1 and 3
(b) 2 only
(c)l and 2
(d)l,2 and 3
50. Which one of the following is correct with regard to the difference between
a proletariat and a slave?
(a) Proletariat is a free Wage laborer while slave is not
(b) Proletariat is urban while slave is rural
(c) Proletariat owns some land while slave does not
(d) There is no difference between the two