(Syllabus) MPPSC : Syllabus For Psychology Preliminary Examination (Optional)


Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission
Syllabus For Indian Psychology  Examination (Optional)


1. Introduction to Psychology
(1) Concept and definition of Psychology.
(2) Methods of study - Experiment, Observation, Interview, Questionnaire and Case study.
(3) Nature of Psychological research: Correlational, Experimental, Types of variables and their control.
(4) Quantitative analysis: Measures of central tendency - Mean, Median, Mode. Measures of variability - standard deviation, quartile deviation correlation.

2. Physiological bases and Development of Behaviour
(1) Structure of neuron, nerve impulse.
(2) Central nervous system - structure of brain, peripheral nervous system.
(3) Endocrine glands and hormones.
(4) The role of heredity and environment in development.
(5) Relationship of learning and maturation.

3. Attention and Perception
(1) Determinants of attention and selective attention.
(2) Visual and auditory senses: Structure and function.
(3) Perceptual organization.
(4) Perception of form, colour, distance and time.
(5) Perceptual constancy.
(6) Illusion and Hallucination.
(7) Role of motivational and cultural factors in perception.

4. Learning
(1) Classical and operant conditioning.
(2) Reinforcement schedules.
(3) Observational learning.
(4) Verbal learning - methods and materials.
(5) Transfer of training.
(6) Learning and motivation.

5. Memory
(1) Sensory, short-term and long-term memory.
(2) Encoding, Storage and retrieval.
(3) Theories of forgetting - Decay and Interference theories and motivated forgetting.
(4)Retroactive and proactive interference.
(5)Recall and recognition.

6. Thinking and Reasoning
(1) Concept formation.
(2) Inductive and deductive reasoning.
(3) Problem solving.
(4) Creative thinking.

7. Intelligence
(1) Definition and concept.
(2) Models: Unifactor, bifactor and multifactor.
(3) Measurement of intelligence - verbal, non-verbal and performance tests.
(4) Intelligence and creativity.

8. Motivation and Emotion
(1) Definition of concept of instincts, needs, drives and motives.
(2) Classification of motives.
(3) Theories of motivation - Drive reduction and need hierarchy model.
(4) Social motivation: Achievement, power and affiliation.
(5) Emotion - Kind and theories (James-Lange, Cannon - Bard, Schachter - Singer Theories).
(6) Physiological bases of emotion.

9. Personality
(1) Concept and definition of personality.
(2) Trait approaches, Psychodynamic approaches (Freud, Adler, Jung).
(3) Personality assessment (Psychometric and projective).
(4) Determinants - Biological and social.

10. Social Behaviour
(1) Nature and function of attitudes.
(2) Formation and change of attitudes - factors influencing.
(3)Measurement of attitudes (Thurston and Likert).
(4) Nature, causal factors and reduction of prejudice.
(5) Impression formation
(6) Attribution theories.

11. Group Behaviour and Leadership
(1) Group structure and function.
(2) Social facilitation and social loafing.
(3)Conformity - Group norms.
(4) Definition and functions of leadership.
(5)Trait, situational and contingency approaches.

12. Coping and Adaptation
(1) Concept and definition of adjustment.
(2)Frustration and conflict.
(3) Sources of stress; adjustive, nonadjustive and maladjustive reactions to stress.
(4) Coping and stress management techniques.

13. Psychopathology
(1) Criteria of abnormality.
(2) Psychoneurotic disorders.
(3) Anxiety, obsessive - compulsive, phobic, conversion reactions.
(4) Psychotic disorders: Schizophrenia, paranoia, mood disorders - unipolar and bipolar.
(5) Personality disorders and substance related disorder; mental retardation.
(6) Therapies: Psychoanalytic, Behavioristic & Humanistic, Group therapies.

14. Testing
(1) Nature and levels of measurement.
(2) Test construction.
(3) Test standardization - Reliability, validity and developing norms.
(4) Classification of psychological tests: Intelligence tests, aptitude tests, personality tests, Interest inventories and attitude scales.

15. Application of Psychology
(1) Health: Models and issues.
(2) Counselling: Process and establishing relationship.
(3) Approaches - Directive, Non - Directive, Rational-Emotive. Yoga, Meditation and relaxation therapies.
(4) Organizational behaviour - Motivation and job-satisfaction, work stress - sources and management.
(5) Group development in organization. Organizational change.