- Alive to facts and developments
- Commitment to democratic values
- Commitment to Pluralism
- Secular outlook
- Pride in Indian nation, culture, history and heritage
- Analytical approach
- Clearheaded
- Good communication skills
- Depth of knowledge
- Determination
- Command over language
- Discipline
- Hardwork
- Initiative/enterprising
- Integrity
- Dress pattern/code
- Logical approach
- Methodical and systematic approach
- Proper mobilisation and utilisation of resources
- Strong moral values
- No jealousy
- No persecution complex
- No unreasonable fear
- Optimistic
- Perseverance
- Planning
- Practical approach
- Practical knowledge
- Promptness to take decisions
- Sense of right and wrong
- Sincerity
- Willingness to take calculated risks
- Smile
- Appreciation
- Paying attention to others
- Active listening
- Team man
- Empathy
- Free from prejudice
- Flexible approach
- Sensible
- Supportive
- Understanding the expectations of others
- Politeness
- Emotional intelligence
- Fortitude
- Effective communication
- Impartiality
- And many more similar attributes