(Paper) UGC NET JRF : Sample Questions Papers and Memory Based Papers with solutions (December - 2003)
UGC NET JRF: Sample Questions Papers and Memory Based Papers with solutions (December - 2003)
PAPER - 1 2003 (Memory Based Paper)
Note. This paper contains fifty (50) multiple-choice questions; each question carrying two (2) marks.
Attempt all of them.
Note. This paper contains fifty multiple-choice questions, each question carrying two marks. Attempt all of them.
1. Cause celebre. It is only the latest term to circulate with alarming regularity. Have cause, will espouse, happens to be the latest mantra of high society. The beautiful people may not know much about housing problems, encroachment etc. but will oppose slum demolitions. They may not know about the drought problems in Saurashtra, but will rant against the Sardar Sarovar project. In my opinion they are…….
a) anti-poor
b) celebrities such as authors or movies stars
c) by and large unaware of ground realities and only involved in a “cause” for the sake of doing so.
d) by and large aware of the situation at ground zero but not of the ramifications of supporting a particular cause.
2. The former soviet union built up the world’s largest standing army. Its military industrial complex fabricated a whopping 45,000 nuclear warheads at the height of the cold war its sphere of influence extended from Vietnam to cuba. Yet the “soviet structure” was challenged from within……without considering history as we it, which of the following statements would give credence to the above view.
a) the soviet union was too large to govern.
b) despite the soviet union’s military might, it failed to raise the standard of living of its citizens thereby fuelling economic and more dangerously political discontent of the system.
c) The soviet union was not strong militarily with respect to the other major power of the world.
d) The system of governance in the soviet union was non-sustainable.
3. The Hizb-ul-Mujahideen has just declared a three-month long cease fire. The news has come as a pleasant surprise for pundits who have long been predicting that since it has already been a decade of full-scale militancy, Kashmir, like Punjab would too turn the corner. Which of the follwing examples follows a similar logic.
a) Lawyer- “I have won a lot of cases, but of late certain hostile judges have sullied my record.”
b) Cop- “I have arrested a lot of people, but none have ever had political connections.”
c) Scientist- “I have discovered 6 new plants in 6 months alone, so by the time I retire, I probably would have discovered many more.”
d) Aeronautical engineer- “The prithvi missile was handed over to army after 3 successful test flights. Today we are about to test Agni-II for the third time and then we will hand it over to the army.”
4.The glory days of hindi cinema are long over. Remember the time when movies such as Jagte Raho, Do Bigha Zameen, Mother India, Kaagaz ke Phool made animpact. Today, all that bollywood has to offer are muscle men and bimbos, teamed up for lewd songs! Which of the following if true would weaken the author’s argument?
a) All hindi movies churned out by bollywood today cannot be categorized as bad movies
b) We get the movies we deserve.
c) The examples which the author cites to prove his point are not reflective of all the movies of the putative “glory days” and “muscle men and bimbos in lewd songs” have always been a part of bollywood since its inception.
d) The movies of today are more commercialized and have to cater to the lowest common denominator.
5. Mr. Jacob works for coffee plantation in Coorg. He gets paid Rs. 30 per hour subject to the fact that the beans are retrieved from at least 10 plants in the same time. Otherwise he gets paid Rs.15 for the same duration. What does this say about Mr. Jacob or his company?
a) Mr. Jacob is assured o a regular income till he retires.
b) The company in question nas not adapted to the new market scenario that dictates
that labour must be paid scle!y on the basis of productivity.
c) Mr. Jacob does not meet his targets oflen.
d) The company in question links a part of the wages it pays to the productivity of its
6. Richard Branson gets off a Virg in-Atlantic flight dressed in a Bhangra outfit. He reaks into a Jig with the local dancers at New Delhi's international airport (India). He wan's to
promote his air service to London and hence the "bhangra naach (bhar?gra dance)" Branson does all !his because.
a) he wants his airline to knock British Airways out of the picture,
b) because he knows that there if a large Sikh community which nnay want to use
the service.
c) to entice Indians into trying out his airline by "doing in Rome as the Romans do"
d) by dancing his way into Indian hearts.
Read the passage given below and answer the question nos. 7 and 8 :
Everyone wants to go the United States, it's all very well to give the GRE and ail but it's quite another to get adjusted to the "American Culture”. For starters America is not the land of promiscuity, at least as far as Asians students are concerned .Asian students score amazing marks in examinations but probably never attend a fart part.
7. Asian American are………….
a) Prosperous but not social
b) prosperous but putatively social
c) sybarite
d) None of the above
8. Asian students are academically far superior vis-a-vis American students in the realm of academia. Which of the following is also true ot the indian students.
a) the. Indian students are promiscuous.
b) the Indian students are not promiscuous.
c) the Indian students are not invited to frat party.
d) none et the above
Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions based on them.
As a human enterprise, research involves ethical questions, not in terms of the questions we address but in terms of how we address
these questions and report our results. Over the past two decades a number of studies have brought into sharp focus some of the issues involved. For example, in one research effort that won a prize from the American Association for the Advancement of Science, subjects were told to teach other subjects ("learners") a list of paired associate words and to punish then with an electric shock when an error was made.
The issue in Vitiated was obedience to authority. Although actual shocks were not used, the subjects believed that it was being used and often "administered" high levels despite pleas from the "learners" that it was painful. In another research effort in which a prison environment was simulated, subjects took on the roles of guards and prisoners. Subject "guards' were found to be verbally and physically aggressive to subject "prisoners," who allowed themselves to be-treated in a dehumanized way. Finally, we are all probably aware of one behavior modification program or another that has been used to shape the behavior children or patients without their consent or voluntary participation. Such programs are dramatic in the issues they raise, hut the underlying question concerning ethical principles of research is fundamental, Do experimenters have the right to require participation? To deceive subjects? That are the ethical responsibilities of researchers to subjects and to psychology as a science? The former has been an issue of concern to the American Psychological Association, and it has adopted a list ofrelevant ethical principles. The essence of these principles is that "the psychologist carries out the investigation with respect and concern for the dignity and welfare of the people who participate." This includes, evaluating the ethical acceptability of the research, determining whether subjects in the study will be at risk in any way, and establishing a clear and fair agreement with research participants concerning the obligations and responsibilities of each.
Although the use of concealment or deception is recognised as necessary in some case, strict guidelines are presented. It is recognized as the responsibility of the investigator to protect participants from physical and mental discomfort, harm and danger. The ethical responsibility of psychologists includes the interpretation and presentation of results as well as the conduct of the research. Of late there has been serious concern in science generally with "the spreading stain of fraud". Some concern with this issue began with charges that Sir Cyril Burt, a once prominent British psychologist, intentionally misrepresented data in his research on the inheritance of intelligence. In other fields of science there have been reports of investigators intentionally manipulating data to enhance their chances of publication, grant funding, promotion, and public recognition. Recently, there was an investigation whether psychologists working in the area of alcoholism had intentionally misrepresented their data. The issue of fraud is one that scientists do not like to recognise or talk about because it goes against the very fabric of the scientific enterprise. Although fraudulent data and falsified conclusions are very rare, the profession of psychologists is beginning to face up to their existence and to take constructive steps in solving the problem.
Much more subtle than fraud, and undoubtedly of much broader significance, is the issue of the effects of personal and social bias on the ways in which issues are developed and the kinds of data that are accepted as evidence in support for one or
another kind of enterprise. In considering sex differences, for example, to what extent are research projects developed in a way that is free from bias and to what extent is evidence for or against the existence of sex differences equally likely to be accepted? To what extent do our own social and political values influence not only what is studied but how it is studied and the kinds of conclusions we are prepared to reach? As noted, although scientists make every effort to be objective and remove all possible sources of error and bias from their research, this remains a human enterprise with the potential for personal, social, cultural, and political influence.
Finally, we may note in a related way the role of research in the formulation of public policy. Though still in an early stage of development as a science, psychology does relate to fundamental human concerns and psychologists are often called on to suggest the relevance of this research for public policy. This has happened with intelligence tests and immigration policy, child development and the effects of early enrichment programs; and the effects of television violence on aggression in everyday life. Recently, Seligman's work has been related to societal functioning, with the suggestion that some social programs may operate to increase learned helplessness. For example, many Scandinavian countries have served as a model for social reform and social welfare. While praising these accomplishments, one Swedish psychologist has warned that a potential side effect of overly extensive programs in this area may be the development of a broad earned helplessness phenomenon in the population. !n sum, among the issues that concern us as researchers and as consumers of research is that of how the results may be interpreted to direct, support, or refute various social policies
9. The passage says that,
(A) Researchers need to be free from all kinds of bias and they always are.
(B) Researchers need to be free from all kinds of bias and they never are.
(C) Researchers need to be free from all kinds of bias and they sometimes are not.
(D) Researchers need not to be free from all kinds of bias and still they always are.
10. All the following are the reasons for scientists misrepresenting data except
(A) to receive acclaim
(B) to get research papers published
(C) to intentionally harm competitor colleagues
(D) to facilitate faster flow of funding.
11. It can be inferred from the passage that
(A) psychology is in its nascent stage of being evolved into a science.
(B) psychology has evolved fully as a science.
(C) psychology can never evolve into a complete science.
(D). psychology will have to struggle if it wants to evolve into a complete science.
12. The psychological research findings,
a). can never be used practically for the purposes of social policy support.
b) can and should be used for the purposes of social policy support.
c) can but should not be used for the purposes of social policy support.
d) the passage does not mention any connection between research and social policy.
13. One can assume that,
a) If people are told that a certain thing would happen they tend to believe that it has happened even if it actually has not.
b)If people are told that a certain thing would happen they never tend to believe that it has happened if it actually has not.
c) If people are told that a certain thing would happen they never tend to believe that it has happened even if it actually has
d) None of the above.
14. The author is against:
a) all psychological research.
b) all research
c) all research in which the subject is treated badly
d) all of the above.
15. "Subjects" could be,
(a) the topics under discussion for psychological research.
(b) the people who volunteer for psychological experiments to be carried out on them.
(c) the animals which are used to carry out experiments.
(d) Both (b) and (c)
16. The American Psychological Association does all the following except;
a) give guidelines to carry out research using subjects.
b) evaluate if a research is ethically acceptable.
c) decide the responsibilities of all the research participants.
d) penalize the researcher if his experiment is in any way harmful.
Q. 17-18. A and B are mothers-in-law of C and D, not necessarily in that order. B is daughter of A. C is the only male member in the group.
17. How is C related to D?
a) spouse b) siblings
c) father d) can't be determined
18. If B is the only daughter of A and B is the mother in law of D then C is ...... of D
a). Husband b) father in law
c) brother d) brother in law
19. In a software company where every person knows at least one language, 50% know poha language 60% know kova language 70% know vada language. 20% know poha and kova language, 30% know kova and vada language, 30% know vada and poha language. How many people know all the
three language.
a) 30% b) 25%
c) 0% d) 10%
20. A toothpaste manufacturer is giving two different offers on its 100g tube. The first one is giving 30% extra at the same price, and
the second one is giving 30% off on the marked price. By what percentage is the first offer costlier than the second one?
a) 4.2% b) 2.4%
c) 9.88% d) 0%
21. Train A takes 4.5 hours to go form, Station X to Station Y. Train B takes 6 hours to go from Station Y to Station X. If train A starts from X at 12:OOpm and train B starts from Y at 1:304)m, when will they meet?
a) 3:12 b) 3:32
c) 1:52 d) 2:42
22. 5762 =?
a) 331776 b) 271774
c) 271786 d) 312566
Q 23-24 : Six persons Ana, Bana, Cana, Dana, Ena and Fana were playing a game of cards. Ana's father, mother and uncle were in the group. There were two women. Bana, the mother of Ana gets more points than her
husband. Dana got more point Ena but less than Fana. Niece of Ena got lowest points. Father of Ana got more points than Fana but could not win the game?
23. Who won the game?
a) Bana b) Cana
c) Aria d) Fana
24. If Bana was me of the ladies, who was the
other lady?
a) Fana b) Ana
c) Dana d) Ena
Q. 25 to 30: Consider the first 135 multiples of 6
25. What is the sum of the numbers?
a) 55070 b) 55080
c) 54540 d) 56080
26. What will be the average of the numbers?
a) 357 b) 358
c) 408 d) 407
27. If in place of 6, a student takes 135 multiples
of 7, what will be the ratio of averages?
a) 6/7 b) 3/.
c) 4/7 d) 43/35
28. In a school 30% of students are boys and rest, girls. 60% of the students are tall and the rest are short. If 10% of the students are short boys and 60 students are girls and are tall. How many of the students are tall boys?
a) 40 b) 20 c) 45 d) 30
29. If Raja cannot count, he can spell. If Purnima does not pay, Taru.n goes on strike. If Purnima pays, Raja can spell.Therefore if Tarun does not go on strike
a) Purnima does not pay
b) Raja can count
c) Raja cannot count
d) none of the above
30. Either Pakistan will test the Ghauri missileor India will conduct a nuclear test. Either the United States will not lift sanctions on India or Clinton will visit India. Which of the following is necessary to ensure that India conducts a nuclear test and Clinton will visit India.
a) Pakistan will not test the Ghaurimissile and the United States will not lift sanctions.
b) Pakistan will test the Ghauri missile and the United States will lift sanctions.
c) Pakistan will not test the Ghauri missile.
d) Pakistan will not test the Ghauri missile and the United States will lift sanctions.
31 to 34: The following pie charts give the break-up of the expenditures and revenues for an automobile manufacturing firm,
Jalopy Motors, for the first 8 months of the year '98.
Rs 1400 crore Rs 1600 crore
Code A B C D
Entity_ Wages Raw mat. _ Power bill
Sourced Ports
Code E F G
Entit Frei ht Taxes Misc.
Entity Scooterettes Scooters Bikes Cars SUVs
31. What is the power bill of the company for the given period? (in crore)
a) 40 b) 48 c) 58 d) 70
32. If the shares of the different expenditures don't change, and the expenditures are proportional to time, what would be the difference between the wage bill and taxes for the year'98? (in cr.)
a) 35 b) 56 c) 78 d) 84
33. What are the revenues from bikes as a percentage of that from cars for the given period?
a) 75% b) 80°6 cy 120~~ d) 140;0
34. If the shares of the different sources of revenues remain constant and the revenues keep coming at the same rate, what would be
the difference between the revenues from cars and SUVs for the year '98'? (in cr.)
a) 160 b) 180 c) 220 d) 240
Q. 35 to 39: Following are the results of the survey of five villages conducted by the agricultural department. The table gives
details about the different crops grown and the irrigation facilities available. A village is given standard aid if less than 35% of the
arable land is under irrigation. If the land under irrigation is between 35% and 50%, but the village grows rice on more than 50% of
its arable land, then it is given partial aid. The village that has least area under irrigation among the
unaided (partial or otherwise) ones would be eligible for special water grant. Rice I wheat Others irrigated
Nagaon 120 40 100 25%
Hatigaon 230 80 90 38%
GaUripUr 160 140 100 45%
Basugaon 80 14G 100 66%
Bangaon 180 60 120 30%
35. How many villages are eligible for standard aid?
a) 1 b) 2 ci 3 d) 4
36. Which of the following viliuyes are eligible for partial aid?
a) Nagaon b) Hatigaon
c) Gauripur d) Eanyaon
37. Which village got the speoal v.,a±pr grant'?
a) Nagaon b) Hatigaon
c) Gauripur d) Bangaon
38. What percentage of the total arable land of the villages is eligible for standard aid is under irrigation?
a) 28% b) 33% c) 24% d) 42%
39, if the average production of wheat per hectare is 150 tons, what is the production of wheat by Nagoan and Hatigaon? (in '000 tons)
a) 18 b) 29 c) 34 d) 30
40. Which of the following statements is NOT correct
(a) Audio-visual media is the strongest form of effective teaching
(b) Cable TV, E-mail, Internet are not forms of mass media
(c) Radio is an effective medium of propaganda
(d) The earliest form of audio-visual was cinema.
41. `Television as a medium of visual communication offers immense
possibilities to overcome illiteracy barrier. This statement is
(a) true (b) partially true
(c) false (d) absurd
42. The radio is
(a) a source of enjoyment only
(b) a visual aid
(c) both an audio and a visual aid
(d) an audio media.
43. Which of the following measures could optimize effectiveness of the 'Visuals'?
(a) Preparing a colourful visual
(b) Preparing an attractive visual
(c) By explaining what is to be observed in the visual
(d) Asking students to prepare notes.
44. Which of these develop imagination among learners?
(a) Radio (b) Books (c) Educational films
(d) Pictures.
45. Communication can be
(a) Intra
(B) A personal
(C) Inter
(D) All of the above.
46. A teacher must have a character
(a) for the students try to imbibe the way of life of the teacher
(b) so that the parents of the school students are impressed
(c) so that the managing committee likes him
(d) so that he can lead his life well.
47. A man starting at a point walks 1 km east, then 2 km north, then 1 km east, then 1 km north, then 1 km east and then 1 km north to arrive at his destination. What is the shortest distance between the starting point and his destination?
a) 8 km b) 7 km c) 6 km d) 5 km
48. Of the three numbers the first is twice the second and half of the third. If the average of the three numbers is 56, the three numbers in
order are:
a) 96, 24, 48
c) 48, 24, 96
c) 48, 96, 24
d) 96, 48, 24
49. A building contractor employs 20 males, 15 female and some child workers. He pays Rs. 25 per day to a male worker, Rs. 20 per day to
a female worker and Rs. 8 per day to a child worker. If the average wage per day paid by the contractor is Rs. 21, how many child
workers did the contractor employ?
a) 4 b) 5 c) 7 d) 8
50. What is the smallest number, which when divided by 3, 8 and 15 leaves the remainder 1,6 and 13 respectively?
a)121 b) 242 c)118 d) 239
1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. d 6. c 7. d 8. c 9. c 10.c 11. a 12.b 13.a 14. c 15.b 16.d 17.d 18. a 19. c 20.c 21.a 22.a 23.a 24.b 25. b 26. c 27. c 28. d 29. a 30. b 31.d 32.d 33.c 34.d 35. b 36.b 37.c 38.a 39. a 40.a 41.a 42.d 43. c 44. d 45. d 46. a 47. d 48. c 49. b 50. c