(Study Material) State wise analysis of census
Material : State wise analysis of census
Highest Population States
1. Uttar Pradesh (16.16% of India's total population)
2. Maharashtra (9.42%)
3. Bihar (8.07%)
4. West Bengal (7.79%)
Lowest Population States
1. Sikkim ( 0.05%)
2. Mizoram (0.09%)
3. Arunachal Pradesh (0.11%)
4. Goa (0.13%)
Highest Density of Population States
1. West Bengal (903 persons per sq km)
2. Bihar (881)
3. Kerala (819)
4. Uttar Pradesh (690)
Lowest Density of Population States
1. Arunachal Pradesh (13 persons per sq km)
2. Mizoram (42)
3. Sikkim (76)
4. Manipur (97)
Highest Decadal Growth Rate of Population States
1. Nagaland (64.53%)
2. Sikkim (33.06%)
3. Meghalaya (30.65%)
4. Jammu and Kashmir (29.43%)
Lowest Decadal Growth Rate of Population States
1. Kerala (9.43%)
2. Tamil Nadu (11.72%)
3. Andhra Pradesh (14.59%)
4. Goa (15.21%)
Highest Literacy States
1. Kerala (90.9%)
2. Mizoram (88.8%)
3. Goa (82.0%)
4. Maharashtra (76.9%)
Lowest Literacy States
1. Bihar (47%)
2. Sikkim (50.6%)
3. Jharkhand (53.6%)
4. Arunachal Pradesh (54.3%)