(Syllabus) ENGINEERING SERVICES EXAM (Environmental Engineering)
(3)(a) Water Supply Engineering:
Sources of supply, yields, design of intakes and conductors; Estimation of
demand; Water quality standards; Control of water-borne diseases; Primary and
secondary treatment, detailing and maintenance of treatment units; Conveyance
and distribution systems of treated water, leakages and control; Rural water
supply; Institutional and industrial water supply.
(b) Waste Water Engineering:
Urban rain water disposal; Systems of sewage collection and disposal; Design of
sewers and sewerage systems; pumping; Characteristics of sewage and its
treatment, Disposal of products of sewage treatment, stream flow rejuvenation;
Institutional and industrial sewage management; Plumbing Systems; Rural and
semi-urban sanitation.
(c) Solid Waste Management:
Sources, classification, collection and disposal; Design and Management of
landfills. (d) Air and Noise Pollution and Ecology: Sources and
effects of air pollution, monitoring of air pollution; Noise pollution and
standards; Ecological chain and balance, Environmental assessment.
(4) (A) Soil Mechanics:
Properties of soils, classification and inter-relationship; Compaction behavior,
methods of compaction and their choice; Permeability and seepage, flow nets,
Inverted filters; Compressibility and consolidation; Shearing resistance,
stresses and failure; soil testing in laboratory and in-situation. Stress path
and applications; Earth pressure theories, stress distribution in soil; soil
exploration, samplers, load tests, penetration tests.
(b) Foundation Engineering:
Types of foundations, Selection criteria, bearing capacity, settlement,
laboratory and field tests; Types of piles and their design and layout.
Foundations on expansive soils, swelling and its prevention, foundation on
swelling soils.
(5)(a) Surveying:
Classification of surveys, scales, accuracy; Measurement of distances-direct and
indirect methods; optical and electronic devices; Measurement of directions,
prismatic compass, local attraction; Theodolites-types; Measurement of
elevations-Spirit and trigonometric leveling; Relief representation; Contours;
Digital elevation modeling concept; Establishment of control by triangulations
and traversing measurements and adjustment of observations, computation of
coordinates; Field astronomy, Concept of global positioning system; Map
preparation by plane tabling and by photogrammetry; Remote-sensing concepts, map
(b) Transportation Engineering:
Planning of highway systems, alignment and geometric design, horizontal and
vertical curves, grade separation; Materials and construction methods for
different surfaces and maintenance; Principles of pavement design; Drainage.
Traffic surveys; Intersections, signaling; Mass transit systems, accessibility,
Tunneling, alignment, methods of construction, disposal of muck, drainage,
lighting and ventilation, traffic control, emergency management.
Planning of railway systems, terminology and designs, relating to gauge, track,
controls, transits, rolling stock, tractive power and track modernization;
Maintenance; Appurtenant works; Containerization.
Harbors-layouts, shipping lanes, anchoring, location identification; Littoral
transport with erosion and deposition; Sounding methods; Dry and Wet docks,
components and operations; Tidal data and analyses.
Airports-layout and orientation; Runway and taxiway design and drainage
management; Zoning laws; Visual aids and air traffic control; Helipads, hangers,
service equipment.