(Schedule) IAS 2009 Preparation Schedule

Schedule : IAS 2009 Preparation Schedule

July - September 2008: Prepare the second optional (optional only for the mains)

October- December 2008: Prepare GS for both mains and prelims. Prepare the first optional for mains. Develop essay writing skills.

January - May 2009: Prepare the first optional and GS for prelims but with an eye on the mains.

June - August 2009: After the prelims, prepare the second optional for mains. Prepare GS for mains.

September - October 2009: Intensive preparation for the mains

After the mains, continue preparation for the interview and  for 2010 prelims.


dis is naresh studying 2nd btech EEE
im very intrested in civil services...
so pls suggest me what type of optionals will be take in mains..
