(Syllabus) Maharashtra PSC: Electrical Engineering : Revised Syllabus for State Services (Main) Examination (Optional)
Maharashtra PSC: Electrical Engineering : Revised Syllabus for State Services (Main) Examination (Optional)
Electrical Engineering (Code No :
405) Paper - I
Standard : : Degree in Electrical Engineering
Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type
Duration : 3 Hours
Note :
1) Answers to this paper must be written in English only
2) This paper will test the candidate’s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
interpret, to criticise and to appraise subject matter related to the topics/sub
topics mentioned below.
3) For judging candidates’ conceptual understandings, appropriate numbers of
numerical problems will be asked.
4) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments
and happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.
Section - A ( Marks : 50 )
Electrical Fundamentals and Machines
1) Basics and Circuit Theory :
1) Work, Power, Energy; Ohm’s law; DC circuits; Kirchhoff’s
laws; AC circuits, Resonance in R-L-C circuits.
2) Nodal analysis; Mesh analysis; Network theorems; Transient
analysis of RL, RC and RLC circuits; 3 phase circuits; Two-port networks,
Circuit simulation using software packages such as SPICE, MATLAB etc.
3) Maxwell’s equations; Wave propagation in bounded media;
Boundary conditions; Reflection and refraction of plane waves; Transmission
line; Distributed parameter circuits; Traveling and standing waves.
2) Electrical Machines :
1) DC Machines : Construction, Working principle,
Characteristics and applications; Starting and speed control.
2) AC Machines: Single phase and poly phase induction motors.
Synchronous motor- construction, working principle and characteristics, starting
and speed control; FHP motors and stepper motors, Alternators- Basics and
Parallel operation.
3) Power and Distribution Transformers: Design, Efficiency
and regulation by direct and indirect loading; Types of transformer connections.
Section - B ( Marks : 50 )
Electrical Measurements and Control
3) Electrical Measurements :
1) Measurement of current, voltage, power, energy,
power-factor, resistance, inductance, capacitance and frequency.
2) Multimeters, CRO, digital voltmeter, frequency counter,
Q-meter, megger, earth tester, potentiometer.
3) Transducers: thermocouple, thermistors, LVDT, strain guage,
piezo-electric crystal; Use of transducers in measurement of non-electrical
quantities, Data acquisition systems.
4) Control Engineering :
1) Block diagram representation; Principles and
applications of feedback.
2) LTI systems: Time-domain and transform-domain analysis;
Routh-Hurwitz criterion; Root Loci; Nyquist criterion, Bode plots.
3) Design of lead-lag compensators; P, PI, PID controllers;
State variable representation; Principles of discrete control
Section - C ( Marks : 50 )
Electrical Power Systems
5) Power Systems :
1) Steady-state performance of overhead transmission
lines and cables; Per unit quantities; Bus admittance and impedance matrices;
Symmetrical components;.
2) Analysis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults;
Principle of active and reactive power transfer and distribution, Reactive power
3) Principles of circuit breaking; Arc extinction for DC and
AC; Arc interruption theories; Duties of switchgear; Various types of circuit
breakers and their applications to power systems; Specifications of an impulse
voltage wave; Standard impulse; Multi-stage impulse generator; Insulation
co-ordination; Principles of overcurrent, differential and distance protection;
Concept of solid-state relays; Computer-aided protection; Protection of
generators, transformers and transmission lines; Application of DSP to
6) Computer aided power systems :
1) Static VAR systems; Concept of HVDC transmission;
FACTS devices such as SVC & UPFC.
2) Introduction to load dispatch centers (LDC); SCADA
systems; Speed control of generators; Tie-line control; Frequency control;
Economic dispatch.
Section - D ( Marks : 50 ) Electronics
7) Analog electronics :
1) Characteristics and equivalent circuits of diode, BJT,
JFET and MOSFET; Clipping, clamping and rectifier circuits using diodes; Biasing
and bias stability, FET amplifiers.
2) Single and multi-stage, differential, operational,
feedback and power amplifiers; Analysis of amplifier; Frequency response of
amplifiers; OPAMP circuits; Filters; Function generation; Wave shaping circuits;
Power supplies.
8) Digital electronics :
1) Boolean algebra; minimization of boolean functions;
Logic gates; Digital IC families; Combinational circuits; Arithmetic circuits;
Code converters; Multiplexers; Decoders.
2) Latches and flip-flops; Counters and shift registers;
Comparators; Timers; Multi-vibrators; Sample and hold circuits; ADCs and DACs;
Semiconductor memories; Logic implementation using ROM, PLA & FPGA.
Paper - II
Standard : Degree in Electrical Engineering
Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type
Duration : 3 Hours
Note :
1) Answers to this paper must be written in English only
2) This paper will test the candidate’s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
interpret, to criticise and to appraise subject matter related to the topics/sub
topics mentioned below.
3) For judging candidates’ conceptual understandings, appropriate numbers of
numerical problems will be asked.
4) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments
and happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.
Section - A ( Marks : 50 ) Power Electronics and Micro-controllers
1) Power Electronics and Electrical Drives :
1) Diodes, Power transistors, thyristors, triacs, GTOs,
MOSFETs, IGBTs - Static characteristics and principle of operation; Triggering
circuits; Phase controlled rectifiers; Bridge converters - fully controlled and
half controlled.
2) Principles of choppers, inverters and cyclo-converters;
Basic concepts of speed control of dc and ac motors drives; Applications of
variable speed drives.
2) Micro-processors and Micro-controllers :
1) Evolution of microprocessor technology, 8085 CPU;
Architecture, programming, memory & I/O interfacing.
2) 8051 Micro-controller - Architecture, memory organization,
addressing modes, instruction set, boolean processing, simple programmes;
Interrupt structures; Timer and serial functions; Parallel port features; Modes
of operation; Power control; Interfacing; Typical applications.
Section - B ( Marks : 50 ) Communication Engineering
3) Analog and Digital Communication :
1) Need for modulation; Normal amplitude modulation;
Modulation index; Frequency and phase modulation; Frequency deviation and
modulation index; Sampling theorem - low pass and band pass; Pulse amplitude
modulation; Pulse width modulation; Pulse position modulation.
2) Pulse code modulation; Differential pulse code
modulation, Delta modulation; Digital modulation and demodulation schemes;
Interfacing with power line; Description of a typical power line carrier
communication system.
4) Fibre Optic Systems :
1) Time division multiplexing; Frequency division
multiplexing; Optical properties of materials; Refractive index; Absorption and
emission of light.
2) Optical fibres; Lasers and opto-electronic materials;
Fibre optic links.
Section - C ( Marks : 50 ) Signals, Systems and Digital Signal Processing
5) Signals and Systems :
1) Representation of continuous-time and discrete-time
signals and systems; LTI systems; Convolution; Impulse response.
2) Time-domain analysis of LTI systems based on convolution
and differential/difference equations.
3) Fourier transforms; Laplace transforms; Z-transforms;
Transfer functions; Sampling and recovery of signals; DFT, FFT processing of
analog signals through discrete-time systems.
6) Digital Filters :
1) Frequency domain design of digital filters;
Quantization effects in digital filters.
2) High speed convolution and its application to digital
filtering; Multi-rate filtering.
Section - D ( Marks : 50 ) Energy Systems and Stability
7) Energy Management :
1) Introduction to energy problem; Power scenario of
Maharashtra State and India, Difficulties with conventional energy sources;
Basics of wind turbine aerodynamics; Wind energy conversion systems and their
integration into electrical grid; Power quality issues Solar energy: Thermal
conversion, Photovoltaic conversion.
2) Importance of energy management; Energy conservation
opportunities, Energy audit; Energy economics; Discount rate; Payback period;
Internal rate of return; Life cycle costing, Electricity Act 2003.
8) Power System Stability :
1) System modeling and dynamics of synchronous
generators; Small signal stability analysis (Low frequency oscillations) -
Analysis of single machine systems, Applications of power system stabilizers,
Analysis of multi-machine system.
2) Transient stability analysis; Dynamic stability analysis;
Voltage stability analysis; Static VAR control of load.