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(Tips) SSB Preparation : An Overview (PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS)
SSB Preparation : An Overview
Your Handwriting is the mirror to judge your quality. Write
neatly and legibly.Since these tests are designed to calculate your IQ, try and
complete,as many questions as possible; but at the same time, do not do so
without thinking sufficiently. Even75% of the questions answered correctly will
see you thorough. Since every test is co-related, be positive in what you
write.Your pen picture should tally with your thoughts pen down.Since you are
being compared with all other candidates your best performance will take you to
your ultimate Goal.
WAT Word Association Test: Write the first positive thought that comes to your mind.Time given is 15 seconds to write. The sentence need not be grammatically correct or the word used just to write a sentence. Remember this is not a Make a sentence type exam.This is designed to test your inner thoughts. So be careful in what ever you write.