(Paper) UGC NET JRF: Sample Questions Papers and Memory Based Papers with solutions (2003)
UGC NET JRF: Sample Questions Papers and Memory Based Papers with solutions
2003 (Memory Based Paper)
Note. This paper contains fifty (50) multiple-choice questions; each question carrying two (2) marks.
Attempt all of them.
1. Anand is related to Binod and Cinderella; Deepa is Cinderella's mother Also Deepa is Binod's sister and Ela is Binod's sister. How
is Cinderella related to Ela?
a) Niece b) Cousin (c) Sister d) Aunt
2. In a confidential code, 'GET AWAY. FIRE BACKWARDS, MOVE SLOW' is coded as BEN CDCI, QHOE PCTLDCOXU, ZMWE UFMD'. In this code, which of the following could be a possible code for the world METHOD?
Directions Q 3-4: The letters of the English
alphabet are numbered 26 to 1. A is 26, B is 25, C is 24 and so on.
3. Which of the following sequences denotes a valid word?
(a) 6-12-17-23 (b) 5-11-18-22
(c) 5-12-18-23 (d) 5-12-17-23
4. The following sequence with some arithmetic operations has been used to denote the letters in a word. What will be the next term to make it a valid word? 9, 22, 11, 12, 8, .....
a) 21 b) 22 C) 23 d) 24
5. In a military code, the data are communicated as per one of the following rules:
a) Multiply by 2 and divide by 3
b) Square and add one
c) Divide by 2 and add 3
d) Divide by 2 and multiply by 3
Which rule has been used to communicate data in the series?
33, 333, 393, 1266
6. Sanjay is Sarita's brother. "I have as many sisters as brothers", tells Sarita to one of her friends. Sanjay says, "Each of us brothers has only half as many brothers as sisters". How many brothers and sisters does the family have?
a) 4 sisters and 5 brothers
b) 5 sisters and 3 brothers
c) 3 sisters and 4 brothers
d) None of these
7. If DCF means BAD in a particular language code. then which of the following is a valid word in this code.?
c; AY t'C d) None of these
8.A queen has five diamond rings, each weighing differently. Her jeweler gives her the following information:
I. Ring D weighs twice as much as ring E
II. Ring E weighs four and a half times as much as ring F
III. Ring F weighs half as much as ring G
IV. Ring G weighs half as much as ring H
V Ring H weighs less than ring D but more than ring F
As per the above data, which of the following statements is correct?
a)Ali the information is needed to determine the order of weights of the rings
b) Ring G is the lightest in weight
c) Ring H is heavier than both D & F
d) Both rings D & E are heavier in weight than ring H
9. P + Q means P is wife of Q; P - Q means P is son of O: and P " Q means P is sister of Q. Following this relationship, Prashant -
Rakesh ` Ronit will certainly mean all of these except
a) Rakesh is a lady
b) Prashant is son of Rakesh
c) Ronit is father of Prashant
d) None of these
10. As per the rule of coding, RYHKYFYJ is the code for TAJ MAHAL. According to the same rule QUTAB MINAR will be coded as:
c) OSRSCKJLBP d) None of these
11. Which of the following will replace the '?' sign in the series below: 151, 150, 142, ?, 105
a) 125 b) 134 c) 132 d) 127
12. A hunter has just returned after a day's bird shooting. His wife asked, how many birds he had in his bag. He says, "They are all sparrows but six, Gli pigeons but six and all doves but six". How many minimum number of bir~is could he have in his bag?
a) 18 b) 6
c) Cannot be determined
d) None of these
13. Perception, retention and rccall are:
a) source variables .
b) message variables
c) receiver variables
d) channel variables
Directions Q 14-15: In each question below are given a statement followed by three assumptions numbered l, ll and 111. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement, then decide which of the answers is the correct answer.
14. Statement: India's economic growth has come at a terrible price of increased industrial and vehicular pollution. Assumptions:
I. Pollution is a part of industrial society.
II. Indian economic growth is based on only industrial growth.
III. A country desires economics growth with manageable side-effects.
a) Only I b) Only II
c) Only I and III d) Only III
15. Statement: Efforts to develop technologies more appropriate to the needs of the poorest sections of society need to be further
intensified. Assumptions:
I. Nothing is impossible it proper efforts are made.
II. Technology needs are different for different sections of society.
al Only I b) Only III
C) Only II d) Both II and III
Directions (Qs 16 to 25): Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Awong the natural resources which can be called upon in nationai plans for development, possibly the most important is human labour. Since the English language suffers from a cerrtain weakness in its ability to describe as composed of both male and female members, this is usually described as ‘manpower’. Without a productive labour force, including effective leadership and intelligent middle management, no amount of foreign assistance or of natural wealth can ensure successful development and modernization. The manpower for development during the next quarter-century will come from the world's present population of infants, children and adolescents. But we are not sure that they will be equal to the task.
Will they have the health, the education. The skills the socio-cultural attitudes essential for the responsibilities of development. For far too many of them the answer is no. The reason is basic. A child's most critical years, with regard to physicai, intellectual, social and emotional development, are before he reaches five years of age. Curing those critical formative years he is cared for almost
exclusively by his mother, and in many parts of the world the mother may not have-the capacity to raise a superior child. She is incapable of doing so by reason ;if her own poor health, her ignorance and her lack of status and recognition of social and legal rights, of economic; parity of independence. One essential factor has been overlooked or ignored. The forgotten factor is the role of
women. Development will be handicapped as long as women remain second-class citizens, uneducated, without any voice in family or community decisions, without legal or economic status, married when they are still practically children, and henceforth producing one baby after another, often only to see half of them die before they are school age.
Directions (Qs 22 to 25): Read the passage carefully and answer these questions:
Many of the underdeveloped countries will promote the growth of their economies in One way or another no matter whether they receive
substantial outside aid in the process or not. The character of that development, however is likely to be strongly influenced by the tied amounts of aid available. The outcome is much more likely to be favorable, from the objectives for successful (level r) set up previously, if there is substantial' international aid than if there is not. By substantial aid I mean not only large amounts of technical assistance but also of capital. Initially, the capacity of an underdeveloped country to use capital productively may be surprisingly small-limited by lack of organization, trained personnel, and other social obstacles. At this stage technical assistance is its main need from outside, with comparatively small amounts of capital, much of which may have to be in the fonrin of grants for non-self-liquidating projects in education,
health, access roads to rural areas, and the like. if, at this stage, substantial capital available from outside to supplement that can be formed internally (and to stimulate internal capital formation, for it does that too) the rate of economic growth can be considerably increased, and the strains and frustrations and political risks of the development process are likely to be considerably less.
It is possible for underdeveloped economies to modernize themselves with very little capital from outside. Japan's imports of capital were small. Though some of it came at crucial times. The contribution of foreign direct investment to of technical know-how, also was greater than would be indicated merely by the 71’s of investment. The Soviet Union industrialize economy with practically no aid from FDI capital except for the 'owned installations confiscated after the revolution,
though it imported machinery in the early days on short-term or intermediate-term credits and hired services of foreign experts.
Both Japan and Russia achieved their development in an authoritarian political and social framework. The outcome in both cases, from standpoint of the peace of the world and democratic ideals, were highly unfavorable. In the absence of outside aid, the only way accumulate capital is to increase production without taking much of the benefit in more consumption, or even while pushing consumption standards down. Where the people are already near the subsistence level this may mean extreme hardship. Somehow the people must be motivated to change their accustomed ways quickly, to work hard, and to forego present consumption so that capital investment can be made.
22. The passage says:
Without foreign aid to under-developed country can grow;
(2) Underdeveloped countries must refrain from seeking foreign aid;The economies of underdeveloped countries are more likely to grow faster with substantial foreign aid than without;
(4) Underdeveloped countries are economically backward because their governments have not got their priorities right.
23. Substantial aid in this context means:
(1) technical assistance in the form of trained personnel;
(2) capital, in the form of bank loans and overdrafts;
(3) large amount of technical assistance and capital
(4) a cheap and plentiful supply of labour.
24. The availability of substantial capital from outside:
(1) can help to stimulate internal capital formation;
(2) does encourage wasteful tendencies;
(3) seldom helps to accelerate the rate of internal growth;
(4) tends to discourage local capitalformation.
c) allow the mistakes to be committed and explains how to minimise those mistakes
d) is a perfectionist and never allows any mistakes to be committed.
25. The passage says that:
(1) Japan imported substantial capital before it became modernised;
(2) the Soviet Union industrialized its economy with plenty of foreign investment capital;
(3)Japan rejected offers of substantial foreign capital investment in the early stages of its economic development;
(4) In the early days of the economic development the Soviet Union imported machinery on short-term or intermediate-term credits and hired
foreign experts.
Directions: Questions are independent of each other
26. To find out whether learning has taken place, psychologists would consider the criterion of:
a) social pressures
b) habit formation
c) motivation
d) Speed of reaction
27. What should be the teacher's response towards mistakes?
a) take all precautions so that students never commit mistakes
b) should mildly punish students if they make mistakes
b) it was too difficult for him to remember
c) it was lost as a result of learning something else subsequently
d) one can hardly remember what is not used daily
28. When a student cannot recall something he had learnt some time back, we can assume that:
29. How should a teacher introduce a new subject in class for the first time?
a) begin the first chapter without delay
b) give a broad outline of what is going to be done
c) divide the class into groups for discussing the topic
d) give a preface and start the lesson
30. The development of a person's desirable characteristics is largely because of:
a) learning
b) Increased sensitivity to appropriate stimuli
c) Increased understanding
d) Improved behavior
31. If each side of a square is increased by 50%, the ratio of the area of the new square to the area of the old square is
a) 5:4 b) 9:4
c) 4:5 d) 4:9
32. The ratio of three numbers is 3 : 4 : 5 and the sum of their squares is 1250. The sum of the numbers is
a) 60 b) 90
c) 30 d) 50
33. If two numbers are in the ratio (3 : 13 and their least common multiple is 312, then the larger number is
a) 12
c) 24
b) 26
d) 52
34. A, B, C and D have Rs. 40, 50. 60 end 7C respectively when they go to visit a fair. A spends Rs 18, B spends, P,.s. 21, C spends Rs. 24 and D spends Rs. 27. Who has done the highest expenditure proportionate to his resources?
a) A b) B
c) C d) D
35. A journey of 260 km. between two cities takes 3 hours less by train than the car. If the average speed of the car is 6 km/hr less than the speed of the train, the average speed of the train is
a) 26 km/hr b) 52 km/hr
c) 10 km/hr d) 13 km/hr
36. What is the average of Rural Male Population in millions?
a) 36.1 b) 39.7
c) 37,9 d) 30.3
37. In which category of population, is there the lowest percentage of children in the school?
Urban males 5 - 9
Rural males 5 - 9
Urban females 5 - 9
Rural females 10 - 14
38. What is the approximate percentage of children of all categories not in school?
a) 40.8 b) 31.5 c) 30.5 d) 31.13
39. What is the approximate number of children in millions who are working?
a) 17 b) 18 c) 19 d) 16
40. What percent is the ratio between urban males and rural males not in school?
a) 16 b) 18 c) 15.33 d) None of these
41. Directions 36 to 40: The following table gives Population and Activities of Indian Children (1993-94), Study the table carefully and answer these questions.
Total Population Not in school and Not in school and Child Population Age/Gender Group (million) in School working not working not in school million
Rural males 5-9 39,7 67 2 1 3 31.5 13.02I
Rural females 5-9 35,7 56,2 3.0 40.8 15.63
Urban males 5-9 11.~ 84 1 0.3 15.2 1.79
Urban females 5-9 10.2 80.1 1.3 18.6 2.02
Rural males 10-14 36 1 76 6 12.8 10.6 8.44
Rural females i0-14 55.7 30.3 14.0 13.42
Urban males 10-14 11_7 87 2 7.0 5.8 1.50
Urban females 10-1 1 G .~i 81.6 13.1 5.3 1.93
Total er- r 57.75
Directions 41 to 46: The following table gives the enrolment in Higher Secondary Schools in 1978.Study the table carefully and answer these
Enrolment No. of Schools
41. what is the approximate percentage of schools, where the enrolment was below 120?
a) 59.16 b) 59.27 c) 60 d) 61
42. What is the approximate percentage of schools, where the enrolment was above 79 but below 180?
a) 56 c)- 57 b) 56.39 d) 55
43. Under which class do the maximum of schools fall?
a) 100-119 b) 80-99 c) 60-79 d) None of these
44. What is the approximate percentage of the least number of schools for the classes of enrolment?
a) 8 b) 9.5 c) 9 d) 10
45. What is the approximate percentage of the least number of schools for the classes of enrolment?
a) 8 b) 9.5 c) 9 d) 10
46. What is the average enrolment per H.S.school 1833 School?
a) 107.87 b) 217.60 c) 109.5 d) 129.5
47 . Directions for questions 47 to 50: In these questions, two statements are given, followed by two inferences A and B. Assume the
statements to be true, mark your answer as:
a) If only inference A follows,
b) If only inference B follows,
c) If both A and B fallow,
d) If neither A nor B follows
47. All mothers are aunts.
All aunts are ladies. So,
A: All mothers are ladies,
B: All aunts are mothers.
48. Some doctors are fools.
Some fools are rich. So,
A: Some doctors are rich.
B: Some rich are doctors.
49. All goats are cows.
Some goats are lambs. So,
A: All goats are lambs.
B: Some lambs are cows
50. All pedestrians are poor.
All poor are honest. So,
A: All honest are pedestrians.
B: All pedestrians are honest.
1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. d 6. d 7 d 8. d 9. c 10. d 11. d 12. d 13. c 14. c 15. d 16. 2 17. 4 18. 2 19. 3 20. 4 21. 1 22. 3 23. 3 24. 1 25. 4 26. a 27. c 28. c 29. b 30. c 31. b 32. a 33. d 34. a 35. a 36. c 37. d 38. d 39. c 40. b 41. a 42. b 43. b 44. b 45.c 46.a 47.a 48.d 49. b 50. b