(Syllabus) Maharashtra PSC: Geology: Revised Syllabus for State Services (Main) Examination (Optional)
Maharashtra PSC: Geology: Revised Syllabus for State Services (Main) Examination (Optional)
Geology (Code No : 603) Paper - I
Standard : Degree
Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type
Duration : 3 Hours
Note :
1) Answers to this paper must be written in English only
2) This paper will test the candidate’s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
interpret, to criticise and to appraise subject matter related to the topics/sub
topics mentioned below.
3) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments
and happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.
Section - A ( Marks : 50 )
1) General Geology :
1) (i) Universe, components of the universe. Solar
system, theories of origin of solar system. Meteorites and their classification.
Age of the earth. Origin of continents and ocean basins.
(ii) Internal structure of the earth. Earthquakes, their distribution and
causative factors. Volcanoes, volcanic belts of the world and their relation to
evolution of the earth.
2) Continental drift : Concept, evidences and objections. Sea
floor-spreading- mid oceanic ridges, trenches and arcs. Plate Tectonics -
concept, types of plate boundaries, plumes and hot spots. Mountain building
3) Geological work of water, wind and glaciers.
Section - B ( Marks : 50 )
2) Geomorphology : Basic concepts in geomorphology. Geomorphic cycles.
Weathering and soil formation. Erosion. Landforms, slopes and drainage patterns.
Relation between landforms and geology. Geomorphology of the Indian
Subcontinent. Geomorphic features of Maharashtra.
3) Remote Sensing :
1) Concept of remote sensing. The electromagnetic
spectrum. Aerial photography. Interpretation of aerial photographs. Indian
Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites. Imageries- IRS products, MSS bands- blue,
green, red and near infra red, False Colour Composite (FCC).
2) Application of remote sensing in geology and natural
resources. Introduction to Geographical Information System (GIS) and Global
Positioning System (GPS). Computer applications in remote sensing.
4) Structural Geology :
Stratification. Attitude of beds. Outcrops and Outcrop patterns. Joints -
classification. Faults - classification and recognition. Folds- classification
and recognition. Unconformities - classification and recognition. Concept of
foliation and lineation. Introduction to petro-fabric analysis.
Section - C ( Marks : 50 )
5) Principles of Stratigraphy : Principles of stratigraphy. Geologic Time
Scale. Stratigraphic units-Lithostratigraphic, Biostratigraphic,
Chronostratigraphic and Magnetostratigraphic. Methods of correlation.
6) Stratigraphy of India : Introduction to Precambrian and Phanerozoic sequences
of India. Gondwana Supergroup. Deccan Traps. Study of climatic conditions and
palaeogeography of Indian Subcontinent. Stratigraphy of Maharashtra.
7) Palaeontology :
1) Conditions of fossilisation. Modes of preservation of
fossils. Types of fossils. Morphology and geological distribution of
Lamellibranchs, Gasteropods, Cephalopods, Brachiopods, Echinoderms and
2) Evolution of Man and Horse. Microfossils and their
importance in petroleum exploration. Plant fossils from Gondwana Supergroup.
Section - D (Marks : 50)
8) Hydrogeology :
1) Hydrologic cycle. Vertical distribution of subsurface
water. Movement of groundwater. Rock properties affecting groundwater- porosity,
permeability, hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, specific retention,
specific yield and storage coefficient. Aquifers and their types. Different
rocks types as aquifers. Water quality.
2) Exploration for groundwater. Groundwater recharge. Methods
of artificial groundwater recharge. Conventional and non-conventional methods of
rainwater harvesting. Groundwater management-technical and social aspects.
Concept of watershed management.
9) Engineering Geology :
1) Engineering properties of rocks and soils. Building
stones. Geological investigations for dams, tunnels, bridges, highways, railways
and stability of slopes.
2) Engineering geological aspects related to mitigation of
natural hazards like coastal erosion, floods, landslides, earthquakes, tsunamis
and volcanic activity.
Paper - II
Standard : Degree
Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type
Duration : 3 Hours
Note :
1) Answers to this paper must be written in English only
2) This paper will test the candidate’s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
interpret, to criticise and to appraise subject matter related to the topics/sub
topics mentioned below.
3) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments
and happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.
Section - A ( Marks : 50 )
1) Mineralogy :
1) Crystal Elements. Classification of crystals into
systems. Normal classes of symmetry. Crystallographic notations.
2) Physical properties of minerals. Isomorphism, Polymorphism
and Pseudomorphism. Physical properties, chemical composition and occurrences of
following rock forming mineral groups- Silica, Feldspars, Olivine, Pyroxene,
Amphibole, Mica, Chlorite, Garnet and Alumino-silicates. Physical properties,
chemical composition and occurrences of ore minerals, industrial minerals and
3) Petrological microscope and its accessories. Following
optical properties of the above (1.02) rock forming minerals- form, colour,
pleochroism, cleavage, isotropism, extinction, and interference colours. Common
minerals in igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks.
2) Petrology :
1) Igneous Petrology : Origin of magma. Primary magma.
Crystallisation of magma- unicomponent, binary and ternary . Reaction principle.
Intrusive and extrusive forms of igneous rocks. Petrogenetic significance of
textures and structures of igneous rocks. Tabular classification of igneous
rocks. Petrography of granite, pegmatite, diorite, andesite, syenite, trachyte,
gabbro, dolerite, basalt, anorthosite, dunite, peridotite and lamprophyres.
Magmatic differentiation and assimilation.
2) Sedimentary Petrology : Origin of sediments. Diagenesis
and lithification. Clastic and non-clastic rocks and their classification.
Provenance. Depositional environments. Petrogenetic significance of sedimentary
textures and structures.
3) Metamorphic Petrology : Agents and types of metamorphism.
Depth zones. Metamorphism of quartzo-feldspathic, argillaceous and basic igneous
rocks. Metamorphic grades and zones. Retrograde metamorphism. Metasomatism.
Migmatites. Petrogenetic significance of metamorphic textures and structures.
Section - B ( Marks : 50 )
3) Economic Geology :
1) Ore, ore minerals and gangue, tenor. Processes of
formation of mineral deposits- magmatic concentration, contact metasomatism,
hydrothermal, oxidation and supergene enrichment, residual concentration,
mechanical concentration and evaporation.
2) Economic mineral deposits of Maharashtra. National Mineral
Policy - basic objectives and salient features. Strategic, critical and
essential minerals. Conservation and utilization of mineral resources.
4) Mineral Fuels :
1) Origin and entrapment of petroleum. Petroleum traps.
Petroliferous basins of India, particularly of Maharashtra.
2) Origin and classification of coal. Coal deposits of India,
particularly of Maharashtra. Atomic mineral deposits of India.
Section - C ( Marks : 50 )
5) Mineral Exploration :
1) (i) Methods of prospecting for mineral
deposits-Geological, Geobotanical, Geochemical and Geophysical – remote sensing,
gravity, magnetic, seismic and electrical methods.
(ii) Introduction to drilling methods. Sampling and assaying.
Borehole logging.
2) Modes of occurrence of ore bodies. Morphology of ore
bodies and their relationship with host rocks. Structural, stratigraphic and
physico-chemical controls of ore localization.
6) Mining Geology : Methods of mining-Open cast mining, Underground
mining-shaft sinking, drifting, crosscutting, winzing, stopping, room and
pillaring, top slicing, sublevel caving and block caving. Ocean bottom mining.
Section - D (Marks : 50)
7) Geochemistry : Abundance of elements : Atomic structure of elements. The
periodic table. Ionic substitution in minerals. Geochemical classification and
distribution of elements in the earth. Principles of geochemical cycling.
8) Environmental Geology :
1) Concept of ecosystem-biotic communities, food chain
and ecologic pyramids. Impact of anthropogenic activities on air, water and soil
resources. Problems of pollution and hazardous waste.
2) (i) Natural Hazards : Causative factors and mitigation
measures. Floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides and volcanoes. Pollution due
to mining, mining hazards and their mitigation. Conservation of energy and
alternative sources of energy- geothermal, solar, wind, tidal and biomass.
(ii) Sustainable development and environment protection - industrial,
agricultural and mining. Role of geologist in disaster management.