1. In which year UN General Assembly established a 11- member council for South-
West Africa to administer the territory till independence :
(A) 1967
(B) 1965
(C) 1964
(D) 1968
2. Which is the first specialised agency of the UN :
3. Which Article of the UN Charter describe the basic procedure to make a member
of the UN Trusteeship Council:
(A) 84
(B) 83
(C) 86
(D) 89
4. Who are the members of the Trusteeship Council :
(A) US, China
(B) France
(C) Russian Federation and UK
(D) All the above
5. When UN Peacekeeping forces were awarded Noble Prize :
(A) 1978
(B) 1988
(C) 1998
(D) 2005
6. How many vote does each member of the Trusteeship Council possess :
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
7. Which is the original trust territory under the Trusteeship System :
(A) Western Samva
(B) Rwanda-Urundi
(C) Minonesia
(D) Somaliland
8. Which UN body shall exercise all functions of the UN relating to strategic
areas, including the approval of the terms of the trusteeship agreements and
also their alteration or amendment :
(A) UN General Assembly
(B) Security Council
(C) UN body
(D) Developed countries
9. In the subject of independence of which country, UN General Assembly took
initiative and secured independence from South Africa :
(A) India (B) Ethiopia
(C) Namibia
(D) None of the above
10. Which date is observed every year by the UN on the subject of Namibia day :
(A) 15th August
(B) 18th August
(C) 25th August
(D) 26th August
11. After efforts by the UN for Namibia's independence, which was the date when
Namibia became an independent country :
(A) 21st March, 1990
(B) 28th March, 1990
(C) 26th March, 1990
(D) 29th March, 1990
12. Which is not a correct statement :
(A) Peacekeeping operations are established by the Security Council.
(B) Peacekeepers are identified only by a United Nations red helmet
(C) UN has no military forces of its own.
(D) Peacekeepers wear their country's uniform.
13. Who is the ‘Chief Administrative Officer’ of the UN Secretariate :
(A) Special Secretary
(B) Secretary-in-Charge
(C) Secretary General
(D) Dy. Secretary General
14. What is the term of the Secretary General of the UN:
(A) 6 years
(B) 5 years
(C) 4 years
(D) 3 years
15. In which year, International Civil Service Advisory Board was established
for the UN :
(A) 1968
(B) 1967
(C) 1948
(D) 1949
16. When did the UN General Assembly adopt the statute of the International
Civil Service Commission :
(A) December, 1974
(B) December, 1976
(C) December, 1979
(D) December, 1978
17. What functions are performed by the UN Secretary General:
(A) The Secretary-General is the chief administrative officer of the
(B) The Secretary-General acts in the capacity of the chief administrative
officer of the organization in all meetings of the General Assembly, the
Security Council, The Economic and Social Council and of the Trusteeship
(C) Secretary-General makes annual report to the UN General Assembly in the work
of the Organization. The Secretary-General may bring to the notice of the
Security Council any matter which in his opinion threatens the maintenance of
international peace and security.
(D) All the above
18. What is the general nature of the specialised agencies of the UN :
(A) Most of the states are the members of these specialized agencies.
(B) All the specialised agencies have been brought in relationship with the UN
through special agreements.
(C) Each specialised agency has a Constitution or Charter of its own which
describes the duties, functions, constitution, etc. of the organisation.
(D) All the above
19. When was the international Labour Organization established :
(A) 1919
(B) 1920
(C) 1921
(D) 1923
20. In 1919, International Labour Organization became an autonomous partner of
which Organization :
(A) UN
(B) Developed Nations
(C) League of Nations
(D) None of the above
21. Where is the head office of the International Labour Organization situated :
(A) Paris
(B) Geneva
(C) Moscow
(D) London
22. When ILO was brought into relationship with the UN through a special
(A) 1945
(B) 1968
(C) 1969
(D) 1946
23. Which of the following supervised the entire election process that led to
the independence of Namibia :
(A) United Nations
(B) European Union
(D) Common Wealth
24. What is the kind of state representation in the general assembly of the
International Labour Organization :
(A) Two representatives of the state government
(B) One each representative of the workers and employees
(C) (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
25. Which is recently created UN institution as part of the Human Rights
Machinery :
(A) High Commissioner for Human Rights
(B) Commission on Human Rights
(C) Human Rights Council
(D) Human Rights Institute
Answers :
1.(A) 2.(B) 3.(C) 4.(D) 5.(B) 6.(A) 7.(C) 8.(B) 9.(C)
10.(D) 11.(A) 12.(B) 13.(C) 14.(B) 15.(D) 16.(A) 17.(D) 18.(D) 19.(A) 20.(C)
21.(B) 22.(D) 23.(A) 24.(C) 25.(C)