(Syllabus) MPPSC : Syllabus For Civil Engineering Mains Examination (Optional)
Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission
Syllabus For Civil Engineering Mains Examination (Optional)
1. Structural Analysis
Determinate and Indeterminate Structures, Degrees of Freedom. Static and
Kinematic indeterminacy, Principle of Superposition, Virtual Work, Energy
theorem, Deflection of Trusses, Redundant Frames. Analysis of Determinate and
Indeterminate Arches, their influence lines. Rolling loads, influence lines for
Determinate Beams and Pin-jointed Frames. Mullar Breslau’s Principle and
influence lines for Indeterminate Beams and Frames. Slope Deflection, Moment
Distribution and Kani’s methods. Column Analogy, Energy Methods for analysis of
indeterminate beams and frames. approximate methods for analysis of Rigid
Frames. Matrix Methods of analysis, Stiffness and Flexibility Matrices of Beams.
Frames & Trusses, Elements of Plastic analysis.
2. Structral Design
(1) Steel Design
Factors of Safety and Load Factors. Rivetted and Welded connections of Members,
Design of Tension, Compression and Flexural members, built-up beams and Plate
Girder Slab and Guesseted Bases for Columns, Design of Roof Trusses. Purling and
Coverings, Structural Steel tubes and their connections Industrial and Multi-Storyed
Buildings Water tank and supporting tower’s design. Plastic Design of Continuous
Beams & Frames.
(2) R.C. Design
Working Stress and Limit State methods for design of Rectangular, T and L Beams,
Slabs and Columns. Isolated and Combined footings, Raft Foundations. Overhead,
Resting on ground and Underground Water Tanks.Design of Bunkers and Silos.
Methods and Systems of Prestressing, Anchorages. Losses in Prestress, Design of
Prestressed Concrete Beams.
3 Construction Planning and Management
Detailed estimates, specifications, analysis and rates of various worksin civil
engineering . Construction activity , work break down structures , scheduling
through CPM and PERT analysis , cost optimization through network construction,
Float times, Bar charts , Project control and supervision , cost reduction
measures, Cost analysis and resource allocation , Fundamentals of engineering
economics , methods of appraisal , present work, annual costs , benefit cost
analysis, Types of tenders and contract conditions .
4. Environmenal Engineering
Water Demand – Per capita Demand, Population Estimation methods Water Quality
Criteria for various uses viz. Domestic & Non-Domestic, Irrigation effects &
significance of important parameters and permissible concentration as per
relevant standards. Transmission of Water- relative merits & demerits of various
pipes viz C.I. G.I. Mild Steel. A.C. Pressure Pipes. Corrosion of Pipes-types &
Methods of control System of distribution & layouts of distribution. Unit
Processes & Operations for Water Treatment viz, Objectives and Design criteria
of Sedimentation, Coagulation, Flocculation, Chemical Sedimentation. Filtration
( slow sand & rapid sand), Disinfection, Softening. Quantity & Characterization
of Domestic Sewage-significance of B.O.D., C.O.D., D.O. ,Solids. T.O.C. , N.O.D.
Effluent Standards, River Standards. Sewage System-Design of Sewer & Storm
Sewer, Sewage Pumps.Design of Screens, Grit Chamber. Design of Primary
Sedimentation tank. Design of Biological Treatment Units viz Trickling filters,
Activated Sludge Treatment and Secondary Sedimentation tank. Waste Stabilization
Ponds- Aerobic, Anaerobic & Facultative Ponds, design criteria and principles.
Sludge Treatment- Digestion & Sludge Disposal. Septic Tanks-design criteria &
working Self Purification of Streams- oxygen sag curve. Types of
Pollution-Sources & effects of various pollution viz., Water, Air, Land &
Noise, Relevant standards. Rural Sanitation, Solid Waste- collection &
1. Water Resources Engineering
Water Resources in the Globe, Available Fresh Water. Need for Optimum use of
Available water, Schemes for Drinking, Irrigation, Hydro Power,
Multipurpose Schemes.
Irrigation - Necessity, Scope, Benefits & Effects. Methods & Systems of Irrigation, their efficiencies. Water Distribuion & Scheduling techniques. Crop Water Requirements, Evapotranspiration, Consumptive Use, Duty, Delta, Base Period their relation, Crop Rotation, Quality of Irrigation Water.
Hydrology - Hydrological Cycle, Precipitation – Types, Measurement, Raingauge Network, Analysis of Precipitation Data, Dependability Analysis, Unit Hydrograph, Summation & Synthetic Hydrographs, Design Flood by UH & Frequency Studies.
Ground Water - Class & Availability of Soil Moisture.
Confined & Unconfined. Open & Tube Wells, Radial Flow in Wells,Depuit’s Theory.
Darey’s Law, Seepage Analysis using Flow Nets. Yield
of Wells, determination.
Storage Scheme - Reservoir Planning, Capacity, Yield, Life. Gravity & Earthen Dams. Forces Acing, Modes of Failure, Stability Criteria, Design. Galleries. Shafts. Joints in Gravity Dams. Foundation Treatment. Spillways, Types, Design of Ogee & Syphon Spillways. Energy Dissipating Devices, Design of Stilling Basins.
Diversion Schemes - Structures on Pervious Formations, Bligh’s & Khosla’s Theory, Hydraulic Jump, Design of Vertical Drop Weir & Barrage.
Distribution ystem - Canals – Classification, Layout, Alignment, Capacity, Design of Canals. Silt Theories, Canal Regulation Structures. Design of Head & Cross Regulators, Canal Falls, Cross Drainage Works, and Outlets, Escapes.
Water Logging - Causes, Effects, Remedial Measures, Losses in Canals, Canal Lining, Types. Advantages, Conjunctive use of Surface & Ground Water.
River Training - Objective & Methods, Concepts of Hydro Power Projects.
2. Transportation Engineering Railways - Permanent Way, Sleepers, Rail Fastenings, Ballast, Points and Crossings, different types of Turn Outs. Stations and Yards, Turn Tables, Signals and Interlocking, Level Crossing. Maintenance of Track, Super-elevation, Creep of Rails, Ruling Gradients, Track Resistance. Tractive Efforts, Curve Resistance .
Highways & Airports - Principles of Highway Planning, Highway Alignments. Geometrical design, Cross-section. Camber, Super-elevation. Horizontal and Vertical curves. Classification of Roads.Design and Construction of Flexible and Rigid pavements for Highway and Airfields. Evaluation of Pavement Failure and Strengthening, Drainage of Roads. Traffic Engineering : Traffic Surveys, Highway Capacity, Intersections, Rotary Design Elements, Signs, Signals and Markings. Selection of Airport Sites, Windrose Diagram & Runway Orientation. Runway and Taxiway Geometric and Lighting.
Bridge Engineering - Selection of Site, Design Data collection, Hydraulic Design, Scour Depth for Bridge Foundation, Economic Span. Type of Road and Railway Bridges, Design Loads and Forces, Impact Factor, Indian Loading Standards. Super Structure & Sub Structure, Abutments, Piers, Wing Walls, Return Approaches.
3. Geotechnical Engineering
Index Properties of Soil, Classification of Soils. Clay Minerals. Capillary
Water, Permeability, Factors Affecting Permeability, Lab and field methods.
Permeability of stratified soil deposits. Seepage Pressure, Quick Sand
Condition, Flow Net, its properties & uses. Stess distributioin in soils,
Boussinesq’s theory. Newmark’s Chart. Consolidation and Settlement : Terzaghi’s
theory, Consolidation test. Settlement computiation. Time Settlement cureve.
Compaction tests & their significance, factors affecting compaction. Shear
Strength Parameters, Shear Tests, Mohr Coulomb’s failure theory, Skempton’s Pore
Pressure coefficients. Earth Pressure at rest, Active and Passive Pressures,
Rankine’s and Coulomb’s theory. Bearing capacity, Terzaghi’s analysis, factors
affecting Bearing Capacity, Plate Load Test.Stability of Slopes, Sweedish Slip
Circle method and Bishop’s simplified method. Stability Number. Sub-surface
exploration. Methods, sampling, SPT, DCPT and Static Cone Penetration Test,
Electrical Resistivity and Seismic method. Essential features of Foundation ,
types, design criteria, Rafts. Pile Foundation, Types of Piles, Pile Capacity,
Pile Load Test. Group Action. Static/Dynamic formulae. Elements of Machine
Foundation, Natural frequency, Amplification and Resonance. Ground Improvement
Techniques, Sand Drains, Soil Stabilization, Geotextiles.