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(Syllabus) Himachal Pradesh PSC: State Eligibility Test (Political Science)
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission
SET: Political Science (Code-20)
1. Political Theory and Thought.
- Ancient Indian Political Thought: Kautilya and Shanti Parva.
- Greek Political Thought; Plato and Aristotle.
- European Thought-I: Machiavelli, Hobbes, Licke, Rousseau.
- European Thought-II Bentham, J.S.Mill, Hegal, Marx and Green.
- Contemporary Political Thought-I: Lenin, Mao, Gramsci.
- Contemporary Political Thought-II: Rawls,Nozic and Communitarians.
- Modern Indian Thought : Gandhi, M.N.Roy Aurobindo Ghosh, Joy Prakash Ambedhar, Savarkar.
- Concepts and Issue-I : Medieval Political Thought : Church State Relationship and Theory of Two Swords.
- Concepts and Issue-II : Behaviouralism and Post-Behaviouralism, Decline and. Resurgence of Political Theory.
- Democracy, Liberty and Equality.
2. Comparative Politics and Political Analysis.
- Evolution of Comparative Politics as a discipline; nature and scope.
- Approaches to the study of comparative politics: Traditional, Structural-Functional, Systems, and Marxist.
- Constitutionalism: Concepts, Problems and Limitations.
- Forms of Government : Unitary-Federal, Parliamentary-Presidential.
- Organs of Government: Executive, Legislature, Judiciary-their interrelationship in comparative perspective.
- Party Systems and Pressure Groups; Electoral Systems.
- Bureaucracy-types and roles.
- Political Development and Political Modernization.
- Political Culture, Political Socialization and Political Communication.
- Political Elitist theory of Democracy.
- Power, Authority and Legitimacy.
- Revolution: Theories and Types.
- Dependency: Development and Under Development.
3. Indian Government and Politics.
- National Movement, Constitutional Developments and the Making of Indian Constitution.
- Ideological Bases of the Indian Constitution, Preamble, Fundamental Rights and Duties and Directive Principles.
- Constitution as Instrument of Socio-Economic Change, Constitutional Amendments and Review.
- Structure and Process-I: President, Prime Minister, Council of Minister, Working of the Parliamentary System.
- Structure and Process-II: Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, State Legislature.
- Panchayati Raj Institutions: Rural and Urban, their working.
- Federalism: Theory and Practice in India; Demands of Autonomy and Separatist Movements: Emerging trends in Centre-State Relations.
- Judiciary : Supreme Court, High Courts, Judicial Review, Judicial Activism including Public Interest Litigation Cases, Judicial Reforms.
- Political Parties, Pressure Groups, Public Opinion, Media; Subaltern and Peasant Movements.
- Elections, Electoral Behaviour, Election Commission and Electoral Reforms.
4. Public Administration.
- Development of Public Administration as a discipline: Approaches to the study of Public Administration : Decision-making, Ecological and systems; Development Administration.
- Theories of organization.
- Principles of organization: Line and staff, unity of command, hierarchy, span of control, centralization and decentralization. Types of organization-formal and informal; Forms of organization; department, public corporation and board.
- Chief Executive : Types, functions and roles.
- Personnel administration : Recruitment, Training, Promotion, Discipline, Morale; Employee-Employer Relations.
- Bureaucracy: Theories, Types and Roles; Max Weber and his critics. Civil servant- Minister relationship.
- Leadership, its role in decision-making; Communication.
- Financial administration : Budget, Audit, Control over finance with special reference to India and UK.
- Good Governance; Problems of Administrative Corruption; Transparency and Accountability; Right to Information.
- Grievance Redressal Institutions: Ombudsman, Lokpal and Lokayukta.
5. International Relations.
- Contending Theories and Approaches to the Study of International Relations; Idealist, Realist, Systems, Game, Communication and Decision-making.
- Power, Interest and Ideology in International Relations; Elements of Power : Acquisition, use and limitations of power, Perception, Formulation and Promotion of National Interest, Meaning, Role and Relevance of ldeology in International Relations.
- Arms and Wars : Nature, causes and types of wars/conflicts including ethnic disputes; conventional, Nuclear/bio-chemical wars; deterrence, Arms race, Arms control and Disarmament.
- Peaceful settlement of disputes, conflict resolution, Diplomacy, World-order and Peace studies.
- Cold war, Alliances, Non-alignment, End of Cold war, Globalisation.
- Rights and Duties of states in international law, intervention, Theaty law, prevention and abolition of war.
- Political Economy of International Relations; New International Economic Order, North- South Dialogue, South-South cooperation, WTO, Neo-colonialism and Dependency.
- Regional and sub-regional organisations especially SAARC, ASEAN, OPEC, OAS. United Nations: Aims, Objective, Structure and Evaluation of the working of UN; Peace and Development perspectives; Charter Revision; Power-struggle and Diplomacy within UN, financing and Peace-Keeping operations.
- India's Role in International affairs: India's relations with its neighbours, wars, security concerns and pacts, Mediatory Role, distinguishing features of Indian Foreign Policy and Diplomacy.
PAPER-III (Part A & B)
- Political Theory.
- Nature of Political Theory, its main concerns, decline and resurgence since 1970s.
- Liberalism and Marxism.
- Individual and Social Justice
- Role of Ideology.
- Theories of change : Lenin, Mao, Gandhi.
- Political Thought.
- Plato and Aristotle .
- Machiavelli
- Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and J.S.Mill
- Karl Marx
- Gandhi, M.N.Roy, Aurobindo Ghosh
- Comprative Politics and Political Analysis
- Approaches to the study of comparative Politics
- Constitutionalism in theory and practice
- Executive, Legislature and Judiciary with special reference to India, USA, UK and Switzerland
- Party system and role of opposition. Electoral Process
- Separation of Powers, Rule of Law and Judicial Review
- Political Development
- Political Modernization
- Political Socialisation and Political Culture
- Power and Authority
- Political Elite
- Making of the Indian Constitution
- Fundamental Rights and Duties, and Directive Principles
- Union Executive, Parliament
- Supreme Court, Judicial Activism
- Indian Federalism : Theory, Practice and Problems
- Dynamics of state politics
- Local Governments : Rural and Urban
- Political Parties, Pressure Groups, and Public Opinion
- Elections, Electoral Reforms
- Class, Caste,Gender, dalit & Regional Issues, Problems of Nation-Building and Intergation
- Growth of Public Administration as a discipline; and New Public Administration Theories of Organisation (Classical, Scientific,Human Relations); Principles of Organisation.
- Chief executive
- Control over Administration-Judicial and Legislative
- Bureaucracy
- Development Planning and administration in India
- Bureaucracy and Challenges of Development
- Administrative Culture; Administrative Corruption, and Administrative Reforms,
- Panchayati Raj
- Impact of Liberalization on Public Administration
- Theories of International Relations
- Ideology, Power and Interest
- Conflicts and Conflict-Resolution
- Changing concept of National Security and Challenges to the Nation-State System Arms and Arms-control
- End of cold War, Globalisation and Political Economy of International Relations in the Contemporary World.
- Determinants and Compulsions of India's Foreign Policy; India's Nuclear Policy.
- India's Relations with Neighbours and USA.
- India's Role in the UN.
- India and Regional Organizations (SAARC, ASEAN), Indian Ocean.
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