(Study Material) Commerce : Study Material (Organizational Behaviour)

Human  Relation Movement


MBA Organizational Behaviour
In human relations movement, according to Fred Luthans three major events took place, describe these with suitable examples.
According to Fred Luthans three events are
(a) The great depression
(b) The Hawthorne experiments and
(c) Rise of trade unionism

The economy was operating in the high gear just before the thundering financial crash occurred in 1929.the production and the organization specialists had achieved great result s prior to the crash. After the crash the management began to realize the production could no longer be the only major responsibility of management. Marketing, finance and more importantly personnel were also required in order for a business to survive and grow. The depression‘s due to unemployment, discontent and insecurity brought and cope with. Personnel department were either created or given more importance and most managers now began to develop a new awakened view of the human aspects of their jobs. Thus human relations took an added significance, as an indirect, and in some cases direct.

Another important factor contributing factor to the rise of human relations role of management was the organized labour movement. Although labour unions were in existence in America as early as 1792, it was not until the passage of Wagner act in 1935 that the organized labor movement made an impact on management. In India, though workers unions existed since the later half of the 19th centaury, they operated under terrible legal constraints. It was only in 1926 with passage of trade union act 1926 that the manager began realizing that the trade union had come to stay in spite of the wishes of the managers or for that matter management. The only go to avoid any portable friction with the trade union was to understand the human relations role of the management

Western electric co. conducted Hawthorn works a research program in the work situations which affects the morale and productive efficiency of workers. During research the company was aided by suggestion of Prof. Elton mayo and his associates from Harvard University. Because large part that Harvard played in the project it is often referred to as the Hawthrone-Harward experiments or studies The Hawthorne studies represents the pioneer attempts to make a systematic and intensive study of the human factor and to demonstrate the utmost complexity in work setting where people interact in small groups under varied organizational conditions. Like any experiments design the researchers manipulated the independence variable (illumination) to observe its effects on the dependent variable and attempted to hold other factors under control. The following are the broad segments of the study

(a)Illumination experiments (1924-1927)
To study the effects of changed illuminations on work, some groups of employee were formed in one group the illumination remained unchanged throughout the experiments whereas in other group (experimental group) the illumination was enhanced in intensity. Meanwhile the productivity in experimental group showed an improvement. But strangely the output of the control also went up. The researchers then preceded to decreases the illumination for the experimental group. The output went up. Everybody recognized there wads something much more important other than wages, hours, working condition, which influences the productivity.

(b) Relay room experiments.
The relay room experiments were initiated in 1927 represents the actual beginning of the Hawthorne studies. Taking a clue from illumination experiments the research continued taking 2 girls for the experiments. These girls were asked to choose other 4 girls and, made a small group of 6.the group was employed in assembling telephone relays. The experiments started by introducing numerous changes each of which continued for a test period ranging from four to twelve weeks. Under normal working conditions with a forty eight hour week and no rest pauses, each girl produced 2400 relays week. These girls were then placed on piece of work basis for 8 weeks and productivity increased. Next, two five minutes rest pauses introduced and afterwards increased to n10 minutes. Productivity increased sharply. Company provided hot meal free of charge, the productivity increased. After all these amenities withdraw and girls returned to their normal working condition with 48hours/week, and no free meals. But still the productivity was highest. The productivity increased because of girls attitudes towards their works. The group developed a sense of responsibility and self discipline

(c) Second relay room and mica splitting test room experiments
In the mica splitting study, although the isolated test room conditions of the original relay study were reproduced, the workers were engaged under their normal individual piece rate plan rather than small group incentive schemes employed with the lay room experimental subjects. As result the productivity increased 15% during the period of 14 months.

(d) Mass interviewing program
Another major aspect of the Hawthorne studies consisted of 21000 interviews carried out during1928 to 1930.the original objective was to explore information, wich could be used to improve supervisory training. Initially these interviews were conducted by means of direct questioning. But this method had disadvantage of simply yes or no response. Thus the method has changed to non directive interviewing where the interviewer was to listen instead of talk, argue or advice, and take on the role of confidant.

(e) Bank wiring room study:
The chief objective was to conduct an observational analysis of the work group.
In this experiment 14 men were chosen for bank wiring. This was the process where two lose wire ends were soldered. In that 9 were wiremen, 3 solder man, 2 inspectors. The job involved attaching wires to switches for certain parts of telephone equipment. The study involved no experimental changes once it had started it were carried out by 2 persons-an observer and an interviewer. The interviewer remained as an outsider and his task was to explore as much possible by interviewing the individual worker .he carried his work in strict confidence, privately and in different part of the company. He never entered wiring room. the result of the bank wiring room which are marked apposite to those obtained relay room, revealed that this small group of workers emerged as a team with informal leaders who had come up spontaneously. The group was indifferent towards the financial incentives of the factory .the output was neither more nor less. This implies that it would be irrational to break up these groups.


Define organizational behavior, what are the basic assumptions which you come across during the study of this subject.
Organizational behavior is the study of what people think, feel and do in and around organizations. It explores individual emotions and behavior, team dynamics and the systems and structures of organizations. Organizational behavior seeks to provide an understanding of the factors necessary for managers to create an organization that is more "effective" or "successful" than its competitors.

It is the study of the performance of individuals and groups in different structures and cultures within the work place.

According to Keith Davis “organizational behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people act within organizations. It is human tool for the human benefit. It applies broadly to behavior of people in all type of organization such as business, government, schools, etc. it helps people, structure, technology, and the external environment blend together in to an effective operative system”.

Fred Luthans defines organizational behavior as “understanding, predicting and controlling human behavior at work”.

Stephen Robins defines as a “field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have an organization for the purpose of applying such knowledge improving an organization’s effectiveness”.

An industrial enterprise is an organization of the people.
These people are motivated to work effectively.
The goals of employers and employees are not necessarily coincide.
The policies and the procedure adopted in an enterprise may influence people in the directions not always foreseen by the policy makers.
A Enumerate the basic fundamental concepts of organizational behavior .also give out various 4 models with facets one can read in this subject study
every discipline of study has certain set of individual concepts. They are the foundation stones on which the entire edifice of the discipline is developed. In the discipline of accountancy the fundamental concepts is “for every debit entry there will be a credit entry”. In the natural science the fundamental concepts is the concepts of uniformity of nature. In simple word we can explain fundamental concepts of, organizational behavior revolve around the nature of human being and the nature of organization. These fundamental concepts help manager understand some basics of human behavior at work The discipline of organizational behavior has fundamental concepts revolving round the nature of people and the nature of organizational. The concepts dealing with the nature of individual are four. They are

  1. Individual difference
  2. Whole person
  3. Motivation
  4. Human dignity

In spite of all the human being similar every one is different. Every one has a different gift of nature. Different quality of intelligence, Different perception and the different ways of behavior. The concept tells that every person is an entity in him. When it comes to human behavior there can not be a prescriptive solution. Every person is to be treated differently even though two people have the same behavioral problems. The concept tells that manager that he had better be aware of his own stereotype. This concept not only tells that a manger should treat every person as an entity in himself but he should also examine his own stereotypes.

In olden day’s employee were refereed to as hands implying that the organization hires only the hands of man. Nothing can be farther from the truth. An organization hires not only the hands of employee but hires complete men with all his pluses and minuses. At the same since a person performs many roles at the same times the happenings is one role are bound to affects the behavior in other roles of the person. The concept tells the manager than when it comes to behavioral problems, he must also take into account the other roles of the person. If the whole person is to be developed than only the benefits will extend beyond the organizational to the entire society. In which the employee lives MOTIVATION: THE concept reminds the manger of the law enunciated by Newton that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This means the manager, by his own behavior, can cause an employee behave in a particular way. Is he is respectful to his employee they are bound to be respectful to him not otherwise

HUMAN DIGNITY: THIS CONCEPT IS OF DIFFERENT ORDER FROM OTHER THREE BECAUSE IT IS MORE AN ETHICAL PHILOSOPHY TAH A SCINTIFIC CONCLUTION.IT CONFIRMS THAT PEOPLE ARE TO BE TREATED DIFFERENTLY FROM OTHER FACTORS OF PRODUTION. Because they are of higher order, they want to be treated with respect of dignity, when every one, the employee, the manager as the CEO of an organization is engaged in the same pursuit. The pursuit of enabling their organization to achieve the objections for it has come in existence. Thus they are on the equal footing. The concept tells that every person should be respected simply because he happens to be an employee just as the manager is.

Freud Theory

Describes the theory of unconscious behavior as shaped by Sigmund Freud. Give out the characteristics of needs or motives which are directed to satisfy by human behavior.
The concepts of motivation are the central part of organizational behavior. Whenever a Certain behavior is be encouraged is be encouraged give rewards. Whenever a certain behavior is to be discouraged, give punishment. But human behavior is not always motivated either by rewards or by punishment or both. Much of the human behavior is instinctively based. The instincts behavior may be jealously, love, anxiety, fear, lust ext.

Implicit in the industrial approach to human behavior is the hint that human behavior is unconscious behaviorist was Sigmund Freud (1856-1939, Sigmund Freud, physiologist, medical doctor, psychologist and father of psychoanalysis, is generally recognized as one of the most influential and authoritative thinkers of the twentieth century) However, who shaped the theory of unconscious behavior. Freud's theory of the unconscious, then, is highly deterministic, a fact which, given the nature of nineteenth century science, should not be surprising. Freud was arguably the first thinker to apply deterministic principles systematically to the sphere of the mental, and to hold that the broad spectrum of human behavior is explicable only in terms of the (usually hidden) mental processes or states which determine it. Thus, instead of treating the behavior of the neurotic as being causally inexplicable - which had been the prevailing approach for centuries - Freud insisted, on the contrary, on treating it as behavior for which is meaningful to seek an explanation by searching for causes in terms of the mental states of the individual concerned. Hence the significance which he attributed to slips of the tongue or pen, obsessive behavior, and dreams - all, he held, are determined by hidden causes in the person's mind, and so they reveal in covert form what would otherwise not be known at all. This suggests the view that freedom of the will is, if not completely an illusion, certainly more tightly circumscribed than is commonly believed, for it follows from this that whenever we make a choice we are governed by hidden mental processes of which we are unaware and over which we have no control.

The postulate that there are such things as unconscious mental states at all is a direct function of Freud's determinism, his reasoning here being simply that the principle of causality requires that such mental states should exist, for it is evident that there is frequently nothing in the conscious mind which can be said to cause neurotic or other behavior. An 'unconscious' mental process or event, for Freud, is not one which merely happens to be out of consciousness at a given time, but is rather one which cannot, except through protracted psychoanalysis, be brought to the forefront of consciousness. The postulation of such unconscious mental states entails, of course, that the mind is not, and cannot be, identified with consciousness or that which can be an object of consciousness - to employ a much-used analogy, it is rather structurally akin to an iceberg, the bulk of it lying below the surface, exerting a dynamic and determining influence upon the part which is amenable to direct inspection, the conscious mind Deeply associated with this view of the mind is Freud's account of the instincts or drives. The instincts, for Freud, are the principal motivating forces in the mental realm, and as such they 'energies' the mind in all of its functions. There are, he held, an indefinitely large number of such instincts, but these can be reduced to a small number of basic ones, which he grouped into two broad generic categories, Eros (the life instinct), which covers all the self-preserving and erotic instincts, and Thanatos (the death instinct), which covers all the instincts towards aggression, self-destruction, and cruelty. Thus it is a mistake to interpret Freud as asserting that all human actions spring from motivations which are sexual in their origin, since those which derive from Thanatos are not sexually motivated - indeed, Thanatos is the irrational urge to destroy the source of all sexual energy in the annihilation of the self. Having said that, it is undeniably true that Freud gave sexual drives an importance and centrality in human life, human actions, and human behavior which was new (and to many, shocking), arguing as he does both that the sexual drives exist and can be discerned in children from birth (the theory of infantile sexuality), and that sexual energy (libido) is the single most important motivating force in adult life. However, even here a crucial qualification has to be added - Freud effectively redefined the term 'sexuality' here to make it cover any form of pleasure which is or can be derived from the body. Thus his theory of the instincts or drives is essentially that the human being is energized or driven from birth by the desire to acquire and enhance bodily pleasure.

Freud reasoned that human behavior is like an iceberg. Only small part of which is visible. However, the part of iceberg, which is not seen, controls the seen part. According to him human personality are always conflicting with three constructs. The final outcome, which is the observable behaviour, is the product of this conflict. So he got an idea that this is the reason why many a times a human can not verbalize his motivations.

Modern psychologists are prepared to recognize the existence of unconscious behavior. But not like Freud. They believe human behavior is sparked by motive. A motive is felt need. Human behavior is directed to satisfy these needs or motives. They have five characteristics.

  1. The need having the highest strength dominates the human behavior.
  2. A need once satisfied ceases to influence behavior.
  3. When a need is satisfied, it gives rise to new need.
  4. Needs are recurrent in nature.
  5. Needs are ubiquitous. Psychologists do not totally agree on how to classify various human motives. However some psychologists tend to classify motives according as to weather they are unlearned or learned weather they are psychologically based.

Define mechanism serve as an important function of keeping the human personality integrated; bring out these dense mechanism including the psychological process with illustration
Defense mechanism is the behavior occurring to deal with frustration. Frustration occurs when need fulfillment is continually blocked or when ones self image are in jeopardy. Defense mechanisms are unconscious behavior. The defense mechanisms serve an important function of keeping the human personality integrated.
Rationalization is giving pseudo justification to explain ones failures. The common examples are sour grapes or a bad workman quarreling with his tools.
Certain patterns of behavior are learnt during the childhood that are subsequently, in the adult age, replaced by the behaviors acceptable by the society. A superior getting angry with his subordinate and throwing files at him or a person throwing a pen because of the ink not flowing, are the examples of this defense mechanism
Aggression is also known as emotional transference. A superior scolding his subordinate because of something happening at homes is the example of this defense mechanism.
As long as a person is in his imaginary castle he is unhappy but some time or the other he has to come down to the mother earth. When he comes out of the imaginary world the problem starts pinching him again. The increased frequency of fantasizing is a signal that one had better seek some help from a psychiatrist.
Resignation, flight or withdrawal is a complete surrender to the problem situation. This is accepting a situation and ceasing any efforts to deal with the problem.

Describes the theory of unconscious behavior as shaped by Sigmund Freud. Give out the characteristics of needs or motives which are directed to satisfy by human behavior
The concepts of motivation are the central part of organizational behavior. Whenever a Certain behavior is be encouraged is be encouraged give rewards. Whenever a certain behavior is to be discouraged, give punishment. But human behavior is not always motivated either by rewards or by punishment or both. Much of the human behavior is instinctively based. The instincts behavior may be jealously, love, anxiety, fear, lust ext.

Implicit in the industrial approach to human behavior is the hint that human behavior is unconscious behaviorist was Sigmund Freud (1856-1939, Sigmund Freud, physiologist, medical doctor, psychologist and father of psychoanalysis, is generally recognized as one of the most influential and authoritative thinkers of the twentieth century) However, who shaped the theory of unconscious behavior. Freud's theory of the unconscious, then, is highly deterministic, a fact which, given the nature of nineteenth century science, should not be surprising. Freud was arguably the first thinker to apply deterministic principles systematically to the sphere of the mental, and to hold that the broad spectrum of human behavior is explicable only in terms of the (usually hidden) mental processes or states which determine it. Thus, instead of treating the behavior of the neurotic as being causally inexplicable - which had been the prevailing approach for centuries - Freud insisted, on the contrary, on treating it as behavior for which is meaningful to seek an explanation by searching for causes in terms of the mental states of the individual concerned. Hence the significance which he attributed to slips of the tongue or pen, obsessive behavior, and dreams - all, he held, are determined by hidden causes in the person's mind, and so they reveal in covert form what would otherwise not be known at all. This suggests the view that freedom of the will is, if not completely an illusion, certainly more tightly circumscribed than is commonly believed, for it follows from this that whenever we make a choice we are governed by hidden mental processes of which we are unaware and over which we have no control.

The postulate that there are such things as unconscious mental states at all is a direct function of Freud's determinism, his reasoning here being simply that the principle of causality requires that such mental states should exist, for it is evident that there is frequently nothing in the conscious mind which can be said to cause neurotic or other behavior. An 'unconscious' mental process or event, for Freud, is not one which merely happens to be out of consciousness at a given time, but is rather one which cannot, except through protracted psychoanalysis, be brought to the forefront of consciousness. The postulation of such unconscious mental states entails, of course, that the mind is not, and cannot be, identified with consciousness or that which can be an object of consciousness - to employ a much-used analogy, it is rather structurally akin to an iceberg, the bulk of it lying below the surface, exerting a dynamic and determining influence upon the part which is amenable to direct inspection, the conscious mind Deeply associated with this view of the mind is Freud's account of the instincts or drives. The instincts, for Freud, are the principal motivating forces in the mental realm, and as such they 'energies' the mind in all of its functions. There are, he held, an indefinitely large number of such instincts, but these can be reduced to a small number of basic ones, which he grouped into two broad generic categories, Eros (the life instinct), which covers all the self-preserving and erotic instincts, and Thanatos (the death instinct), which covers all the instincts towards aggression, self-destruction, and cruelty. Thus it is a mistake to interpret Freud as asserting that all human actions spring from motivations which are sexual in their origin, since those which derive from Thanatos are not sexually motivated - indeed, Thanatos is the irrational urge to destroy the source of all sexual energy in the annihilation of the self. Having said that, it is undeniably true that Freud gave sexual drives an importance and centrality in human life, human actions, and human behavior which was new (and to many, shocking), arguing as he does both that the sexual drives exist and can be discerned in children from birth (the theory of infantile sexuality), and that sexual energy (libido) is the single most important motivating force in adult life. However, even here a crucial qualification has to be added - Freud effectively redefined the term 'sexuality' here to make it cover any form of pleasure which is or can be derived from the body. Thus his theory of the instincts or drives is essentially that the human being is energized or driven from birth by the desire to acquire and enhance bodily pleasure.

Freud reasoned that human behavior is like an iceberg. Only small part of which is visible. However, the part of iceberg, which is not seen, controls the seen part. According to him human personality are always conflicting with three constructs. The final outcome, which is the observable behaviour, is the product of this conflict. So he got an idea that this is the reason why many a times a human can not verbalize his motivations.

Modern psychologists are prepared to recognize the existence of unconscious behavior. But not like Freud. They believe human behavior is sparked by motive. A motive is felt need. Human behavior is directed to satisfy these needs or motives. They have five characteristics.

Herzberg's Theory

Enumerate Herzberg’s two factors theory of motivation including principle of job enrichment.
The motivation-hygiene theory was proposed by psychologist Frederick Herzberg. In the belief that an individual's relation to his or her work is a basic one and that his or her attitude toward this work can very well determine the individual's success or failure, Herzberg investigated the question "What do people want from their jobs?" he asked people to describe, in detail, situations when they felt exceptionally good or bad about their jobs. Their responses were tabulated and categorized. Herzberg suggested that certain extrinsic factors, or hygiene, (those associated with the environment surrounding a job) only have the power to de-motivate while intrinsic factors (those associated with the job itself) have the power to energize, or motivate, behavior. The extrinsic, or hygiene, factors largely correspond to Maslow's lower order physiological and safety needs. They include factors associated with job dissatisfaction such as working conditions, supervision, relations with co-workers, salary, company policy, and administration. Intrinsic factors, or motivators, largely corresponding to Maslow's higher order needs, include the work itself, responsibility, recognition for work well done, advancement, and achievement.

From a philosophical perspective, it is Herzberg's position that it is the responsibility of society's dominant institutions to provide for the growth and well being of people. In our society, one such dominant organization is the business institution. Therefore it is the responsibility of business and industry to provide the means for growth and self actualization.

Herzberg's theory thus posits that there are two classes of factors that influence employee motivation; intrinsic factors and the extrinsic factors. The intrinsic factors were also called the motivator factors and were related to job satisfaction. The extrinsic factors were called hygiene factors and were related to job dissatisfaction. Motivators (intrinsic factors) led to job satisfaction because of a need for growth and self actualization, and hygiene (extrinsic) factors led to job dissatisfaction because of a need to avoid unpleasantness. The most important part of this theory of motivation is that the main motivating factors are not in the environment but in the intrinsic value and satisfaction gained from the job itself. It follows therefore that to motivate an individual, a job itself must be challenging, have scope for enrichment and be of interest to the jobholder. Motivators (sometimes called ‘satisfiers’) are those factors directly concerned with the satisfaction gained from a job, those are Motivators (satisfaction)
The sense of achievement and the intrinsic value obtained from the job itself

  • the level of recognition by both colleagues and management
  • the level of responsibility
  • opportunities for advancement and
  • The status provided.
  • Motivators lead to satisfaction because of the need for growth and a sense of self-achievement.

A lack of motivators leads to over-concentration on hygiene factors, which are those negative factors which can be seen and therefore form the basis of complaint and concern. Hygiene factors (often referred to as maintenance factors) lead to dissatisfaction with a job because of the need to avoid unpleasantness. They are referred to as hygiene factors because they can be avoided or prevented by the use of ‘hygienic’ methods. The important fact to remember is that attention to these hygiene factors prevents dissatisfaction but does not necessarily provide positive motivation. Hygiene factors are also often referred to as ‘dissatisfiers’. They are concerned with factors associated with the job itself but are not directly a part of it. Typically, this is salary, although other factors which will often act as dissatisfiers include:

Hygiene factors (dis-satisfaction)

  • perceived differences with others
  • job security
  • working conditions
  • the quality of management
  • organizational policy
  • administration and
  • Interpersonal relations.

The idea of job enrichment is probably the most significant contribution of Herzberg's theory. Meaningful tasks allow for growth, and job enrichment is a relatively simple method for facilitating this growth:Adding different tasks to a job to provide greater involvement and interaction with the task. Adding tasks can raise the level of challenge in any particular job to a level commensurate with the abilities of an employee. It might be argued that, if a job can not be enriched and it is not challenging to the person in that position, then that person ought to be replaced by someone who will find the job challenging.

Principles of job enrichment according to Herzberg are

  • Removing some control while retaining accountability
  • Increases accountability for individual own work
  • Giving a person a complete natural unit of work
  • Granting additional authority to an employee in his activity
  • Introducing new and more difficult tasks not handled previously
  • Assigning individuals specific or specialized tasks, enabling them to become experts
  • motivators involved
  • responsibility and personal achievements
  • Responsibility and recognition
  • Internal recognition
  • Growth and learningResponsibility, growth and advancement

Define moral, it is said, the “higher the moral the higher is the productivity”. However it may not be true in all cases, illustrate this through a graph.
According to Keith Davis moral means “the attitude of the employee and groups towards their work environment and towards voluntary cooperation to the full extent of their ability in the best interests of the organization” According to Morris Viteles “Morale refers to the condition of a group where there are clear and fixed group goals that are felt to be important and integrated with individual goals .where there is confidence in the attainment of these goals and the confidence in the means of attainment in the leader, associates and finally in one self.” Morale indicates the happiness of the employee with organizational environment .it also refers to the preparedness of the groups of the employee to the subordinate the individual and the group goals of the organization It represents the integration of an individual with the team and the organizational itself. Generally it can be said that morale has a positive relationship with productivity. The higher the morale the higher is the productivity. However this need not always be so, as can e seen from the following graph

In the above graph


High productivity involves a combination of ability, training, work habits, performance goals ext. curve ‘A’ above where morale is high but productivity is low indicates the management’s failure in the proper discharge of management function: CHIEFLY THE PLANNING FUNCTION. Planning can be high in spite of morale being low because of the rigid systems and controls imposed by the management. The situation where productivity is higher in spite of morale being low or productivity being lower in spite of morale being high does not last long. In the first situation productivity is high because of the strict management controls and close supervision. it also happens in an atmosphere where the people are treated as machines. In this situation the management is apparently creating discontent in the organization which may blow up in its face.

When this happens the productivity also dips. In the second situation when morale is high but productivity is high but productivity is low, slowly people distance themselves from the organization because of the disillusionment about the management abilities in this situation after sometimes the morale comes down. This in both these situation ultimately morale as well as productivity are at their nadir. Every manager is always interested in curve B indicating high morale as well as productivity. But morale is not static phenomenon. Today the morale high but some thing may go wrong and the morale might start coming down. In words a manager must have his fingers on the morale in the organization. No doubt a manager can know the level of morale in his organization by morale surveys. These morale surveys involve drafting of questionnaires, interview people, tabulate and analyze the data. This may be time taking process. Instead he may pay due attention to some of the morale indicators that give an idea about the status of morale at a particular time Therefore a manger has to understand some of the morale indicators in the organization. An attention these indicators may enable him to take some corrective action on time.

Short Notes

Perception is an important cognitive process deciding how a person will behave. Through this complex process people interpret world to themselves. Perception is a unique phenomenon, influencing people behave differently. Externally stimuli selectively are affecting by such factors as the intensity, size, movement, repetition etc. Internally perceptual selectivity is influenced by learning, culture, experience, interest, motivation etc. Perception is the process of receiving, selecting, organizing, interpreting, checking, and reacting to sensory stimuli or data perception is the process by which individuals organize and interpret information about his environment in order to give meaning to their environment.

Kolasa defines perception as the “selection and organization of material which stems from the outside environment at one time or the other to provide the meaningful entity we experience” Perception is much more complex and much more boarder than sensation. The perceptual process can be defines as a complicated interaction of selection, organization, and interpretation of stimuli. The perceptual process overcomes the sensual process and the person “sees” the object as stationary. Perceptual process is of utmost significance in understanding human behavior. It is unique interpretation instead of a precise recording of the situation. Perception involves 5 subprocesses. They are stimulus, registration, interpration, feedback and consequence. Perception initiates with the presence of a stimulus situation. In organizational settings the superior forms the stimulus situation for the subordinate’s perceptual process.

Registration involves the physiological mechanism including both sensory and neural. Interpretation is a highly crucial sub process. Other psychological process assists in perceptual interpretation.

Feedback is important for interpreting the perceptual event data. In work settings, the psychological feedback that is likely to affect a subordinates perception may be in the form of variation in the behavior of superior.

Perception ends in reaction or response, which may be in the overt or convert form. As a consequence of perception, an individual responds to work demands. These sub process indicate the complexity of perception.

An attitude may be defines as a tendency to react positively or negatively in regard to an object. An attitude is a cognitive element. It always remains inside a person. An attitude is always directed towards some object. The notable feature of attitude is that it varies in direction, intensity and the extent of consciousness. An attitude is a tendency in a certain way. That is a person who has an attitude has a redness or disposition to react favorably or unfavorably to anyone of large variety of related situation. Attitude is for or against things. We tend to have favorable attitudes towards sources of gratification and favorable attitudes towards sources of punishment and frustration. A belief is a judgment about something. For example a belief that the world is round is a judgment about its form. Many of our beliefs, of course are emotionally neutral. Others are definitely favorable or unfavorable towards some objectify example, a favorable attitude towards the religion may involve beliefs that the religion helps to curb delinquency, that worshippers are better citizens than are non-devotees, that people who stay away from temples are unhappy and immoral, and so on. When beliefs become organized into system, they are called ideologists.

The capitalists’ ideology, for example, is asset of beliefs that a free enterprises economy is maximally productive; that competition in the long run brings down prices and raises quality; and that events in the mark places do and should determine what is produced. There are ideologies pertaining to all major institution of society, such as the family, the law, the government, and the economic system. Although these ideologies are difficult to verify, we feel strong about them and, as long as thing go well, have great confidence in them. They give us an interpretation and justification for our practice. Like religion, they are matter of faith. They give us an interpretation and justification for our practices. Like religion, they are matter of faith. They give us an interpretation and justification for our practice. Like religion, they are matter of faith. They give us social definition of reality. It is an interesting thing about human behavior that some of the beliefs that we hold most tenaciously with the strongest feelings are not readily subject to proof or disproof.

Stress management defines stress precisely as a person's physiological response to an external stimulus that triggers the "fight-or-flight" reaction. Stress is the "wear and tear" our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or negative feelings. As a positive influence, stress can help compel us to action; it can result in a new awareness and an exciting new perspective. As a negative influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and depression, which in turn can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. With the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, a job promotion, or a new relationship, we experience stress as we readjust our lives. In so adjusting to different circumstances, stress will help or hinder us depending on how we react to it. Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that “demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize. Stress is a physiological abnormality at the structural or bio-chemical level caused by overloading experience. Stress is an adaptive response to an external situation that results in physical, psychological and or behavioral deviations. According to DR Pestonji the stress can be categorized as

  • Eustress (caused when person is over-joy)
  • Distress (caused when person is suddenly very sad or angry)
  • Hyper-work stress (causes due to hyper activity)
  • Hypo stress (this stress is caused by less than optimum activity)

Over million of years the life has changed. However the body chemistry is not changed. With the change in the life style, stress have multiplies and diversified in different forms. However the body chemistry has remained the same. The theory of “GENERAL ADAPTION SYNDROME” states that when organism is confronted with threat, the general physiological response occurs in three stages

  • Alarm reaction
  • Resistance reaction
  • State of exhaustion

In state of exhaustion stage, the stress has continued for some time. The body's resistance to the stress may gradually be reduced, or may collapse quickly. Generally, this means the immune system, and the body's ability to resist disease, may be almost totally eliminated. Patients who experience long-term stress may succumb to heart attacks or severe infection due to their reduced immunity. For example, a person with a stressful job may experience long-term stress that might lead to high blood pressure and an eventual heart attack

Symptoms of stress

  • heart pounding
  • headaches
  • sweaty palms
  • indigestion
  • skin breaks out
  • shortness of breath
  • holding breath
  • cold hands
  • sleeplessness
  • sleep too much
  • fatigue
  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • tight stomach
  • tight muscles
  • pain emotional
  • moody
  • irritability
  • depressed anxious
  • lack of sense of humor
  • abrasive
  • hostile
  • nervous
  • emotional mental
  • forgetfulness
  • loss of concentration
  • poor judgment
  • disorganized
  • fuzzy perception
  • confused
  • lack of interest
  • math errors
  • stop thinking
  • diminished fantasy life
  • negative self-talk

Best way to prevent stress

  1. Doing exercise regularly
  2. Away from tobacco
  3. Regular medical checkup
  4. Drink lot of water

The successful organization has one major common attribute that sets them apart from unsuccessful organization: Dynamic and effective leadership. Leadership is a learned behavior. Rarely is one born with the ability to lead. Even charisma is learned. Though many may dream of a leadership role, it is often dismissed as "impossible." We often think of leaders as a single personality type, "born to lead." But in reality all that leaders have in common are the initiative and the desire. There is no one leadership personality. Leaders are forged from all types. Leadership is the ability to get people to follow. Leadership is more than getting people to do what is asked. A good leader motivates people to want to do what is asked. A leader must provide a clear vision, a direction. They must know where they are going and why. They must communicate that vision clearly and with a passion. The passion and logic of the vision must motivate the followers to make the vision their own. The significance of leadership also stems from the nature of human membership in the organizational settings. Keith Davis defines leadership as “ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically. It is the human factor that binds people together and motives them towards goals.” Leadership is one form of dominance, in which the followers more or less willingly accept direction and control by another person. Leadership is practiced by leadership style. Which is the total pattern of leaders’ it represents their philosophy, skills, and attitude. Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people.

There are three different styles of leadership:

  1. Authoritarian (autocratic)
  2. Participative (democratic)
  3. Delegative (free reign) Although most leaders use all three styles, one of them becomes the dominate one. Authoritarian (autocratic)

This type is used when the leader tells her employees what she wants done and how she wants it done, without getting the advice of her people. Some of the appropriate conditions to use it,when you have all the information to solve the problem, you are short on time, and your employees are well motivated. Some people think that this style includes yelling, using demeaning language, and leading by threats and abuse of power. This is not the authoritarian style...it is an abusive, unprofessional style of leadership. However, if you have the time and you want to gain more commitment and motivation from your employee, then you should use the participative style. Participative (democratic)

This type of style involves the leader including one or more employees in on the decision making process (determining what to do and how to do it). However, the leader maintains the final decision making authority. Using this style is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of strength that your employees will respect. This is normally used when you have some of the information, and your employees have some of the information. This allows them to become part of the team and allows you to make a better decision. Delegative (free reign)

In this style, the leader allows the employees to make the decision. However, the leader is still responsible for the decisions that are made. This is used when employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how to do it. You cannot do everything! You must set priorities and delegate certain tasks

The Path-Goal Theory of Leadership was developed to describe the way that leaders encourage and support their followers in achieving the goals they have been set by making the path that they should take clear and easy. The Path-Goal Theory has a contingency perspective. But it is different from Fiedler's Contingent Theory in its focus. The Path-Goal Theory focuses on the situation and leader behavior rather than leader personality traits. The Path-Goal Theory also depends on situational factors. Believes that a leader can change a subordinate's expectancy by clarifying the paths between the subordinate's action and the outcome, which is the goal the employee wants to achieve. Whether leader behavior can do so effectively. In particular, leaders:

  • Clarify the path so subordinates know which way to go.
  • Remove roadblocks that are stopping them going there.
  • Increasing the rewards along the route.

Leaders can take a strong or limited approach in these. In clarifying the path, they may be directive or give vague hints. In removing roadblocks, they may scour the path or help the follower move the bigger blocks. In increasing rewards, they may give occasional encouragement or pave the way with gold. This variation in approach will depend on the situation, including the follower's capability and motivation, as well as the difficulty of the job and other contextual factors. House and Mitchell (1974) describe four styles of leadership: Supportive leadership

Considering the needs of the follower, showing concern for their welfare and creating a friendly working environment. This includes increasing the follower's self-esteem and making the job more interesting. This approach is best when the work is stressful, boring or hazardous. Directive leadership Telling followers what needs to be done and giving appropriate guidance along the way? This includes giving them schedules of specific work to be done at specific times. Rewards may also be increased as needed and role ambiguity decreased (by telling them what they should be doing). This may be used when the task is unstructured and complex and the follower is inexperienced. This increases the follower's sense of security and control and hence is appropriate to the situation. Participative Leadership: Consulting with followers and taking their ideas into account when making decisions and taking particular actions. This approach is best when the followers are expert and their advice is both needed and they expect to be able to give it. Achievement-oriented leadership

Setting challenging goals, both in work and in self-improvement (and often together). High standards are demonstrated and expected. The leader shows faith in the capabilities of the follower to succeed. This approach is best when the task is complex Supportive behavior increases satisfaction by the group, especially in stressful situations, while directive behavior is suited to uncertain and ambiguous situations. It is also proposed that leaders who have influence upon their superiors can increase group satisfaction and performance.

Business Environment

Definition of Business
Business means all economic activities which is done for the motive of earning. In these activities, we can include production, manufacturing, purchasing and selling and other market promotion activities. Commerce, trade and aids to trades and enterprise are also included in business.
Two truthful facts about business:-
1. Richest person of the world = Bill Gates
    Net worth in USD = $ 40.0 billion
    Business = Microsoft
2. Oldest company is Kongo Gumi of Japan in the world and its business is construction . This company started his business in 578 in company form.

Concepts of Business Environment
There two concept of business:-
1st Economic concept of business
This is oldest concept of business and according to this concept; main aim of business is to earn profit and never to do any other work. Under this concept, every legal and illegal and scams and fraud are the necessary for doing highest profit from business. Because in old time, there is no competition and trend to earn money is by any way. But now this concept is totally failed and bear a new concept which is successful in world business market.
2nd Social concept of business:-
According to this concept, business’s all activities are done for making stable customers and make them satisfied. Now, all business organization is understood this point and making social networking for promoting business. Even all big business organization is communicating with general public by the way of twitter and face book and linkedin (35 million registered business profiles).

Objective of business
There are also two main objectives
1st objective

  • To earn profit
  • To growth
  • To innovation

2nd objective of business

  • To satisfaction of employees

Employees are main asset of business and it is the main object of business to satisfy its employee by providing them fair salary and other incentives because , without this business can not operate well and from time to time development of employee of business is the main need of business .

  • To satisfaction of customers

It is also aim or objective of business to satisfy its customers and it should do the work for their welfare. This welfare may by possible by providing product at low cost and high quality. A stable customer can provide stable amount of sale and contribute in the stable growth rate of business.

  • To satisfaction of investors

Investors are those persons who invest their money in business and it is the main aim of business to provide them high rate of return and make them satisfied because, if there are satisfied, they will not sell company’s share at low price and financial crisis will not be faced by businessman.

  • Other social responsibility

To obey all other responsibility of society is also main objective of business and in this responsibility we can include protection of environment. We are seeing that business are becoming restriction in the way of environment protection but , because of business also dependent on environment and all raw material comes from environment , then it is the duty of businessman to protect environment by growing plantation in their business plants and also starting new programme for protection of environment .

What is business environment?
Definition of Business Environment
Business Environment may be define as all external and internal factors which affects the activities of business. In these factors we can include customers, suppliers, and employees, Govt., Economy and Competitors.

Explanation of Business Environment
One can explain business environment with physical environment of nature . When we see nature , we find many things air , water , sun , moon and so many other things . They create environment . Nature is effected from these factors from time to time and shows his presentation in the form of raining , season and other variations . Same thing happens in business . Business is also affected from its environment . Suppose , If Govt. increases service tax rate or VAT rate . At this time , business has also to increase the price of his products . There is not just a single factor are affecting business but large number of factors affect business .

Elements of Business Environment

Main Elements or factors of Business Environment
Micro business Environment:
This is also known as internal business environment because business has power to control them. In this environment, factors can be divided with following way.
1st Supplier
A supplier provides raw material to business. This is also main factor of business environment because, it affects business very closely. If supplier delay to supply raw material or stop to supply. At this time production of business can be stopped due to not getting raw material. So, for controlling this factor, it is the duty of businessman to make good relation with more than one supplier so that, if one stop or delay at this time, goods can be purchased from other supplier.
2nd Customers
Customers are those people or companies which buy goods from our business. Business sells them his finished product. But time to time tastes of customers also change. So, according to the taste of business customers, new products must be supplied by business. That is the formula for living long life of business.
3rd Market Intermediaries
For promoting sale, it is required to ads by different way, so market intermediaries include sales man and middle man.
This environment is under control of business because, if business starts selling with more ads, his selling will surely increase.
4th Competitors
Competitors of business also create internal business environment. According to competitors, policies, business changes his policies for winning in competition.
5th Financial Intermediaries
As business grows, it needs more money for his growth; either this money can be gotten by issuing new shares or by borrowing money from financial intermediaries. So, financial intermediaries plays a vital role in business environment. If they provides loan at very low rate, at that time business can get and grow fastly but, if they increase in interest rate, at that time business will not get at this rate and its growth may decrease due to lack of fund.

Macro Business Environment or External Factors of Business Environment

1. Economical Environment

Economic environment is main element of business environment. Economy is factor which affects business with following way
Economic policies
Economic policies related to budget , industrial policy , fiscal policy , export and import policy and business should see what changes are done in these and business has to changes their business policies according to these changes .
Economic regulation
Different laws and regulations are at international level and national level . These are all called economic regulation and business has to respect all of these while it is operating business .

2. Natural Environment

Natural environment is also external factor of business . Because , business can not fully control on natural environment . Many points like season , raining , floods , earth quake are natural and happens according to fluctuation in it . These are also main element of business because business has to face all these factors . But some of loss from these factors can be transferred with effective schemes of insurance .

3. Demo – graphic Factors

Size of population and their growth rate includes in demo graphic element and factor of business environment. Increasing trend of population will increase demand of products and support business to produce more products. But if death rate is increasing or demo graphic factor like religion are preventing to use the products of business. At that time business has to change their business or make other plans according to situation.

4. Technological Environment

This is fully concerned with changing of technology and its effect on product . Many technical products are fastly changed by coming new technology .At that time business also have to cover new products according to changes in technology .

5. Political Environment

Political environment is composition of three factors which are following

  1. Legislature
  2. Executive
  3. Judiciary

All above factor affects business and business has to make rules and regulation according to Govt. and political rules and regulation.

6. International Environment

International environment includes WTO, IMF, WB, SARC and G20 meetings and their rules and regulations can effect on any type of business. Business has to exist in world market, and then it should understand their effect and take action according to these rules and regulation.

Definition of Economic Environment
Economic environment is very important factor of business. It means any environment which becomes from economic system, economic planning and economic policies. Main motive of this environment is to effective utilization of resources.
From above definition we get three factor that are :

1. Economic system

Economy works always in any system
There are main three economic systems; any country can adopt any system for making economic planning and economic policy.
Capitalistic economy
In this economy all powers are in private hands, they are free to choose any business and also invest money in any type of business. Govt. just cares the security of country and life of people but it does not disturb to anyone on the basis of business. This economy is in USA.
Socialistic economy
This economy is basically in poor and developing countries and main motive of this economy is to welfare of people and develop the economy. In this economy all businesses are under fully control of govt. and nobody can operate any business freely. Govt. makes rules and regulation for operating business and also appoints authorities for operating it. Because, all powers are in the hand of govt., so there are huge chances of corruption in govt. departments.
Mixed economy
Any country in which both capitalistic and socialistic economy works, and after mixing of both economy, the new economy will comes in our eyes that is called mixed economy. In this economy govt. fixes some sector which are reserves only for govt. investment and no private person can do that business. India is the good example of mixed economy.

2. Economic policies

An economic policy means any policy which is related to fund of nation and its utilization. It also includes fiscal policy and budget of nation.

3. Economic planning

For equal distribution of money and wealth, it is very necessary to make economic plans of development in socialistic economy. These plans are known as economic plans.

Share And Stock

How to calculate the value of Share
Value of share means that price of share which can be sold in the market. If a company’s shares are not quoted in stock
exchange , then there is need to calculate value of share
There are also following situation for valuation of share :-
Ist Situation : When debentures or pref. Shares are converted into shares at that time it is necessary to calculate
value of share.
2nd Situation : When shares are given as a gift, at that time also need to calculate value of share for paying gift
tax. Gift tax is calculated on the total value of Shares .
3rd Situation : When loan is given on security of shares at that time calculation the value of shares is done by

Method of valuation of Share
There are two method of valuation of shares.

Net Asset method

Under this method, value of share is equal to net assets. So, we first calculate net assets
Net assets = total tangible assets – total liabilities (Including pref. share capital) + Goodwill
Value of Share = Net Assets / No. of Shares

For example
Suppose total tangible assets are RS. 100000, Goodwill Rs. 10000, pref. share capital Rs. 20000 ,Other liabilities =
RS. 40000 , Equity shares capital is Rs. 60000 of 10000 shares. Calculate the value of shares
Net Asset = 100000 – 20000 -40000 + 10000= 50000
Value of Shares = 50000 / 10000 = Rs. 5

Earning Capacity Method

Under this method, value of share is equal to the proportion of expected earning and normal earning of paid up value of
Value of Share= Expected earning rate / Normal earning rate X Paid up Value of Shares
Expected Earning Rate = Expected profit / total equity share capital X 100
Expected profit = Average annual profit – taxation – reserve – pref. dividend

For example
Calculate the value of share with earning capacity method, if company has issued 10000 shares @ 10 each and fully paid
up. Suppose average profit is Rs 20000 and taxation is 2000, reserve is Rs. 500 and pref. share dividend is Rs. 600.
Normal rate of earning is 10 % of total profit before tax.
We know, we first calculate expected profit rate
Expected profit = 20000 -2000-500-600 = 16900
Expected profit rate = 16900 / 100000 X 100 = 16.9 %
Value of Share = 16.9 / 10 X 10 = Rs. 16.90

What is the Holding Company ?
Definition of Holding Company
"Any company who controls other company is called holding company. "
In other words, if any company has any one power from following three powers, then that company will be holding company

If any company has 51 % shares of other company, then this company becomes holding company of other.
If any company has power to appoint board of directors of other company, then this company becomes holding company of
other company.
Main holding company also will the holding company of all subsidiaries’ subsidiary companies.

Explanation with Example
Suppose, H is holding company of S because 51 % shares are of H in S. S is also of holding Company of R because S have
power to appoint the board of directors of R Company and then H is also holding Company of R.

Main features of Holding Company

  1. Holding Company provides the power to work independently to subsidiary company. Because relationship of holding and
    subsidiary company is not amalgamation or merge but both company joins for cutting the cost of competition and getting
    the benefits of monopoly.
  2. Holding company can also deal with subsidiary company and it is also recorded in both books .
  3. Under Company act of India 1956 , it is required to attach the copy of final accounts of subsidiary company with the
    annual report of holding company .

World Organizations

What is IMF ?
IMF is UNO recognized international monetary fund or reserve which helps its members. It established in 1946 after bretton wood meeting. It has 185 members across the all nations but soviet Russia and its member are not linked with IMF. All work is done by its board of directors which is made by board of governors. Every country’s finance minister is as the governor from his respective country. There are two type directors in board of directors of IMF. One is quota and other is non quota. USA, UK, Germany and India are quota country and one member is taken in board of directors and other from non quota countries. Total no. of directors are 20.

Objective and functions of IMF

  1. Provide loan to the members for removing unfavorable balance of payment.
  2. Determine the value of currency of member countries.
  3. Determine the economic policies’ main contents of member’s countries.
  4. To make plan for increasing per capita income of member countries.
  5. To collect money from member countries in the form of fun or reserves.
  6. Latest objective in IMF is that it will support 3 trillion dollars under his budget for decreasing the pressure of 2000 recession.

Eligibility for membership in IMF
Any country can become the member of IMF but for getting eligibility the following procedure is adopted by IMF. First of all membership is accepted by board of directors after accepting membership , board of directors send this proposal to board of governors with supported all documents and subscription and quota amount as per the terms of membership .

World bank or IBRD
World Bank is international financial institution for reconstruction and development of member countries. So, its other name is international bank of reconstruction and development (IBRD). This bank is established in 1944 after bretton woods meeting of 20 major countries. This bank provides long term loan to its members and all work is done by executive directors which is nominated by shareholders of member countries and board of governors.

Bank has own 20 billion dollar paid up capital. Bank provides loan but before providing loan it sees the project and after accepting project, the loan is given under strict terms and conditions of World Bank. In which includes the interest on loan, commission and administration charges.

GATT and its functions and policies
In 1944 , developed countries participated in bretton woods meeting . In this meeting they wanted to make international trade organisation but all countries could not agree on its terms but 1948 , they had made a general agreement for tariffs and trade after signing GATT in 1947 by 23 countries including India. Now no. of member countries reached up to 184 .

Objectives and functions of GATT

  • Reduce international restriction
  • Reduce tax problems
  • Development in international trade
  • Policies of GATT
  • Non discrimination policy
  • No quantitative restrictions Opinions

WTO and its functions and policies
Full form of WTO is world trade organisation . It is an international organisation which established after conversion of GATT in 1995 . In 1944 , when bretton woods conference was completed . In that meeting leaders of developed countries wanted to make international trade organisation but they accepted only GATT's policies in 1948 . After Uruguay discussion , all GATT members included in WTO . Main objective of making WTO is to reduce restrictions in international trade with more globalisation and liberalisation policy.

Functions and policies of WTO
1. Reduction of the rate of Tariffs :
Tariffs means tax on imported goods . For developing international trade , it is compulsory to all member countries to
reduce 24 % to 30 % tariffs with in 6 to 10 years .
2. Reduction the subsidy to domestic trade
For more smooth competition , WTO has made rule to reduce the amount of subsidy or other assistance which is given by govt. to their domestic industry .
Trips means trade and intellectual property rights . WTO has made some rules for prohibiting piracy in intellectual property rights . All countries will have to accept these trips .
4. Other GATT rules
Some of GATT rules will still apply

Balance Sheet


How to prepare Consolidated Balance Sheet of Holding Company
Under Indian Company Act , there is no need to prepare combined or consolidated final accounts of holding and subsidiary company in the books of holding company but holding company attaches the copy of balance sheet , one copy of profit and loss account and one copy of audit report of subsidiary company with his final accounts . But for showing true financial position, often holding company prepare consolidated balance sheet. It is easy to understand that consolidated balance sheet is a balance sheet in which all the assets and liabilities of holding company and subsidiary company are added with each other but practically, it is tough to make consolidated balance sheet of holding and subsidiary company.

Steps for preparing consolidated balance Sheet of the holding company and its subsidiary company.

1st Step

Add all the assets of subsidiary company with the assets of holding company. But Investment of holding company in Subsidiary company will not shown in consolidated balance sheet because, investment in subsidiary company will automatically adjust with the amount of share capital of subsidiary company in holding company.

2nd step
Add all the liabilities of subsidiary company with the liabilities of holding company. But Share capital of subsidiary company in holding company will not shown in the consolidated balance sheet in the books of holding company. Because, this share capital automatically adjust with the amount of the investment of holding company in to subsidiary company .

3rd Step
Calculate of Minority Interest
First of all we should know what minority interest is. Minority interest is the shareholder but there is not holding company’s shareholder. So, when holding company shows consolidated balance sheet, it is the duty of accountant to show minority interest in the liability side of consolidated balance sheet.

We can calculate minority interest with following formula

Total share capital of Subsidiary company = XXXXX
Less Investment of Holding company in to subsidiary company = - XXXX
Add proportionate share of the subsidiary company‘s profit and
Reserves or increase in the value of assets + XXXX
Less proportionate share of the subsidiary company’s loss and decrease
In the value of total assets of company - XXXXX
Value of Minority Interest XXXXX

4th Step
Calculate cost of capital / Goodwill or Capital Reserve
If holding company purchases shares of subsidiary company at premium, then the value of premium will be deemed as goodwill or cost of capital and shows as goodwill on the assets side of consolidated balance sheet. But if holding company purchases the shares of subsidiary company at discount, then this value of discount will be capital reserve and show in the liability side of consolidated balance sheet.

5th Step
Treatment of Pre – Acquisition of reserve and profit
Pre – acquisition profit and reserve of subsidiary company will be shown as capital reserve in consolidated balance sheet but the value of minority interest’s profit or reserves deducts from it and add in minority interest value.

Total profit before acquisition of subsidiary company = XXXX
Less share of minority interest - XXXX
Value of profit X minority interest’s value of shares in subsidiary company / total share capital of subsidiary company.
Pre – acquisition profit and reserve shown as capital reserve XXX

6th Step
Calculate post acquisition profits
After the date of purchasing the shares of subsidiary company , profit of subsidiary company will also deem of holding company and it include in the profit of holding company and we also separate the part of profit of minority interest and add in minority interest’s value and shown in liability side .

7th Step
Elimination of common transactions
All common transaction between holding company and subsidiary company will not show in the consolidated balance. There
following common transaction:
1. goods sold and goods purchase on credit and the value of debtor or creditor either subsidiary company or holding company
    will not shown in consolidated balance sheet
2. Value of bill payable or bill receivable of holding company on subsidiary company will also not shown but if some bills value is
    discounted from third party then either of both company’s payable value shown as liability in the consolidated balance sheet .

8th Step
Treatment of Unrealized profit
If subsidiary company sells the goods to holding company or holding company sells the goods to subsidiary company at profit and if such goods will not sold in third party , then the profit will not realized , so such unrealized profit will not credited to profit and loss account . At this time a stock reserve account is opened and all amounts of unrealized profit transfers to this account and this accounts total amount is deducted from closing stock of consolidated balance sheet.

Closing stock of H 50000
Closing stock of S 50000
Less stock reserve2000
If subsidiary company has also other outsider’s shares then holding company makes reserve up to his shares proportion.

9th Step
Treatment of Dividends
If holding company gets the dividends from subsidiary company, then this will divide into two parts. If subsidiary company declare dividend out of capital profits, then this will add in capital reserves in consolidated balance sheet. But, if subsidiary company has declared the profit out of revenue gains, then this dividend will add in general profit and loss account and will shown in the liability side of consolidated balance sheet.

Legal Acts of Business

Legal environment of business in India and List of Different Indian Acts which affect business
Legal environment of business means all factors relating to laws and legal orders which affect business and its working.
Business must be operated under the rules and regulation of different laws of India. The following is the list of main laws which affect business.

  1. Indian contract act 1872
  2. Indian sale of goods act 1930
  3. Indian partnership act 1932
  4. Industrial dispute Act 1947
  5. Minimum wages act 1948
  6. Indian companies act 1956
  7. Foreign exchange regulation act (FERA ) 1973
  8. Foreign exchange management act 1999
  9. Monopolies and restrictive trade practice act 1969
  10. Consumer protection act 1986
  11. Indian income tax act 961
  12. Central excise act 1944
  13. Security exchange board of India act 1992
  14. Banking regulation act 1949
  15. Chartered accountant act 1949
  16. Information technology act 2000
  17. Competition act 2002
  18. Right to information act 2005
  19. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act,2006
  20. Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act,2005

List of Indian Federal Legislation
The following is a comprehensive list of Acts passed by the British (or by Indians in the Imperial Legislative Council) between 1836 and 1947, and the Parliament of India after 1947.

Name of the Act Year Act No.

  1. Bengal Indigo Contracts Act 1836 10
  2. Bengal Districts Act 1836 21
  3. Madras Public Property Malversation Act 1837 36
  4. Bengal Bonded Warehouse Association Act 1838 5
  5. Coasting Vessels Act 1838 19
  6. Madras Rent and Revenue Sales Act 1839 7
  7. Bengal Land Revenue Sales Act 1841 12
  8. Revenue, Bombay 1842 13
  9. Revenue Commissioners, Bombay 1842 17
  10. Sales of Land for Revenue Arrears 1845 1
  11. Boundary-marks, Bombay 1846 3
  12. Boundaries 1847 1
  13. Bengal Alluvion and Diluvion Act 1847 9
  14. Bengal Land Holders' Attendance Act 1848 20
  15. Madras Revenue Commissioner Act 1849 10
  16. Public Accountants' Defaults Act 1850 12
  17. Judicial Officers Protection Act 1850 18
  18. Caste Disabilities Removal Act 1850 21
  19. Calcutta Land-revenue Act 1850 23
  20. Forfeited Deposits Act 1850 25
  21. Improvements in Towns 1850 26
  22. Public Servants (Inquiries) Act 1850 37

Name of the Act Year Act No

  1. Indian Tolls Act 1851 8
  2. Madras City Land Revenue Act 1851 12
  3. Sheriffs' Fees Act 1852 8
  4. Bombay Rent-free Estates Act 1852 11
  5. Rent Recovery Act 1853 6
  6. Shore Nuisances (Bombay and Kolaba) Act 1853 11
  7. Bengal Bonded Warehouse Association Act 1854 5
  8. Police, Agra 1854 16
  9. Legal Representatives' Suits Act 1855 12
  10. Fatal Accidents Act 1855 13
  11. Usury Laws Repeal Act 1855 28
  12. Bengal Embankment Act 1855 32
  13. Sonthal Parganas Act 1855 37
  14. Indian Bills of Lading Act 1856 9
  15. Calcutta Land-revenue Act 1856 18
  16. Bengal Chaukidari Act 1856 20
  17. Tobacco Duty (Town of Bombay) Act 1857 4
  18. Oriental Gas Company 1857 5
  19. Madras Uncovenated Officers' Act 1857 7
  20. Sonthal Parganas Act 1857 10
  21. Howrah Offences Act 1857 21
  22. Madras Compulsory Labour Act 1858 1
  23. Bengal Ghatwali Lands Act 1859 5
  24. Bengal Rent Act 1859 10
  25. Bengal Land Revenue Sales Act 1859 11
  26. Calcutta Pilots Act 1859 12
  27. Madras District Police Act 1859 24
  28. Societies Registration Act 1860 21
  29. Indian Penal Code 1860 45
  30. Indian Police Act 1861 5
  31. Stage-Carriages Act 1861 16
  32. Government Seal Act 1862 3
  33. Excise (Spirits) Act 1863 16
  34. Partition of Revenue-paying Estates 1863 19
  35. Religious Endowments Act 1863 20
  36. Waste-Lands (Claims) Act 1863 23
  37. Indian Tolls Act 1864 15
  38. Carriers Act 1865 3
  39. Converts’ Marriage Dissolution Act 1866 21
  40. Oudh Sub-settlement Act 1866 26
  41. Ganges Tolls 1867 1
  42. Public Gambling Act 1867 3
  43. Oriental Gas Company 1867 11
  44. Sarais Act 1867 22
  45. Press and Registration of Books Act 1867 25
  46. Oudh Estates Act 1869 1
  47. Indian Divorce Act 1869 4
  48. Bombay Civil Courts Act 1869 14
  49. Court-fees Act 1870 7
  50. Oudh Taluqdars' Relief Act 1870 24
  51. Cattle-trespass Act 1871 1
  52. Coroners Act 1871 4
  53. Dehra Dun 1871 21
  54. Pensions Act 1871 23
  55. Indian Evidence Act 1872 1
  56. Punjab Laws Act 1872 4
  57. Indian Contract Act 1872 9
  58. Indian Christian Marriage Act 1872 15
  59. Madras Civil Courts Act 1873 3
  60. Government Savings Banks Act 1873 5
  61. Northern India Canal and Drainage Act 1873 8
  62. North-Eastern Provinces Village and Road Police Act 1873 16
  63. Married Women's Property Act 1874 3
  64. Foreign Recruiting Act 1874 4
  65. Laws Local Extent Act 1874 15
  66. Majority Act 1875 9
  67. Indian Law Reports Act 1875 18
  68. Central Provinces Laws Act 1875 20

Name of the Act Year Act No.

  1. Chota Nagpur Encumbered Estates Act 1876 6
  2. Bombay Revenue Jurisdiction Act 1876 10
  3. Bombay Municipal Debentures Act 1876 15
  4. Oudh Laws Act 1876 18
  5. Dramatic Performances Act 1876 19
  6. Broach and Kaira Incumbered Estates Act 1878 6
  7. Northern India Ferries Act 1878 17
  8. Elephants' Preservation Act 1879 6
  9. Hackney-carriage Act 1879 14
  10. Dekkhan Agriculturists Relief Act 1879 17
  11. Legal Practitioners Act 1879 18
  12. Raipur and Khattra Laws Act 1879 19
  13. Religious Societies Act 1880 1
  14. Kazis Act 1880 12
  15. Municipal Taxation Act 1881 11
  16. Fort William Act 1881 13
  17. Obstructions in Fairways Act 1881 16
  18. Central Provinces Land-revenue Act 1881 18
  19. Negotiable Instruments  
  20. Indian Trusts Act 1882 2
  21. Transfer of Property Act 1882 4
  22. Indian Easements Act 1882 5
  23. Powers-of-Attorney Act 1882 7
  24. Presidency Small Cause Courts Act 1882 15
  25. Madras Forest (Validation) Act 1882 21
  26. Bikrama Singh's Estates Act 1883 10
  27. Land Improvement Loans Act 1883 19
  28. Punjab District Boards Act 1883 20
  29. Explosives Act 1884 4
  30. Agriculturists' Loans Act 1884 12
  31. Bengal Tenancy Act 1885 8
  32. Indian Telegraph Act 1885 13
  33. Land Acquisition (Mines) Act 1885 18
  34. Mirzapur Stone Mahal Act 1886 5
  35. Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1886 6
  36. Indian Tramways Act 1886 11
  37. Oudh Wasikas Act 1886 21
  38. Suits Valuation Act 1887 7
  39. Provincial Small Cause Courts Act 1887 9
  40. Bengal, Agra and Assam Civil Courts Act 1887 12
  41. Punjab Tenancy Act 1887 16
  42. Punjab Land Revenue Act 1887 17
  43. King of Oudh's Estate Act 1887 19
  44. Indian Police Act 1888 3
  45. Indian Reserve Forces Act 1888 4
  46. Indian Tolls Act 1888 8
  47. City of Bombay Municipal (Supplementary) Act 1888 12
  48. King of Oudh's Estate Act 1888 14
  49. Metal Tokens Act 1889 1
  50. Revenue Recovery Act 1890 1
  51. Charitable Endowments Act 1890 6
  52. Guardians and Wards Act 1890 8
  53. Excise (Malt Liquors) Act 1890 13
  54. United Provinces Act 1890 20
  55. Easements (Extending Act 5 of 1882) 1891 8
  56. Murshidabad Act 1891 15
  57. Colonial Courts of Admiralty (India) Act 1891 16
  58. Bankers' Books Evidence Act 1891 18
  59. Marriages Validation Act 1892 2
  60. Bengal Military Police Act 1892 5
  61. Madras City Civil Court Act 1892 7
  62. Government Management of Private Estates Act 1892 10
  63. Porahat Estate Act 1893 2
  64. Partition Act 1893 4
  65. Sir Dinshaw Maneckjee Petit 1893 6
  66. Land Acquisition Act 1894 1
  67. Prisons Act 1894 9
  68. Government Grants Act 1895 15
  69. Epidemic Diseases Act 1897 3
  70. Indian Fisheries Act 1897 4
  71. Amending Act 1897 5
  72. Reformatory Schools Act 1897 8
  73. General Clauses Act 1897 10
  74. Indian Short Titles Act 1897 14
  75. Lepers Act 1898 3
  76. Indian Post Office Act 1898 6
  77. Live-stock Importation Act 1898 9
  78. Central Provinces Tenancy Act 1898 11
  79. Indian Stamp Act 1899 2
  80. Government Buildings Act 1899 4
  81. Glanders and Farcy Act 1899 13
  82. Church of Scotland Kirk Sessions Act 1899 23
  83. Central Provinces Court of Wards Act 1899 24
  84. Prisoners Act 1900 3

Name of the Act Year Act No.

  1.  Indian Tolls (Army and Air Force) Act 1901 2
  2. Amending Act 1901 11
  3. Indian Tramways Act 1902 4
  4. Amending Act 1903 1
  5. Works of Defence Act 1903 7
  6. Victoria Memorial Act 1903 10
  7. Ancient Monuments Preservation Act 1904 7
  8. Indian Railway Board Act 1905 4
  9. Coinage Act 1906 3
  10. Code of Civil Procedure 1908 5
  11. Explosive Substances Act 1908 6
  12. Central Provinces Financial Commissioner’s Act 1908 13
  13. Indian Criminal Law Amendment Act 1908 14
  14. Indian Ports Act 1908 15
  15. Registration Act 1908 16
  16. Presidency-towns Insolvency Act 1909 3
  17. Anand Marriage Act 1909 7
  18. Dourine Act 1910 5
  19. Indian Museum Act 1910 10
  20. Prevention of Seditious Meetings Act 1911 10
  21. Co-operative Societies Act 1912 2
  22. Bengal, Bihar and Orissa and Assam Laws Act 1912 7
  23. Wild Birds and Animals Protection Act 1912 8
  24. Delhi Laws Act 1912 13
  25. Official Trustees Act 1913 2
  26. White Phosphorus Matches Prohibition Act 1913 5
  27. Mussalman Wakf Validating Act 1913 6
  28. Destructive Insects and Pests Act 1914 2
  29. Local Authorities Loans Act 1914 9
  30. Delhi Laws Act 1915 7
  31. Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy Baronetcy Act 1915 10
  32. Banaras Hindu University Act 1915 16
  33. Indian Medical Degrees Act 1916 7
  34. Hindu Disposition of Property Act 1916 15
  35. Inland Vessels Act 1917 1
  36. Destruction of Records Act 1917 5
  37. King of Oudh's Estate Validation Act 1917 12
  38. Post Office Cash Certificates Act 1917 18
  39. Cinematograph Act 1918 2
  40. Usurious Loans Act 1918 10
  41. Bronze Coin (Legal Tender) Act 1918 22
  42. Local Authorities Pensions and Gratuities Act 1919 1
  43. Poisons Act 1919 12
  44. Calcutta High Court (Jurisdictional Limits) Act 1919 15
  45. Provincial Insolvency Act 1920 5
  46. Indian Securities Act 1920 10
  47. Charitable and Religious Trusts Act 1920 14
  48. Indian Red Cross Society Act 1920 15
  49. Indian Rifles Act 1920 23
  50. Identification of Prisoners Act 1920 33
  51. Passport (Entry into India) Act 1920 34
  52. Aligarh Muslim University Act 1920 40
  53. Maintenance Orders Enforcement Act 1921 18
  54. Delhi University Act 1922 8
  55. Police (Incitement to Disaffection) Act 1922 22
  56. Indian Boilers Act 1923 5
  57. Cantonments (House Accommodation) Act 1923 6
  58. Indian Naval Armament Act 1923 7
  59. Workmen's Compensation Act 1923 8
  60. Official Secrets Act 1923 19
  61. Legal Practitioners (Women) Act 1923 23
  62. Mussalman Wakf Act 1923 42
  63. Cantonments Act 1924 2
  64. Bengal Criminal Law Amendment (Supplementary) Act 1925 0
  65. Indian Soldiers (Litigation) Act 1925 4
  66. Provident Funds Act 1925 19
  67. Sikh Gurdwaras (Supplementary) Act 1925 24
  68. Indian Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1925 26
  69. Madras, Bengal and Bombay Children (Supplementary) Act 1925 35
  70. Indian Succession Act 1925 39

Name of the Act Year Act No.

  1. Trade Unions Act 1926 16
  2. Legal Practitioners (Fees) Act 1926 21
  3. Indian Bar Councils Act 1926 38
  4. Indian Forest Act 1927 16
  5. Light House Act 1927 17
  6. Hindu Inheritance (Removal of Disabilities) Act 1928 12
  7. Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929 19
  8. Transfer of Property (Amendment) Supplementary Act 1929 21
  9. Sale of Goods Act 1930 3
  10. Hindu Gains of Learning Act 1930 30
  11. Mussalman Wakf Validating Act 1930 32
  12. Provisional Collection of Taxes Act 1931 16
  13. Sheriff of Calcutta (Power of Custody) Act 1931 20
  14. Indian Partnership Act 1932 9
  15. Public Suits Validation Act 1932 11
  16. Criminal Law Amendment Act 1932 23
  17. Bengal Suppression of Terrorist Outrages (Supplementary) Act 1932 24
  18. Children (Pledging of Labour) Act 1933 2
  19. Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act 1933 17
  20. Murshidabad Estate Administration Act 1933 23
  21. Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 2
  22. Sugar-cane Act 1934 15
  23. Aircraft Act 1934 22
  24. Assam Criminal Law Amendment (Supplementary) Act 1934 27
  25. Petroleum Act 1934 30
  26. Jubbalpore and Chhattisgarh Divisions (Divorce Proceedings Validation) Act 1935 13
  27. Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act 1936 3
  28. Payment of Wages Act 1936 4
  29. Decrees and Orders Validating Act 1936 5
  30. Bangalore Marriages Validating Act 1936 16
  31. Red Cross Society (Allocation of Property) Act 1936 18
  32. Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act 1937 1
  33. Arya Marriage Validation Act 1937 19
  34. Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act 1937 26
  35. Insurance Act 1938 4
  36. Manoeuvres, Field Firing and Artillery Practice Act 1938 5
  37. Cutchi Memons Act 1938 10
  38. Criminal Law Amendment Act 1938 20
  39. Employers' Liability Act 1938 24
  40. Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act 1939 8
  41. Registration of Foreigners Act 1939 16
  42. Commercial Documents Evidence Act 1939 30
  43. Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 23
  44. Agricultural Produce Cess Act 1940 27
  45. Berar Laws Act 1941 4
  46. Assam Rifles Act 1941 5
  47. Delhi Restriction of Uses of Land Act 1941 12
  48. Railways (Local Authorities' Taxation) Act 1941 25
  49. Coffee Act 1942 7
  50. Weekly Holidays Act 1942 18
  51. Reciprocity Act 1943 9
  52. War Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act 1943 23
  53. Central Excise Act 1944 1
  54. Public Debt Act 1944 18
  55. International Monetary Fund and Bank Act 1945 0
  56. Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946 20
  57. Mica Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act 1946 22
  58. Delhi Special Police Establishment Act 1946 25
  59. Foreigners Act 1946 31
  60. Industrial Disputes Act 1947 14
  61. Armed Forces (Emergency Duties) Act 1947 15
  62. Trading with the Enemy (Continuance of Emergency Provisions) Act 1947 16
  63. Rubber Act 1947 24
  64. United Nations (Security Council) Act 1947 43
  65. United Nations (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1947 46
  66. Foreign Jurisdiction Act 1947 47
  67. Indian Nursing Council Act 1947 48
  68. Pharmacy Act 1948 8
  69. Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act 1948 9
  70. Minimum Wages Act 1948 11
  71. Rehabilitation Finance Administration Act 1948 12
  72. Damodar Valley Corporation Act 1948 14
  73. Dentists Act 1948 16
  74. Junagarh Administration (Property) Act 1948 26
  75. National Cadet Corps Act 1948 31
  76. Calcutta Port (Pilotage) Act 1948 33
  77. Employees' State Insurance Act 1948 34
  78. Census Act 1948 37
  79. Continuance of Legal Proceedings Act 1948 38
  80. Indian Matrimonial Causes (War Marriages) Act 1948 40
  81. Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees) Act 1948 41
  82. Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1948 46
  83. Imperial Library (Change of Name) Act 1948 51
  84. Bombay Public Security Measures (Delhi Amendment) Act 1948 52
  85. Oil Fields (Regulation and Development) Act 1948 53
  86. Territorial Army Act 1948 56
  87. Exchange of Prisoners Act 1948 58
  88. Resettlement of Displaced Persons (Land Acquisition) Act 1948 60
  89. Central Silk Board Act 1948 61
  90. Reserve Bank (Transfer of Public Ownership) Act 1948 62
  91. Factories Act 1948 63
  92. Delhi and Ajmer-Merwara Land Development Act 1948 66
  93. Mangrol and Manavadar (Administration of Property) Act 1949 2
  94. Scheduled Securities (Hyderabad) Act 1949 7
  95. Seaward Artillery Practice Act 1949 8
  96. Banking Regulation Act 1949 10
  97. West Godavari District (Assimilation of Laws on Federal Subjects) Act 1949 20
  98. Delhi Hotels (Control of Accommodation) Act 1949 24
  99. Chartered Accountants Act 1949 38
  100. Requisitioned Land (Apportionment of Compensation) Act 1949 51
  101. Industrial Disputes (Banking and Insurance Companies) Act 1949 54
  102. Merged States (Laws) Act 1949 59
  103. Professions Tax Limitation (Amendment and Validation) Act 1949 61
  104. Police Act 1949 64
  105. Central Reserve Police Force Act 1949 66
  106. High Courts (Seals) Act 1950 7
  107. Immigrants (Expulsion from Assam) Act 1950 10
  108. Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act 1950 12
  109. Special Criminal Courts (Jurisdiction) Act 1950 18
  110. Drugs (Control) Act 1950 26
  111. Transfer of Prisoners Act 1950 29
  112. Union Territories (Laws) Act 1950 30
  113. Opium and Revenue Laws (Extension of Application) Act 1950 33
  114. Army and Air Force (Disposal of Private Property) Act 1950 40
  115. Ajmer Tenancy and Land Records Act 1950 42
  116. Representation of the People Act 1950 43
  117. Air Force Act 1950 45
  118. Army Act 1950 46
  119. Contingency Fund of India Act 1950 49
  120. Road Transport Corporations Act 1950 64
  121. Cooch-Behar (Assimilation of Laws) Act 1950 67
  122. Telegraph Wires (Unlawful Possession) Act 1950 74
  123. Khaddar (Protection of Name) Act 1950 78

Name of the Act Year Act No.

  1. Part B States (Laws) Act 1951 3
  2. Supreme Court Advocates (Practice in High Courts) Act 1951 18
  3. Jallianwala Bagh National Memorial Act 1951 25
  4. Visva-Bharati Act 1951 29
  5. President's Emoluments and Pension Act 1951 30
  6. Finance Commission (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1951 33
  7. Scheduled Areas (Assimilation of Laws) Act 1951 37
  8. Marking of Heavy Packages Act 1951 39
  9.  Rajghat Samadhi Act 1951 41
  10. Representation of the People Act 1951 43
  11. Assam (Alteration of Boundaries) Act 1951 47
  12. Railway Companies (Emergency Provisions) Act 1951 51
  13. Companies (Donations to National Funds) Act 1951 54
  14. All-India Services Act 1951 61
  15. State Financial Corporations Act 1951 63
  16. Evacuee Interest (Separation) Act 1951 64
  17. Industries (Development and Regulation) Act 1951 65
  18. Part C States Miscellaneous Laws (Repealing) Act 1951 66
  19. Plantations Labour Act 1951 69
  20. Displaced Persons (Debts Adjustment) Act 1951 70
  21. Part B States Marriages Validating Act 1952 1
  22. Indian Independence Pakistan Courts (Pending Proceedings) Act 1952 9
  23. Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 19
  24. Inflammable Substances Act 1952 20
  25. Requisitioning and Acquisition of Immovable Property Act 1952 30
  26. Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act 1952 31
  27. Mines Act 1952 35
  28. Cinematograph Act 1952 37
  29. Delhi and Ajmer Rent Control Act 1952 38
  30. Notaries Act 1952 53
  31. Salaries and Allowances of Ministers Act 1952 58
  32. Commissions of Inquiry Act 1952 60
  33. Reserve and Auxiliary Air Forces Act 1952 62
  34. State Armed Police Forces (Extension of Laws) Act 1952 63
  35. Forward ContrActs (Regulation) Act]] 1952 74
  36. Scheduled Areas (Assimilation of Laws) Act 1953 16
  37. Salaries and Allowances of Officers of Parliament Act 1953 20
  38. Tea Act 1953 29
  39. Andhra State Act 1953 30
  40. Collection of Statistics Act 1953 32
  41. Calcutta High Court (Extension of Jurisdiction) Act 1953 41
  42. Coir Industry Act 1953 45
  43. Salt Cess Act 1953 49
  44. Reserve Bank of India (Amendment and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1953 54
  45. Transfer of Evacuee Deposits Act 1954 15
  46. Lushai Hills District (Change of Name) Act 1954 18
  47. Absorbed Areas (Laws) Act 1954 20
  48. Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act 1954 21
  49. State Acquisition of Lands for Union Purposes (Validation) Act 1954 23
  50. Delivery of Books and Newspapers (Public Libraries) Act 1954 27
  51. High Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act 1954 28
  52. Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament Act 1954 30
  53. Shillong (Rifle Range and Umlong) Cantonments Assimilation of Laws Act 1954 31
  54. Himachal Pradesh and Bilaspur (New State) Act 1954 32
  55. Chandernagore (Merger) Act 1954 36
  56. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1954 37
  57. Taxation Laws (Extension to Jammu and Kashmir) Act 1954 41
  58. Special Marriage Act 1954 43
  59. Essential Commodities Act 1955 10
  60. Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act 1955 16
  61. Commanders-in-Chief (Change in Designation) Act 1955 19
  62. Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955 22
  63. State Bank of India Act 1955 23
  64. Hindu Marriage Act 1955 25
  65. Prisoners (Attendance in Courts) Act 1955 32
  66. Durgah Khawaja Saheb Act 1955 36
  67. Spirituous Preparation (Inter-State Trade and Commerce) Control Act 1955 39
  68. Prize Competitions Act 1955 42
  69. Working Journalists and other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1955 45
  70. Manipur (Courts) Act 1955 56
  71. Citizenship Act 1955 57
  72. Companies Act 1956 1
  73. University Grants Commission Act 1956 3
  74. Bar Councils (Validation of State Laws) Act 1956 4
  75. Sales Tax Laws Validation Act 1956 7
  76. All-India Institute of Medical Sciences Act 1956 25
  77. Hindu Succession Act 1956 30
  78. Life Insurance Corporation Act 1956 31
  79. Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act 1956 32
  80. Inter-State River Water Disputes Act 1956 33
  81. Industrial Disputes (Amendment and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1956 36
  82. States Reorganisation Act 1956 37
  83. Bihar and West Bengal (Transfer of Territories) Act 1956 40
  84. Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act 1956 42
  85. Newspaper (Price and Page) Act 1956 45
  86. National Highways Act 1956 48
  87. River Boards Act 1956 49
  88. Lok Sahayak Sena Act 1956 53
  89. Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Act 1956 55
  90. Khadi and Village Industries Commission Act 1956 61
  91. Jammu and Kashmir (Extension of Laws) Act 1956 62
  92. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act 1956 63
  93. Terminal Tax on Railway Passengers Act 1956 69
  94. Central Sales Tax Act 1956 74
  95. Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act 1956 78
  96. State Bank of Hyderabad Act 1956 79
  97. Manipur (Village Authorities in Hill Areas) Act 1956 80
  98. Representation of the People (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1956 88
  99. Faridabad Development Corporation Act 1956 90
  100. Young Persons (Harmful Publications) Act 1956 93
  101. Slum Areas (Improvement and Clearance) Act 1956 96
  102. Indian Medical Council Act 1956 102
  103. Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act 1956 104
  104. Women's and Children's Institutions (Licensing) Act 1956 105
  105. Copyright Act 1957 14
  106. Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act 1957 20
  107. Railway Protection Force Act 1957 23
  108. Wealth-tax Act 1957 27
  109. Legislative Councils Act 1957 37
  110. Inter-State Corporation Act 1957 38
  111. Naga Hills-Tuensang Area Act 1957 42
  112. Public Employment (Requirement as to Residence) Act 1957 44
  113. Cantonments (Extension of Rent Control Laws) Act 1957 46
  114. Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act 1957 58
  115. Delhi Development Act 1957 61
  116. Navy Act 1957 62
  117. Delhi Municipal Corporation Act 1957 66
  118. Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act 1957 67
  119. Gift-tax Act 1958 18
  120. Probation of Offenders Act 1958 20
  121. Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act 1958 24
  122. Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act 1958 28
  123. Working Journalists (Fixation of Rates of Wages) Act 1958 29
  124. Manipur and Tripura (Repeal of Laws) Act 1958 35
  125. Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act 1958 41
  126. International Finance Corporation (Status, Immunities and Privileges) Act 1958 42
  127. Merchant Shipping Act 1958 44
  128. Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly (Constitution and Proceedings) Validation Act 1958 56
  129. Orissa Weights and Measures (Delhi Repeal) Act 1958 57
  130. Delhi Rent Control Act 1958 59
  131. Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act 1959 10
  132. Cost and Works Accountants Act 1959 23
  133. Public Wakfs (Extension of Limitation) Act 1959 29
  134. Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act 1959 31
  135. State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act 1959 38
  136. Travancore-Cochin Vehicles Taxation (Amendment and Validation) Act 1959 42
  137. Government Savings Certificates Act 1959 46
  138. Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh (Transfer of Territories) Act 1959 47
  139. Miscellaneous Personal Laws (Extension) Act 1959 48
  140. Arms Act 1959 54
  141. Andhra Pradesh and Madras Alteration of Boundaries Act 1959 56
  142. Indian Statistical Institute Act 1959 57
  143. Married Women's Property (Extension) Act 1959 61
  144. Geneva Conventions Act 1960 6
  145. Orphanages and Other Charitable Homes (Supervision and Control) Act 1960 10
  146. Bombay Reorganisation Act 1960 11
  147. Hindu Marriages (Validation of Proceedings) Act 1960 19
  148. Delhi Land Holdings (Ceiling) Act 1960 24
  149. International Development Association (Status, Immunities and Privileges) Act 1960 32
  150. Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act 1960 33
  151. Central Excises (Conversion to Metric Units) Act 1960 38
  152. Delhi Primary Education Act 1960 39
  153. Customs Duties and Cesses (Conversion to Metric Units) Act 1960 40
  154. Tripura Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act 1960 43
  155. Mahendra Pratap Singh Estate (Repeal) Act 1960 48
  156. British Statutes (Application to India) Repeal Act 1960 57
  157. Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act 1960 59
  158. Preference Shares (Regulation of Dividend) Act 1960 63
  159. Acquired Territories (Merger) Act 1960 64
  160. Criminal Law Amendment Act 1961 23
  161. Advocates Act 1961 25
  162. Salar Jung Museum Act 1961 26
  163. Motor Transport Workers Act 1961 27
  164. Dowry Prohibition Act 1961 28
  165. Delhi (Urban Areas) Tenants' Relief Act 1961 30
  166. Union Territories (Stamp and Court-fees Laws) Act 1961 33
  167. Dadra and Nagar Haveli Act 1961 35
  168. Newspaper (Price and Page Continuance) Act 1961 36
  169. Income-tax Act 1961 43
  170. Voluntary Surrender of Salaries (Exemption from Taxation) Act 1961 46
  171. Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act 1961 47
  172. Assam Municipal (Manipur Amendment) Act 1961 49
  173. Apprentices Act 1961 52
  174. Maternity Benefit Act 1961 53
  175. Sugar (Regulation of Producion) Act 1961 55
  176. Institutes of Technology Act 1961 59
  177. Goa, Daman and Diu (Administration) Act 1962 1
  178. Hindi Sahitya Sammelan Act 1962 13
  179. National Co-operative Development Corporation Act 1962 26
  180. State of Nagaland Act 1962 27
  181. Land Acquisition (Amendment) Act 1962 31
  182. Atomic Energy Act 1962 33
  183. Extradition Act 1962 34
  184. Foreigners Law (Application and Amendment) Act 1962 42
  185. Pondicherry (Administration) Act 1962 49
  186. Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act 1962 50
  187. Customs Act 1962 52
  188. Manipur (Sales of Motor Spirit and Lubricants) Taxation Act 1962 55
  189. State Associated Banks (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1962 56
  190. Delhi Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1962 57
  191. Warehousing Corporations Act 1962 58
  192. Marine Insurance Act 1963 11
  193. Official Languages Act 1963 19
  194. Government of Union Territories Act 1963 20
  195. Compulsory Deposit Scheme Act 1963 21
  196. Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act 1963 22
  197. Limitation Act 1963 36
  198. Personal Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act 1963 37
  199. Major Port Trusts Act 1963 38
  200. Textiles Committee Act 1963 41
  201. Administrators-General Act 1963 45
  202. Specifice Relief Act 1963 47
  203. Unit Trust of India Act 1963 52
  204. Central Boards of Revenue Act 1963 54
  205. Companies (Profits) Surtax Act 1964 7
  206. Taxation Laws (Continuation and Validation of Recovery Proceedings) Act 1964 11
  207. Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha Act 1964 14
  208. Delhi Delegation of Powers Act 1964 23
  209. Legal Tender (Inscribed Notes) Act 1964 28
  210. Food Corporations Act[1] 1964 37
  211. Warehousing Corporations (Supplementary) Act 1965 20
  212. Payment of Bonus Act 1965 21
  213. Banking Laws (Application to Co-operative Societies) Act 1965 23
  214. Goa, Daman and Diu (Extension of the Code of Civil Procedure and the Arbitration Act) Act 1965 30
  215. Railways Employment of Members of the Armed Forces Act 1965 40
  216. Taxation Laws (Amendment and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1965 41
  217. Cardamom Act 1965 42
  218. Union Territories (Direct Election to the House of the People) Act 1965 49
  219. Goa, Daman and Diu (Absorbed Employees) Act 1965 50
  220. Seamen's Provident Fund Act 1966 4
  221. Produce Cess Act 1966 15
  222. Asian Development Bank Act 1966 18
  223. Delhi High Court Act 1966 26
  224. Railway Property (Unlawful Possession) Act 1966 29
  225. Punjab Reorganisation Act 1966 31
  226. Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act 1966 32
  227. Police Forces (Restriction of Rights) Act 1966 33
  228. Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, Act 1966 51
  229. Jawaharlal Nehru University Act 1966 53
  230. Seeds Act 1966 54
  231. Land Acquisition (Amendment and Validation) Act 1967 13
  232. Passports Act 1967 15
  233. Anti-Corruption Laws (Amendment) Act 1967 16
  234. Standards of Weights and Measures (Extension to Kohima and Mokokchung Districts) Act 1967 25
  235. Court-fees (Delhi Amendment) Act 1967 28
  236. Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 1967 37
  237. Jammu and Kashmir Representation of the People (Supplementary) Act 1968 3
  238. Public Provident Fund Act 1968 23
  239. Bihar and Uttar Pradesh (Alteration of Boundaries) Act 1968 24
  240. Central Laws (Extension to Jammu and Kashmir) Act 1968 25
  241. Pondicherry (Extension of Laws) Act 1968 26
  242. Civil Defence Act 1968 27
  243. Enemy Property Act 1968 34
  244. Andhra Pradesh and Mysore (Transfer of Territory) Act 1968 36
  245. Insecticides Act 1968 46
  246. Border Security Force Act 1968 47
  247. Delhi and Ajmer Rent Control (Nasirabad Cantonment Repeal) Act 1968 49
  248. Central Industrial Security Force Act 1968 50
  249. Judges (Inquiry) Act 1968 51
  250. State Agricultural Credit Corporation Act 1968 60
  251. Legislative Assembly of Nagaland (Change in Representation) Act 1968 61
  252. President (Discharge of Functions) Act 1969 16
  253. Registration of Births and Deaths Act 1969 18
  254. Union Territories (Separation of Judicial and Executive Functions) Act 1969 19
  255. Central Sales Tax (Amendment) Act 1969 28
  256. Foreign Marriage Act 1969 33
  257. Criminal and Election Laws Amendment Act 1969 35
  258. Bihar Land Reforms Laws (Regulating Mines and Minerals) Validation Act 1969 42
  259. Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library Act 1969 43
  260. Oaths Act 1969 44
  261. Punjab Legislative Council (Abolition) Act 1969 46
  262. Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1969 54
  263. Assam Reorganisation (Meghalaya) Act 1969 55
  264. Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1970 5
  265. Haryana and Punjab Agricultural Universities Act 1970 16
  266. Supreme Court (Enlargement of Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction) Act 1970 28
  267. Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 37
  268. Patents Act 1970 39
  269. Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970 48
  270. Central Labour Laws (Extension to Jammu and Kashmir) Act 1970 51
  271. State of Himachal Pradesh Act 1970 53
  272. Bengal Finance (Sales Tax) (Delhi Validation of Appointments and Proceedings) Act 1971 20
  273. Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971 34
  274. Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act 1971 40
  275. Small Coins (Offences) Act 1971 52
  276. Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition and Development) Amendment and Validation Act 1971 54
  277. Comptroller and Auditor General's (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service) Act 1971 56
  278. Naval and Aircraft Prize Act 1971 59
  279. Jayanti Shipping Company (Acquisition of Shares) Act 1971 63
  280. Coking Coal Mines (Emergency Provisions) Act 1971 64
  281. Asian Refractories Limited (Acquisition of Undertakings) Act 1971 65
  282. Uttar Pradesh Cantonments (Control of Rent and Eviction) Repeal Act 1971 68
  283. Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act 1971 69
  284. Contempt of Courts Act 1971 70
  285. Delhi Road Transport Laws (Amendment) Act 1971 71
  286. Manipur (Hill Areas District Council) Act 1971 76
  287. North-Eastern Area (Reorganisation) Act 1971 81
  288. Delhi Sikh Gurdwaras Act 1971 82
  289. North-Eastern Council Act 1971 84
  290. Marine Products Export Development Authority Act 1972 13
  291. Departmental Inquiries (Enforcement of Attendance of Witnesses and Production of Documents) Act 1972 18
  292. Architects Act 1972 20
  293. Taxation Laws (Extension to Jammu and Kashmir) Act 1972 25
  294. National Service Act 1972 28
  295. Delhi Lands (Restriction on Transfer) Act 1972 30
  296. Delhi Co-operative Societies Act 1972 35
  297. Coking Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act 1972 36
  298. Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 39
  299. Diplomatic Relations (Vienna Convention) Act 1972 43
  300. Antiquities and Art Treasures Act 1972 52
  301. Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972 53
  302. General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act 1972 57
  303. Indian Copper Corporation (Acquisition of Undertaking) Act 1972 58
  304. Former Secretary of State Service Officers (Conditions of Service) Act 1972 59
  305. Limestone and Dolomite Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act 1972 62
  306. Carriage by Air Act 1972 69
  307. Sick Textile Undertakings (Taking Over of Management) Act 1972 72
  308. Richardson and Cruddas Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1972 78
  309. Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees) (Extension to Jammu and Kashmir) Act 1973 2
  310. Coal Mines (Taking Over of Management) Act 1973 15
  311. Capital of Punjab Development and Regulation (Chandigarh Amendment) Act 1973 17
  312. Delhi School Education Act 1973 18
  313. North-Eastern Hill University Act 1973 24
  314. Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act 1973 26
  315. Authoritative Texts (Central Laws) Act 1973 50
  316. Alcock Ashdown Company Limited (Acquisition of Undertakings) Act 1973 56
  317. Homoeopathy Central Council Act 1973 59
  318. Konkan Passenger Ships (Acquisition) Act 1973 62
  319. Delhi Urban Art Commission Act, 1973 1974 1
  320. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 1974 2
  321. Esso (Acquisition of Undertakings in India) Act 1974 4
  322. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974 6
  323. Economic Offences (Inapplicability of Limitation) Act 1974 12
  324. Coal Mines (Conservation and Development) Act 1974 28
  325. Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act 1974 37
  326. University of Hyderabad Act 1974 39
  327. Interest-tax Act 1974 45
  328. Oil Industry (Development) Act 1974 47
  329. Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act 1974 52
  330. East-Punjab Urban Rent Restriction (Extension to Chandigarh) Act 1974 54
  331. Sick Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act 1974 57
  332. Tobacco Board Act 1975 4
  333. All-India Services Regulations (Indemnity) Act 1975 19
  334. Tokyo Convention Act 1975 20
  335. Rampur Raza Library Act 1975 22
  336. Tobacco Cess Act 1975 26
  337. Delhi Sales Tax Act 1975 43
  338. Cigarettes (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act 1975 49
  339. Customs Tariff Act 1975 51

Name of the Act Year Act No.

  1. Burmah Shell (Acquisition of Undertakings in India) Act 1976 2
  2. Election Laws (Extension to Sikkim) Act 1976 10
  3. Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of Service) Act 1976 11
  4. Smugglers and Foreign Exchange Manipulators (Forfeiture of Property) Act 1976 13
  5. Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1976 19
  6. Regional Rural Banks Act 1976 21
  7. Assam Sillimanite Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Refractory Plant) Act 1976 22
  8. Equal Remuneration Act 1976 25
  9. Parliamentary Proceedings (Protection of Publication) Repeal Act 1976 28
  10. Levy Sugar Price Equalisation Fund Act 1976 31
  11. Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act 1976 33
  12. Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 1976 49
  13. Iron Ore Mines, Manganese Ore Mines and Chrome Ore Mines Labour Welfare Cess Act 1976 55
  14. Beedi Workers Welfare Cess Act 1976 56
  15. High Court at Patna (Establishment of a Permanent Bench at Ranchi) Act 1976 57
  16. Departmentalisation of Union Accounts (Transfer of Personnel) Act 1976 59
  17. tandards of Weights and Measures Act 1976 60
  18. Iron Ore Mines, Manganese Ore Mines and Chrome Ore Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act 1976 61
  19. Beedi Workers Welfare Fund Act 1976 62
  20. Betwa River Board Act 1976 63
  21. Life Insurance Corporation (Modification of Settlement) Act 1976 72
  22. National Library of India Act 1976 76
  23. Disturbed Areas (Special Courts) Act 1976 77
  24. Territorial Waters, Continental Shelf, Exclusive Economic Zone and other Maritime Zones Act 1976 80
  25. Delhi Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation) Act 1976 87
  26. Indian Iron and Steel Company (Acquisition of Shares) Act 1976 89
  27. Delhi Sales Tax (Amendment and Validation) Act 1976 91
  28. Braithwaite and Company (India) Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1976 96
  29. Burn Company and Indian Standard Wagon Company (Nationalisation) Act 1976 97
  30. Laxmirattan and Atherton West Cotton Mills (Taking Over of Management) Act 1976 98
  31. Metal Corporation (Nationalisation and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 100
  32. Untouchability (Offences) Amendment and Miscellaneous Provision Act 1976 106
  33. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act 1976 108
  34. Parliamentary Proceedings (Protection of Publication) Act 1977 15
  35. Disputed Elections (Prime Minister and Speaker) Act 1977 16
  36. Caltex (Acquisition of Shares of Caltex Oil Refining (India) Limited and of the Undertakings in India of Caltex (India)
  37. Limited) Act 1977 17
  38. Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act 1977 33
  39. Lady Hardinge Medical College and Hospital (Acquisition and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1977 34
  40. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act 1977 36
  41. Smith, Stainstreet and Company Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1977 41
  42. Gresham and Craven of India (Private) Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1977 42
  43. High Denomination Bank Notes (Demonetisation) Act 1978 11
  44. Hindustan Tractors Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1978 13
  45. Interest Act 1978 14
  46. Public Sector Iron and Steel Companies (Restructuring) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1978 16 
  47. Deposit Insurance Corporation (Amendment and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1978 21
  48. Coast Guard Act 1978 30
  49. Metro Railways (Construction of Works) Act 1978 33
  50. Delhi Police Act 1978 34
  51. Press Council Act 1978 37
  52. Additional Duties of Excise (Textiles and Textile Articles) Act 1978 40
  53. Britannia Engineering Company Limited (Mokameh Unit) and the Arthur Butler and Company (Muzaffarpore) Limited
  54. (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1978 41
  55. Bolani Ores Limited (Acquisition of Shares) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1978 42
  56. Prize Chits and Money Circulation Scheme (Banning) Act 1978 43
  57. Sugar Undertakings (Taking Over of Management) Act 1978 49
  58. Coconut Development Board Act 1979 5
  59. Punjab Excise (Delhi Amendment) Act 1979 12
  60. Union Duties of Excise (Distribution) Act 1979 24
  61. Kosangas Company (Acquisition of Undertakings) Act 1979 28
  62. Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act 1979 30
  63. Haryana and Uttar Pradesh (Alteration of Boundaries) Act 1979 31
  64. Prevention of Blackmarketing and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act 1980 7
  65. Delhi High Court (Amendment) Act 1980 37
  66. Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1980 40
  67. Essential Services Maintenance (Assam) Act 1980 41
  68. National Company (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1980 42
  69. Brahmaputra Board Act 1980 46
  70. Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum, Act 1980 52
  71. Hotel-Receipts Tax Act 1980 54
  72. Company Secretaries Act 1980 56
  73. Bengal Chemical and Pharmaceutical Works Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1980 58
  74. Jute Companies (Nationalisation) Act 1980 62
  75. Maruti Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1980 64
  76. National Security Act 1980 65
  77. Bird and Company Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings and Other Properties) Act 1980 67
  78. Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 69
  79. Hind Cycles Limited and Sen-Raleigh Limited (Nationalisation) Act 1980 70
  80. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 14
  81. High Court and Bombay (Extension of Jurisdiction to Goa, Daman and Diu) Act 1981 26
  82. Export-Import Bank of India Act 1981 28
  83. British India Corporation Limited (Acquisition of Shares) Act 1981 29
  84. Cine-Workers Welfare Cess Act 1981 30
  85. Dalmia Dadri Cement Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1981 31
  86. Cine-Workers Welfare Fund Act 1981 33
  87. Burmah Oil Company (Acquisition of Shares of Oil India Limited and of the Undertakings in India of Assam Oil Company
  88. Limited and the Burmah Oil Company (India Trading) Limited) Act 1981 41
  89. Maritime Zones of India (Regulation of Fishing by Foreign Vessels) Act 1981 42
  90. Anti-Apartheid (United Nations Convention) Act 1981 48
  91. Cine-Workers and Cinema Theatre Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act 1981 50
  92. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act 1981 61
  93. African Development Fund Act 1982 1
  94. Sugar Cess Act 1982 3
  95. Sugar Development Fund Act 1982 4
  96. Chaparmukh Silghat Railway Line and the Katakhal Lalabazar Railway Line (Nationalisation) Act 1982 36
  97. Chit Funds Act 1982 40
  98. Governors (Emoluments, Allowances and Privileges) Act 1982 43
  99. National Waterway (Allahabad-Haldia Stretch of the Ganga-Bhagirathi, Hooghly River) Act 1982 49
  100. Amritsar Oil Works (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1982 50
  101. State Bank of Sikkim (Acquisition of Shares) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1982 62
  102. Anti-Hijacking Act 1982 65
  103. Suppression of Unlawful Acts against Safety of Civil Aviation Act 1982 66
  104. Andhra Scientific Company Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1982 71
  105. African Development Bank Act 1983 13
  106. Jute Manufacturers Development Council Act 1983 27
  107. Jute Manufactures Cess Act 1983 28
  108. National Oil Seeds and Vegetable Oils Development Board Act 1983 29
  109. Emigration Act 1983 31
  110. Punjab Disturbed Areas Act 1983 32
  111. Chandigarh Disturbed Areas Act 1983 33
  112. Armed Forces (Punjab and Chandigarh) Special Powers Act 1983 34
  113. Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act 1983 35
  114. Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act 1983 39
  115. Textile Undertakings (Taking Over of Management) Act 1983 40
  116. Transformer and Switchgear Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1983 41
  117. Public Financial Institutions (Obligation as to Fidelity and Secrecy) Act 1983 48
  118. Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act 1984 3
  119. Asiatic Society Act 1984 5
  120. Ganesh Flour Mills Company Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1984 16
  121. Inchek Tyres Limited and National Rubber Manufacturers Limited (Nationalisation) Act 1984 17
  122. Mogul Line Limited (Acquisition of Shares) Act 1984 33
  123.  Punjab State Legislature (Delegation of Powers) Act 1984 36
  124. Aluminium Corporation of India Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Aluminium Undertaking) Act 1984 43
  125. Indian Veterinary Council Act 1984 52
  126. Hooghly Docking and Engineering Company Limited (Acquisition of Undertakings and Transfer) Act 1984 55
  127. Bengal Immunity Company Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1984 57
  128. Terrorist Affected Areas (Special Courts) Act 1984 61
  129. Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India Act 1984 62
  130. Family Courts Act 1984 66
  131. National Capital Region Planning Board Act 1985 2
  132. General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Amendment Act 1985 3
  133. Calcutta Metro Railway (Operation and Maintenance) Temporary Provisions Act 1985 10
  134. Administrative Tribunals Act 1985 13
  135. Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster (Processing of Claims) Act 1985 21
  136. Handlooms (Reservation of Articles for Production) Act 1985 22
  137. Tea Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Sick Tea Units) Act 1985 37
  138. Indira Gandhi National Open University Act 1985 50
  139. Pondicherry University Act 1985 53
  140. Standards of Weights and Measures (Enforcement) Act 1985 54
  141. Intelligence Organisations (Restriction on Rights) Act 1985 58
  142. Judges (Protection) Act 1985 59
  143. Railway Protection Force (Amendment) Act 1985 60
  144. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1985 61
  145. Central Excises and Salt (Amendment) Act 1985 79
  146. Customs (Amendment) Act 1985 80
  147. Banking Laws (Amendment) Act 1985 81
  148. Inland Waterways Authority of India Act 1985 82
  149. Futwah-Islampur Light Railway Line (Nationalisation) Act 1985 83
  150. Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 Rep. by Act 1 of 04 (w.e.f.- - )] 1986 1
  151. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act, 1985 1986 2
  152. Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 1986 5
  153. Spices Board Act 1986 10
  154. Administrative Tribunals (Amendment) Act 1986 19
  155. Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act 1986 25
  156. Coal Mines Labour Welfare Fund (Repeal) Act 1986 27
  157. Environment (Protection) Act 1986 29
  158. Swadeshi Cotton Mills Company Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1986 30
  159. Research and Development Cess Act 1986 32
  160. Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act 1986 33
  161. State of Mizoram Act 1986 34
  162. Taxation Laws (Amendment and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1986 46
  163. National Security Guard Act 1986 47
  164. Dock Workers (Safety, Health and Welfare) Act 1986 54
  165. Delhi Fire Prevention and Fire Safety Act 1986 56
  166. Delhi Apartment Ownership Act 1986 58
  167. Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act 1986 60
  168. Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986 61
  169. Bureau of Indian Standards Act 1986 63
  170. Shipping Development Fund Committee (Abolition) Act 1986 66
  171. Consumer Protection Act 1986 68
  172. State of Arunachal Pradesh Act 1986 69
  173. Cotton Copra and Vegetable Oils Cess (Abolition) Act 1987 4
  174. Jute Packaging Materials (Compulsory Use in Packing Commodities) Act 1987 10
  175. Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act 1987 13
  176. Mental Health Act 1987 14
  177. Goa, Daman and Diu Mining Concessions (Abolition and Declaration as Mining Leases) Act 1987 16
  178. Goa, Daman and Diu Reorganisation Act 1987 18
  179. Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Act 1987 22
  180. Expenditure-tax Act 1987 35
  181. Brentford Electric (India) Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1987 36
  182. National Dairy Development Board Act 1987 37
  183. Legal Services Authorities Act 1987 39
  184. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Amendment Act 1987 47
  185. All India Council for Technical Education Act 1987 52
  186. National Housing Bank Act 1987 53
  187. Railway Claims Tribunal Act 1987 54
  188. Chandigarh (Delegation of Powers) Act, 1987 1988 2
  189. Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987 1988 3
  190. Tamil Nadu Agricultural Service Co-operative Societies (Appointment of Special Officers) Amendment Act 1988 22
  191. Companies (Amendment) Act 1988 31
  192. Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions (Amendment) Act 1988 33
  193. Special Protection Group Act 1988 34
  194. National Waterway (Sadiya-Dhubri Stretch of the Brahmaputra River) Act 1988 40
  195. Religious Institutions (Prevention of Misuse) Act 1988 41
  196. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (Determination of Conditions of Service of Employees) Act 1988 44
  197. Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act 1988 45
  198. Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1988 46
  199. Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 49
  200. Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintaining Registers by certain Establishments) Act 1988 51
  201. Auroville Foundation Act 1988 54
  202. Jamia Millia Islamia Act 1988 58
  203. Motor Vehicles Act 1988 59
  204. National Highways Authority of India Act 1988 68
  205. Direct Tax Laws (Amendment) Act 1989 3
  206. Representation of the People (Amendment) Act 1989 21
  207. Assam University Act 1989 23
  208. Railways Act 1989 24
  209. Employees' State Insurance (Amendment) Act 1989 29
  210. Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 33
  211. Nagaland University Act 1989 35
  212. Small Industries Development Bank of India Act 1989 39
  213. National Commission for Women Act 1990 20
  214. Armed Forces (Jammu and Kashmir) Special Powers Act 1990 21
  215. Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) Act 1990 25
  216. Public Liability Insurance Act 1991 6
  217. Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act 1991 11
  218. Remittances of Foreign Exchange and Investment in Foreign Exchange Bonds (Immunities and Exemptions) Act 1991 41
  219. Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act 1991 42
  220. Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act 1991 44
  221. Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Act, 1991 1992 1
  222. Destructive Insects and Pests (Amendment and Validation) Act 1992 12
  223. Securities and Exchange Board of India Act 1992 15
  224. Cess and Other Taxes on Minerals (Validation) Act 1992 16
  225. National Commission for Minorities Act 1992 19
  226. Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act 1992 22
  227. National Waterway (Kollam-Kottapuram Stretch of West Coast Canal and Champakara and Udyogmandal Canals) Act 1992 25
  228. Special Court (Trial of Offences Relating to Transactions in Securities) Act 1992 27
  229. Rehabilitation Council of India Act 1992 34
  230. Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force Act 1992 35
  231. Central Agricultural University Act 1992 40
  232. Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act 1992 41
  233. Industrial Finance Corporation (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act 1993 23
  234. National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, the National Hydro-Electric Power Corporation Limited and the North-Eastern
  235. Electric Power Corporation Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Power Transmission Systems) Act 1993 24
  236. Gold Bonds (Immunities and Exemptions) Act 1993 25
  237. National Commission for Backward Classes Act 1993 27
  238. Multimodal Transportation of Goods Act 1993 28
  239. Interest on Delayed Payments to Small Scale and Ancillary Industrial Undertakings Act Repealed by Act 27 of 2006 (w.e.f. date to be notified)] 1993 32
  240. Acquisition of Certain Area at Ayodhya Act 1993 33
  241. SAARC Convention (Suppression of Terrorism) Act 1993 36
  242. Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Amendment Act 1993 41
  243. Central Laws (Extension to Arunachal Pradesh) Act 1993 44
  244. Tezpur University Act 1993 45
  245. Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act 1993 46
  246. Betwa River Board (Amendment) Act 1993 49
  247. Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act 1993 51
  248. National Commission for Safai Karamcharis Act 1993 64
  249. Oil and Natural Gas Commission (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act 1993 65
  250. Public Records Act 1993 69
  251. National Council for Teacher Education Act 1993 73
  252. Kalakshetra Foundation Act, 1993 1994 6
  253. Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 1994 10
  254. Air Corporations (Transfer of Undertakings and Repeal) Act 1994 13
  255. Manipur Panchayati Raj Act 1994 26
  256. Punjab Gram Panchayat, Samities and Zilla Parishad (Chandigarh Repeal) Act 1994 27
  257. Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994 42
  258. Manipur Municipalities Act 1994 43
  259. New Delhi Municipal Council Act 1994 44
  260. Punjab Municipal Corporation Law (Extension to Chandigarh) Act 1994 45
  261. Airports Authority of India Act 1994 55
  262. Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Power Transmission System) Act 1994 56
  263. Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act 1994 57
  264. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Act 1994 58
  265. Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act 1995 7
  266. National Environment Tribunal Act 1995 27
  267. Delhi Rent Act 1995 33
  268. Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act 1995 39
  269. Wakf Act 1995 43
  270. Technology Development Board Act 1995 44
  271. Persons With Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 1996 1
  272. Depositories Act 1996 22
  273. Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 26
  274. Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act 1996 27
  275. Building and Other Construction Workers' Welfare Cess Act 1996 28
  276. Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act 1996 40
  277. Maulana Azad National Urdu University Act, 1996 1997 2
  278. Mahatama Gandhi Antarashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya Act, 1996 1997 3
  279. Industrial Reconstruction Bank (Transfer of Undertakings and Repeal) Act 1997 7
  280. Lalitkala Akademi (Taking Over of Management) Act 1997 17
  281. National Environment Appellate Authority Act 1997 22
  282. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act 1997 24
  283. Vice-President's Pension Act 1997 30
  284. Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) (Inapplicability to Major Ports) Act 1997 31
  285. National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Act 1998 13
  286. Lotteries (Regulation) Act 1998 17
  287. Leaders of Chief Whips of Recognised Parties and Groups in Parliament (Facilities) Act, 1998 1999 5
  288. Delhi Development Authority (Validation of Disciplinary Powers) Act, 1998 1999 6
  289. Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Repeal Act 1999 15
  290. Central Industrial Security Force (Amendment and Validation) Act 1999 40
  291. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act 1999 41
  292. Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999 42
  293. National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act 1999 44
  294. Trade Marks Act 1999 47
  295. Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act 1999 48
  296. Mizoram University Act 2000 8
  297. Designs Act 2000 16
  298. Direct-Tax Laws (Miscellaneous) Repeal Act 2000 20
  299. Information Technology Act 2000 21
  300. Madhya Pradesh Reorganisation Act 2000 28
  301. Uttar Pradesh Reorganisation Act 2000 29
  302. Bihar Reorganisation Act 2000 30
  303. Chemical Weapons Convention Act 2000 34
  304. Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Act 2000 37
  305. Coal India (Regulation of Transfer and Validation) Act 2000 45
  306. Immigration (Carriers’ Liability) Act 2000 52 
  307. Central Road Fund Act 2000 54
  308. Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000 56

2000 – Present
Name of the Act Year Act No.

  1. Indian Council of World Affairs Act 2001 29
  2. Advocates’ Welfare Fund Act 2001 45
  3. Energy Conservation Act 2001 52
  4. Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Right Act 2001 53
  5. Delimitation Act 2002 33
  6. Haj Committee Act 2002 35
  7. Foreign Aircraft (Exemption from Taxes and Duties on Fuel and Lubricants) Act 2002 36
  8. Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act 2002 39
  9. Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act 2002 54
  10. Unit Trust of India (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act 2002 58
  11. Delhi Metro Railway (Operation and Maintenance) Act 2002 60
  12. Suppression of Unlawful Acts against Safety of Maritime Navigation and Fixed Platforms on Continental Shelf Act 2002 69
  13. Competition Act, 2002 2003 12
  14. Control of National Highways (Land and Traffic) Act, 2002 2003 13
  15. Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 2003 15
  16. Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act, 2002 2003 17
  17. Biological Diversity Act, 2002 2003 18
  18. Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act 2003 34
  19. Electricity Act 2003 36
  20. Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act 2003 39
  21. Central Vigilance Commission Act 2003 45
  22. Repatriation of Prisoners Act 2003 49
  23. Industrial Development Bank (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act 2003 53
  24. Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Repeal Act, 2003 2004 01
  25. Customs and Central Excise Laws (Repeal) Act 2004 25
  26. Prevention of Terrorism (Repeal) Act 2004 26
  27. National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions Act, 2004 2005 02
  28. Parel Investments and Trading Private Limited and Domestic Gas Private Limited (Taking over of Management) Repeal Act 2005 14
  29. The Weapons of Mass Destruction and Their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Act, 2005 2005 21
  30. Right to Information Act 2005 22
  31. Coastal Aquaculture Authority Act 2005 24
  32. University of Allahabad Act 2005 26
  33. Bihar Value Added Tax Act 2005 27
  34. Special Economic Zones Act 2005 28
  35. Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act 2005 29
  36. Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act 2005 30
  37. National Rular Employment Guarantee Act 2005 42
  38. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 43
  39. National Tax Tribunal Act 2005 49
  40. State Emblems of India (Prohibition of Improper Use) Act 2005 50
  41. Disaster Management Act 2005 53
  42. Manipur University Act 2005 54
  43. Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council Act,2005 2006 01
  44. Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act,2005 2006 04
  45. Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act 2006 19
  46. Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Act,2006 2006 22
  47. Cess Laws (Repealing and Amending) Act,2006 2006 24
  48. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act,2006 2006 27
  49. National Institute of Fashion Technology Act,2006 2006 28
  50. Union Duties of Excise (Electricity) Distribution Repeal Act,2006 2006 30

Accounting Standards

Accounting Standards in India – Simple Explanation -(AS 1 to AS 12 )
After becoming Indian Accounting standard board as the prime authority for making Indian Accounting Standard in 1977, it made Indian Accounting Standards in 1979. These are also called Indian GAAP. This board also made many amendments in these Accounting standards. I have already made AS 1 to AS 32 content list in General Accepted accounting principles (GAAP) article. But I could not write its simple explain. So, today, this tutorial is just simple explanation of Accounting Standard especially for students who are doing chartered Accountancy in India and accountants who is practicing accounting profession in India .

1. Accounting Standard 1(AS 1)
(Disclosure of accounting policies)
This accounting standard guides to company accountants for making their companies financial statements. After making financial statement, it should disclose all financial information of business because business of company is not the business of one man. It is also duty of accountant to make and disclose also extra accounting policy if company is using different depreciation, stock and investment valuation method. This accounting standard is made also for public interest and providing them full financial information. After they can take the decision of investment by purchasing the shares of company from stock exchange.

2. Accounting Standard 2 ( AS 2 )
(Valuation of Inventories)
This accounting standard is very helpful to calculate the value of inventories. ASB comprise all stocks which is purchased for sale or production in inventories. Value of stock is not fixed by single formula but this standard provides following guidelines for calculating the value of inventories.
Stock must be valued on cost or net realizable value which is lower .
Every company is free to use FIFO, LIFO or weighted average method for proper calculation of the value of inventories.
Cost of inventories= cost of raw material + cost of direct labour + cost of direct expenses
Companies are also free to use standard cost method or retail cost method for calculating the value of inventories.
Inventories does not encompass the value of tools which is used for repair of machinery

3. Accounting Standard 3 ( AS 3)
(Cash flow statement)
Accounting standard three which is revised in 1997 states that cash flow statement is a necessary statement under this standard for banks , financial institute or any institute whose annual turnover is more than Rs. 50 crores or any institute who has borrowed money more than Rs. 10 crores . This standard does not provide the Proforma of cash flow statement but deeply explain the two way of making this statement .
Ist way Direct method
Under this method, cash flow statement is made by inflow and outflow of cash in operating , investing and financial activities .
2nd way indirect method
It is different from direct method. Under this method cash from operating activities is calculated on the basis of net profit after different adjustments of non cash and non operating items like depreciation , interest , dividend paid and also adjusting net changes in working capital . All other part of cash flow from investing and financial activities are as same as direct method.

4. Accounting standard 4 (AS 4)
(Contingencies and events occurring after the balance sheet date)
Accounting standard four provides the rules of accounting treatment of losses due to contingencies and event happening after balance sheet date but before approving of balance sheet by board of directors. Any contingencies like loss by fire or liabilities due to employee’s accident should be provided in financial statement after these contingencies losses are confirmed.
Impairment losses of assets is also covered under AS 4. Any losses due to happening of any event is also shown in financial statement before approving financial statement

5. Accounting standard 5 ( AS 5)
Profit or loss for the period prior of changing accounting policies:-
ICAI’s this standard explains two simple rules

  1. All ordinary and extraordinary item relating to the financial statement should be disclosed if it effects on profit or loss period before changing of accounting policies.
  2. If accounting policies are changed. Then it is the duty of enterprise to disclose all important items relating to income and expenditures, so that profit or losses before the period and after period of changes of accounting policies can easily compare with other enterprises business.

6. Accounting standard 6 (AS 6 )
Accounting of Depreciation
Accounting standard 6 explains rules and regulations regarding charging of depreciation on any fixed asset . These rules can be explained in following way.

  1. Depreciation must be charged on fixed assets which is used in business for more than one year.
  2. Depreciation should charge with consisted method of charging depreciation. Two famous method of charging depreciation are straight line and reducing balance method.
  3. Rate of depreciation should be according to company law 1956 and if it is not written in it then companies are free to charge depreciation with appropriate rate of depreciation.
  4. Any company can also change the method of charging depreciation. But its effect in the form of deficiency or surplus also should show in profit and loss account of business .
  5. Deficiency due to changing the method of depreciation will be debited in profit and loss account and surplus due to changing the method of depreciation will be credited in profit and loss account of business.

7. Accounting standard 7 ( AS 7 )
Accounting of construction contracts
Construction contracts are those contracts relating to build of dam, building, pipelines, ships and other fixed assets. The nature of business is different from business of general manufacturing. Because time of completing contract is more than the time of accounting period. So, ICAI makes some rules and regulation that should be adopt in the business relating to construction.

  1. Construction Company should identify all their resources of revenue. It may be fixed at the time of contract or it may be cost plus profit basis. So, it is necessary to make contract account statement in which all revenue of construction business must be shown.
  2. Costs of contract comprise all raw material labour and other expenses which incurred for completing of contact. These costs should also calculate and deduct from revenue for calculating net earning from each contract.

8. Accounting standard 8 (AS 8)
(Accounting for research and development)
Research and development is important department of any company. AS 8 cares its accounting treatment and related to calculate its proper cost and charging on profit and loss account.
Ist Part
Calculate the cost of research and development with following formula
= Cost of raw material used in research and development + Cost of wages and salaries of employees working in this
department +depreciation of assets used in this department + amortization cost of patents and licenses + other related cost
2nd part
This part is related to charge the written off proportion to profit and loss account. For this company’s accountant should see what will company gets future benefits and how many years will company get these profits. On this estimation, company will charge written off cost to debit side of profit and loss account and rest amount of deferred expenditure of research and development will be shown in balance sheet’s asset side under miscellaneous expenditures .

9. Accounting Standard 9 ( AS 9 )
Revenue recognition
Accounting standard of India explains the concept of revenue deeply. When goods are sold or services rendered. At this time it is deemed that money is earned by enterprise. There is also revenue from interest, royalty and dividend. Revenue recognition standard comprises different earning relating to advertising and other services projects when these are completed by professionals. But this standard also provides guidance about revenue recognition in following cases.

  • If stock is sold on approval basis then, revenue is generated only when the buyer gives the approval.
  • In case of agency business revenue will be recognized when risk of ownership also transferred under consignment.

10. Accounting Standard 10 (AS 10 )
(Accounting of fixed assets)
Accounting standard 10 of ICAI helps professional accountants for proper accounting treatment of fixed assets.
Determination of cost of fixed assets=Assets purchase value + all cost to bring the fixed assets to plant.
New extension of fixed assets. Any new extensions are capital nature expenditure and it will include in the total value of respective fixed assets. Goodwill is also treated as fixed asset in balance sheet if the amount is for this paid. In fixed assets, Enterprise will also include the amount of know how and patents.

11. Accounting standard 11 ( AS 11 )
Effect of changes of foreign exchange rates
There are two main reasons for providing effect of changes of foreign exchange rates on accounting.

  1. When goods are sold or buy in price which is dominated in foreign currency.
  2. When enterprise is doing any foreign operations.

Calculate the value of foreign exchange profit or loss
It is very simple when any transaction is done, this date is called closing date and we can calculate foreign exchange profit or loss on the basis of exchange rate. If it is rated to purchasing or selling related profit from foreign exchange currency. Then it will show as capital reserve. Otherwise it is revenue earning and it will transfer to profit and loss account.

12. Accounting standard 12 (AS 12)
(Accounting treatment of Govt. grants)
The Govt. grant means any benefit given by govt. in the form of subsidy, reduction in duty and taxes and other non monetary help. Accounting standard accepts two way for providing accounting treatment of govt. grants. If it is received by any special enterprise.
First way
To show as capital earning and include it in the value of shareholder fund in liability side of balance sheet and also shown in bank in current assets side .
2nd Way
Transfer all govt. grants to the credit side of profit and loss account

Consumer Protection

The Consumer Protection Act 1986 and its main provisions and features
Govt of India has made consumer protection act in 1986. The main aim is to protect consumers from immoral practice of business organizations. We see in general when a company or business concern becomes monopolize in market , then that company starts to get benefits of his monopoly powers by illegal ways. This law is very helpful to secure consumers and customers from such cheating and market frauds.

Main features of Consumer protect Act 1986
Under this act, consumers have right to get information of quality, quantity and price of products.
Under this act, consumer has power to sue in district forum and report or complaint against the cheating of businessmen to the authorities and get remedies for this. This act also awakes consumers regarding their rights and powers. In other words, it helps to educate consumers about his rights.
After spending one decade this act becomes more strict for all cheaters who commit cheating with consumers.
Main authorities under Consumer protect act 1986

District forum

  • This forum has power to solve the problems of consumers up to Rs. 500000 at district level.
  • State govt. has power to make suitable numbers of district forum for protecting the rights of consumers.
  • This forum can be made by district judge and other experienced persons in the field of law and commerce.

State commission
Consumer can also appeal to state commission against the decisions of district forum. State commission has power to solve the problems of consumers from Rs. 500000 to Rs. 2000000. This commission can be made by state high court judges and 2 experts in the field of commerce and laws.

National Commission
National commission has power to solve all consumers’ disputes and problems more than Rs 2000000. The chairperson of
this commission will be the retired Supreme Court judges and other 4 experts in the field of commerce and laws and industry. Out of four, it is necessary to include one lady member in the four expert team.

Industry Policy

New Industry Policy of India
Definition of Industrial policy
Industrial policies are action plans of any country’s govt. relating to industries and companies. Every country’s Industrial policies are related two sectors one is public sector and other is private sector. Main objective of making industrial policies are to help industries for their development and also try to increase the sale of industries by making more attractive industrial plans by Govt.

New Industrial policies of India
New industrial policies have been made in India in 1991. It is also part of India’s liberalization policy in which Govt. is providing more powers to the industrial enterprises. There are following features of industrial policies of India.

Licensing policy
When a company starts a new factory in specific industry, it has to get license from Govt. reduced the member of licensed industries from 18 to 8 and these are related to security and social welfare of people. Reducing the no. of industry helps companies to get position in new work and Govt. thinks that it will be help to generate new employment and also will support to private enterprise to enter in all sectors because Govt is closing the trend of reserve only for public sector companies.

The following industries which now reserve under govt. sector.

  1. Arms and ammunition and allied items of defense equipment, Defense aircraft and warships.
  2. Atomic Energy.
  3. Coal and lignite.
  4. Mineral oils.
  5. Mining if iron ore, manganese ore, chrome ore, gypsum, sulphur, gold and diamond.
  6. Mining of copper, lead, zinc, tin, molybdenum and wolfram.
  7. Minerals specified in the Schedule to the Atomic Energy (Control of Production and Use) Order, 1953.
  8. Railway transport.

Public sector policy
Under new industrial policy, govt. of India started to reconstruct public sector which are getting loss and also encourage private enterprise to purchase shares of PSU .The Public sector company whose turnover is more than 2 crores rupees , govt. has started specially care on them for their stable development .

Direct foreign investment
Under industrial policies, govt. of India has opened doors for all foreigner for investing 51% direct investment in Indian industries . For this they need not take special acceptance from govt. of India.

Technology policy
Govt of India is supporting Indian manufacturer for importing new technology with large paper works. After this, many Indian manufacturers have imported different advance technology for effective production.

Small scale industrial policies
Govt. of India has increased the limit of investment in Small scale industries from Rs. 2 Lakhs to Rs. 5 Lakhs and also power to export up to Rs. 75 lakhs under small scale industries.

Criticisms of New Industrial policy

  • Ignore to unemployed peoples
  • Unprotect small scale industries
  • Transfer of India currency to foreign country in the form of profit under new direct foreign investment policy.

Auditing Part-I

Define the auditing
Auditing means checking of books of accounts so that we can remove the errors and mistakes from books of accounts. It is differ from investigation, in other words auditing is normal work of checking the books of accounts. Because before faith on accounting reports it is very necessary to check these report from any professional accountant. A little mistake in accounting is very harmful for entire business. In auditing, auditor’s duty is not check the fraud but check rules and regulation of accounting and laws of company. Auditing is very important for safeguarding the interest of investors and shareholders. Because without auditing, there may some mistake exists in the books of accounts which is very dangerous for business.

Audit Evidence and Method of obtaining evidence
Audit evidence is one of the basic principle governing an audit . Audit evidence includes all internal and external evidence which are base of reporting of auditor. An Auditor should get all evidence in the process of his auditing work. This is the test which tells auditor that internal control is prefect or not .

Method of obtaining evidence

1. Inspection
This is the main method of getting the evidence of audit . Inspection means checks all records , documents , and physical assets and satisfy with their trust

2. Observation
Observation is also main method of audit evidence . In this way auditor gets the Testimony of witnesses.
After this auditor can reach on the pin points of truth .

3. Inquiry and Confirmation
Inquiry is research of internal and outside information relating to accounting. Confirmation consists to responses on inquires . After true confirmation, auditor can trust and audit evidence .

4. Computation
Computation is calculation of correctness of accounting data.

5. Analytical Review
With the medium of Ratio analysis , auditor can check the accounting information , this is called analytical review.

Voucher and vouching
Voucher is a documentary evidence in support of a transaction in the books of account .The act of establishing the accuracy and authenticity of entries in the account books is called vouching .Vouching may be defined as an examination every transaction of a business with relevant valid documentary and other evidence with a view to find out if it is genuine and bona fide. It aims at ascertaining whether a transaction is in order, has been properly authorized and is correctly recorded in the book.

Ronald H. Irish states that vouching is technical term which refers to the inspection by auditor a transaction. Vouching is considered to be the essence of auditing and therefore the auditor should be the very careful while vouching. Vouching means to substantiate an entry in the books of account not only with documentary evidence such as agreements , receipts , counterfoils of receipt books or paying in book contracts , but also to see that the transaction has been properly authorized , recorded and entered in the book , accounts e.g. verification of the entries in the invoice book with the invoices , checking of the cash receipts with the counterfoils of the receipts , book ,the checking of the cash payments with the receipts issued by the payee and so on .

 Vouching means testing the truth of items appearing in the books of original entry. The success of an auditor, in vouching depends upon his intelligence, critical bent of mind, common sense observation and fact with which he handles his work. He should go beyond the books of account and go to the source of a transaction. If he simply compares the entry , say ,on the credit side of a cash book with the voucher , it is possible that he might not have been for the business or the receipt might have been for the previous year .Clever frauds can be discovered only by proper vouching . Therefore, it is very important that the items with great care and intelligence. It is through vouching that an auditor can satisfy himself as to the authenticity and completeness of transaction in the books of accounts. In case he will be held guilty as was decided in case of Armitage V2, Brewer and Knott.

Vouching also means checking of addition ledger positions, extracting of business in the ledger. The extent to which the auditor should check will depend upon the size of the business, the accounts of which he is auditing, if it is a big business, efficient internal check will be in operation and hence the auditor will be justified in relying upon a few test checks, while in a small business, internal check may not be in operation and hence the auditor will have to check every entry. To be on the safe side, the auditor will do well to check the entries in detail because the curtailment of work will not in any way reduce his responsibility.

Basic Principle of Governing the form and contents of working papers
Basic Principle of Governing the form and contents of working papers includes in AAS-3 . In basic principle governing form and contents of working paper includes following matter .

  • Different audit plan’s record should be in it in which tells its nature and about its time .
  • Form of audit report
  • It must be fully complete

Permanent Audit file
Permanent Audit file includes following matter

  • Information of company’s nature , history , place of production
  • Memorandum of association
  • Article of association ‘s copies
  • Content list of all important books of company.
  • List of working charts.
  • Photo copy of all directions of employers.
  • Previous years a/c’s audit report.
  • List of all reports relating interval audit or interval inspections

Current Audit file
Current audit file include following:-

  • Audit and audit programme’s copies
  • Clearance the problems and confusion during the time of audit work
  • Copies of annual records like trade a/cs and profit and loss account and balance sheet.
  • Bank reconciliation statement
  • Paper of calculation of tax bonus.
  • List of lost proofs
  • Paper regarding stock evaluation

Auditing Part-II

Are audit files the property of auditor?
This fact is very important in real situation whether audit files are the property of auditor or not. There are different thoughts on this topic. Some time customers claims that these papers should be in their custody because auditor is the agent of businessman; he deals with bank, directors of other companies or creditors as his agent.
But auditor also claims that this paper should be in their custody because, these papers are created by them and their employees during the work of audit. Second, these papers and files are so important for auditor because if some one Charges that he did not perform his duty well, then auditor can show these files and can protect his side.
This dispute has been solved by the case of syklosnchi V/s bright gram and company (1938) . In this case judge said that all the audit files have the property of auditor. Auditor are entitled of these files and they work independent as the professional not as the agent of company

Are you going for audit for any company accounts?
Remember following points before auditing of companies account:-

  1. When you reach the company office, at this time make your face as very serious and behave as you are officer of audit.
  2. Never show, the company’s employees that you are enquiry the fraud of accounting. Because you are not deductive and your professional work is to audit not to do doubt on employees.
  3. You have the power of demanding evidence of any journal entry in the books of company. So use this power.
  4. If you find any fraud in the books of accounts, then do not make responsible to all accounts department. Go in the depth of this case. Never show other if you get content- fraud in the books of accounts of company. Declare after completing the audit procedure and mention effect and part of accounts in which fraud is committed before doing this take care the interests of company.
  5. If you are appointed as internal auditor of any company , then keep regular audit so that when independent audit will be done , all work in books of accounts according to rules and regulations of accounting so that you feel proud on your internal auditing .
  6. According to my thoughts, in the accounting field there is 90% cause of mistakes in accounts and 10% is the cause of fraud, so never see always accountant as doubted personality.
  7. Accountants should also corporate with chartered accountants because both coordination and co-operation can easily complete the complicate process of auditing.
  8. In my training as auditor I have visit so many companies for auditing their accounts. I always checked basic rules which applied in these accounts. So Chartered accountant must know up to date PPF , EPF , GRATUITY , income tax rates related to that company , excise rules and custom rules
  9. When you are writing your audit report , explain full detail if companies accounts and financial reports are not giving true and fair view of company’s revenue and financial position
  10. Before doing audit of company accounts , Chartered accountants must see also amendments in Company laws , If it is Indian company , Indian company law will apply if there is MNC then see the company laws of country where its head office is situated.

What can Chartered accountant in the field of accounting
Today area of accounting is spreading very fast . Jobs is also increasing very fast in the field of accounting . At this pin point what can do a C.A. or A professional accountant in the field of accounting .The answer is not so easy because only doing auditing work or making accounts and calculating some reports have become very traditional or classic .

If you want to become modern accountant or advance chartered accountant then read this article very seriously .

  • He should come forward to take online accounting & auditing like as challenge .
  • Today C.A. can now take the responsibility Accounting Process outsource and its small name is APO , it is also get popular like BPO .
  • They can become good teacher of accounting because their deep knowledge should be benefited to a large community .
  • They can also start their online Accounting education website where they can share their experience and knowledge with whole world . They can also do some marketing in this way for growing and developing their business

Accounting Fraud in Satyam Company
Only for material money, Chartered Accountants like Gopalkrishan and Shri Nivas taluri are putting stigma to great Accounting Education. It is the duty of every Indian accountant to develop India with accounting education but what we are seeing that they are using accounting education for doing accounting Scams. In this accounting Scams two facts came in existence:-

  1. B. Ramlinga Raju accepted that he showed 13000 excess numbers of employees over actual numbers of employees in Satyam Computers and he was getting 20 Crores Rupees every month with this ghost employee’s accounting .
  2. Finance Officer of Satyam Computer Company Shri Nivas has done 7800 Crores of Rs. Accounting Scam. Still enquires and investigation is continue but this is also bad for Indian Economy because, Sensex of Satyam Computer’s Shares had fallen down 78% after reaching this Scam news in Indian Share market .