(Syllabus) Maharashtra PSC: Geography : Revised Syllabus for State Services (Main) Examination (Optional)
Maharashtra PSC: Geography: Revised Syllabus for State Services (Main) Examination (Optional)
Geography (Code No : 203) Paper – I
Principles of Geography Standard : Degree
Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type
Duration : 3 Hours
Note :
1) Answers to this paper must be written either in English or in Marathi.
2) This paper will test the candidate’s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
interpret, to criticise and to appraise subject matter related to the topics/sub
topics mentioned below.
3) To test spatial analysis and synthesis abilities, appropriate number of
questions will be asked providing necessary outline maps.
4) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments
and happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.
Section - A (Marks : 50)
1) Geomorphology :
1) Interior of the earth- composition and physical
2) Rocks and minerals- formations, types.
3) Factors controlling landform development.
4) Endogenetic and exogenetic forces.
5) Origin and evolution of the earth’s crust- geosynclines,
continental drift, isostasy, sea-floor spreading.
6) Vulcanicity, earthquake and plate tectonics.
7) Drainage network pattern and types.
8) Concept of geomorphic cycles- landforms associated with
fluvial, arid, glacial, coastal and Karst cycle.
9) Applied geomorphology and recent trends in geomorphology.
2) Climatology :
1) Atmosphere- composition and structure.
2) Solar radiation- insolation and heat balance.
3) Weather elements- temperature, pressure, planetary and
local winds, monsoon, Jet stream, air masses and fronts and cyclones.
4) Classification of climate- Koppen and Thornthwaite.
5) Climatic changes.
6) Weather forecasting- modern techniques.
Section - B ( Marks : 50 )
3) Oceanography :
1) Bottom topography- Pacific, Indian and Atlantic
2) Ocean deposits and coral reefs.
3) Temperature and salinity.
4) Ocean currents and tides.
5) Marine resources.
6) Sea level changes.
4) Biogeography :
1) Soils- genesis, classification, distribution, erosion
and conservation.
2) Factors influencing world distribution of plants and
3) Problems of deforestation and forest conservation
5) Environmental Geography :
1) Ecology and Ecosystem- energy flow, material cycle,
food chain, webs, and biotic and abiotic components.
2) Biosphere- different biomes- Tundra, Taiga, Grassland,
Tropical rainforest, Marine communities.
3) Environmental degradation and conservation, global
ecological imbalances- pollution and green house effect, global warming,
reduction in bio-diversity and depletion of forests.
4) Environmental laws and environmental impact assessment.
Section - C ( Marks : 50 )
6) Geographical Thought :
1) A brief study of geography in ancient and medical
2) Development in 20th century.
3) Man and environment, determinism and possibilism, areal
differentiation, spatial organisation. quantative revolution. positivism,
humanism, radicalism and behaviouralism in Geography.
7) Population Geography :
1) Patterns of world distribution, growth and density of
population and population policies.
2) Causes and consequences of migration.
3) Demographic transition.
8) Settlement Geography :
1) Rural and Urban settlements- site, situation, types,
size, spacing and morphology.
2) Classification of towns.
3) Urbanisation- process and problems.
4) Rural – Urban Fringe, and sphere of urban influence.
5) Central place theory and rank size rule.
9) Social and cultural Geography :
1) Social structure and social process.
2) Ethnicity, tribe, caste and religion, dialect and
3) Social well being.
4) Environment- culture interaction.
5) Cultural regions.
10) Political Geography:
1) Concept of state, nation and nation state.
2) Frontiers and boundaries.
3) Global strategic views- Heartland and Rimland theories.
Section - D (Marks: 50)
11) Economic Geography:
1) Evolution of world economy and measures of economic
2) Economic activities- production, consumption and exchange.
3) World distribution of resources.
4) Agriculture- Typology and distribution.
5) Industries- Locational pattern and problems, types-
textile, iron and steel, sugar and automobile.
6) Transport- Modes and cost.
7) World Trade- Factors influencing trade, problems and
prospects, globalisation, GATT and WTO.
12) Regional Planning :
1) Concept of region- types of region and methods of
2) Growth centres and growth poles.
3) Regional imbalances.
4)Environmental issues in regional planning and planning for
sustainable development
13) Techniques of spatial analysis :
1) Cartographic techniques.
2) Statistical methods.
3) Computer application.
4) Remote sensing.
5) GIS and GPS
Paper - II
Geography of India With Special Reference to Maharashtra
Standard: Degree
Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type
Duration : 3 Hours
Note :
1) Answers to this paper must be written either in English or in Marathi.
2) This paper will test the candidate’s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
interpret, to criticise and to appraise subject matter related to the topics/sub
topics mentioned below.
3) To test spatial analysis and synthesis abilities, appropriate number of
questions will be asked providing necessary outline maps.
4) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments
and happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.
Section - A (Marks : 50)
1) Location : Space relationship of India with neighbouring countries.
2) Geology : History, major rock types and structure, earthquakes, and
3) Physiography : physiographic regions and drainage.
4) Climate : Mechanism of Indian monsoon, monsoon forecast, distribution of
rainfall, cyclones, droughts and floods, and climatic regions.
Section – B (Marks : 50)
5) Soil : Classification, distribution, problems and conservation.
6) Natural vegetation : classification, distribution, forest produce,
utilisation and conservation, national forest policy and Agro and social
7) Surface and ground water : distribution, utilization and conservation,
national water grid.
8) Energy and mineral resources : distribution, utilization, conservation energy
crises and conservation.
Section - C (Marks : 50)
9) Agriculture : Infrastructure–seeds, fertilizers, power, irrigation,
institutional factors, land holdings, land tenure and land reforms, land
capability agricultural productivity, land capability, green revolution and,
socio-economic and ecological implications, significance of dry land farming,
livestock resources and white revolution, blue revolution, agricultural
regionalisation, agro-climatic zones.
10) Industry :
1) Industries in pre-independence and post-independence
period; locational factors of cotton, jute, iron and steel, fertiliser, paper,
drugs and pharmaceutical, automobile and cottage industries.
2) Industrial complexes and industrial regionalisaiton, new
industrial policy, liberalisation, globlisation, privatisation and industrial
11) Transport, Communication, Trade and Tourism : Road, railway, waterway,
airway and pipeline networks, national and foreign trade, export promotion
zones, developments in communication technology and its impact on economy and
society, types of tourism, development of tourism.
Section - D (Marks: 50)
12) Cultural Setting : Racial and ethnic diversities, major tribes, tribal
areas and their problems, cultural regions, growth, distribution and density of
population, demographic attributes, migration and associated problems,
population problems and policies.
13) Settlements : Types, patterns and morphology of rural settlements, census
definition of urban areas, morphology and classification of Indian cities,
problems of urbanisaiton.
14) Regional Development and Planning : Regional development policies in
different five year plans, river basin development, command area development,
drought prone area development, hill and tribal area development, metropolitan
region and national capital region, planning regions and regional disparities in
economic development.
15) Political Aspects : Geographical basis of Indian federalism, state
recoganisation, regional and linguistic consciousness and national integration,
international boundary of India and related issues, India and geo-politics of
the Indian Ocean.
16) Contemporary Issues : Environmental hazards– epidemics, issues related to
environmental pollution, environmental impact assessment, environmental
degradation and management, population explosion and food security, problems of
agrarian unrest, issues related to poverty; concept of sustainable growth and
development and disaster management.