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(Syllabus) Geologist Examination (Geology Paper-II)
Syllabus : Geologist Examination
Geology Paper II
Section A :
Physical, chemical and crystallographic characteristics of common rock forming
silicate mineral groups. Structural classification of silicates. Common minerals
of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Minerals of the carbonate, phosphate, sulphide
and halide groups.
Optical properties of common rock forming silicate minerals, uniaxial and
biaxial minerals. Extinction angles, pleochroism, birefringenece of minerals and
their relation with mineral composition. Twinned crystals. Dispersion. The
Section B : Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology
Forms, textures and structures of igneous rocks. Silicate melt equilibria,
binary and pernery phase diagrams. Petrology and geotectonic evolution of
granites, basalts, andesites and alkaline rocks. Petrology of gabbros,
kimberlites, anorthosites and carbonatites. Origin of primary basic magmas.
Textures and structures of metamorphic rocks. Regional and contact metamorphism
of pelitic and impure calcareous rocks. Mineral assemblages and P/T conditions.
Experimental and thermodynamic appraisal of metamorphic reactions.
Characteristics of different grades and facies of metamorphism. Metasomatism and
granitization, migmatites. Plate tectonics and metamorphic zones. Paired
metamorphic belts.
Section C :
Provenance and diagenesis of sediments. Sedimentary textures. Framework matrix
and cement of terrigenous sediments. Definition, measurement and interpretation
of grain size. Elements of hydraulics. Primary structures, palaeocurrent
analysis. Biogenic and chemical sedimentary structures. Sedimentary environment
and facies. Facies modelling for marine, non-marine and mixed sediments.
Tectonics and sedimentation. Classification and definition of sedimentary
basins, Sedimentary basins of India. Cyclic sediments. Seismic and sequence
stratigraphy. Purpose and scope of basin analysis. Structure contours and
isopach maps.
Section D :
Earth in relation to the solar system and universe, cosmic abundance of
elements. Composition of the planets and meteorites. Structure and composition
of earth and distribution of elements. Trace elements. Elementary crystal
chemistry and thermodynamics. Introduction to isotope geochemistry. Geochemistry
of hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere. Geochemical cycle and principles of
geochemical prospecting.
Section E :
Environmental Geology
Concepts and principles. Natural hazards — preventive/precautionary measures
— floods, landslides, earthquakes, river and coastal erosion. Impact
assessment of anthropogenic activities such as urbanization, open cast mining
and quarrying, river-valley projects, disposal of industrial and radio-active
waste, excess withdrawal of ground water, use of fertilizers, dumping of ores,
mine waste and fly-ash. Organic and inorganic contamination of ground water and
their remedial measures. Soil degradation and remedial measures. Environment
protection — legislative measures in India.