(Syllabus) Maharashtra PSC: Sanskrit (Literature) : Revised Syllabus for State Services (Main) Examination (Optional)
Maharashtra PSC: Sanskrit (Literature) : Revised Syllabus for State Services (Main) Examination (Optional)
Sanskrit (Literature) (Code No :
212) Paper - I
Standard : Degree
Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type
Duration : 3 Hours
1) This paper will test the candidate’s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
interpret, to criticise, to appraise the subject matter related to the
topics/sub topics mentioned below.
2) There are/ will be topics/questions carrying at least 30% marks as mentioned
in the syllabus/ Question paper, which must be answered in Sanskrit (in
Devanagari Script). The remaining questions must be answered either in Sanskrit
or in the medium of examination opted by the candidate.
Section - A (Marks : 50)
1) 1) Main characteristics of Vedic Sanskrit language.
2) Prominent features of classical Sanskrit language.
3) Contribution of Sanskrit to linguistic studies.
4) Contribution of Sanskrit to the development of Indian
languages (particularly Marathi).
5) Present status of Sanskrit language in modern India.
2) Significant features and usages of grammar, with particular stress on :
1) Sandhi, Samasa.
2) Karaka, Kartari and Karmani vacyas
(Note: Questions based on topic nos. 2.01/2.02 must be answered in
Section - B (Marks : 50)
3) .01) History of Sanskrit Poetics
2) Literary Evaluation of the Ramayana
3) Literary Evaluation of the Mahabharata
4) The origin and development of literary genres of :
a) Mahakavya, Khandakavya,
b) Rupaka (drama)
c) Katha, Akhyayika, Campu
d) Modern Sanskrit Literature (Prose
and Poetry) and Texts translated into Sanskrit
(Note: Questions based on topic nos. 3.01/3.02/3.03 must be answered in
Section - C (Marks : 50)
4) Trends of Indian Philosophy :
1) Mimansa
2) Vedanta
3) Nyaya
4) Vaisesika
5) Sankhya
6) Yoga
7) Bauddha
8) Jaina
9) Carvaka
5) Essentials of Indian Culture with stress on :
1) Purusarthas
2) Samskaras
3) Varnasramavyavastha
4) Concept of Rna
5) Social Sciences
6) Arts and fine arts
7) Science and Technology
Section - D (Marks : 50 )
6) Short Essay writing in Sanskrit (as compulsory question) about 250 words.
7) Unseen passage of about 200 words with the questions, to be answered in
Sanskrit (as compulsory question).
8) Translation of Sanskrit passage of about 150 words into the medium of
examination opted by the candidate.
- II
Standard : Degree
Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type
Duration : 3 Hours
1) This paper will test the candidate’s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
interpret, to criticise, to appraise subject matter of the following prescribed
2) There are / will be topics / questions carrying at least 30% marks as
mentioned in the syllabus/ Question paper, which must be answered in Sanskrit
(in Devanagari Script). The remaining questions must be answered either in
Sanskrit or in the medium of examination opted by the candidate
Section - A (Marks : 50) General study of the following topics(For
Cultural, Literary understanding) :
1 Poetry & Prose :
1) Raghuvamsa – Kalidasa
2) Buddhacarita of Asvaghosa
3) Sisupalavadha – Magha
4) Naisadhiyacarita – Sriharsa
5) Panchatantra
6) Vivekanandacarita - G.B. Palsule
7) Sivarajyodaya - S.B. Varnekar
2 Drama :
1) Urubhanga and Karnabhara of Bhasa
2) Abhijnanasakuntala – Kalidasa
3) Mrcchakatika – Sudraka
4) Mudraraksasa – Visakhadatta
5) Venisamhara – Bhattanarayana
(Note: Questions based on topic no. 2 i.e. Drama must be answered in
3 Short notes in Sanskrit on the following : (as compulsory question)
1) Pratimanataka – Bhasa
2) Nitisataka – Bhartrhari
3) Hitopadesa
4) Tilakayashornava -Lokanayak Ane
5) Harsacarita – Banabhatta
6) Gitagovinda – Jayadeva
7) Gangalahari - Jagannatha Pandit
Section - B (Marks : 50) General study of the following topics (For
Cultural, Literary understanding) :
4 Philosophy & Ethics :
1) Brhadaranyaka Upanisad - Gargi - Yajnavalkya -
2) Teaching of the Bhagavadgita
3) Rajadharmaparvan of the Santiparvan of the Mahabharata (Bhandarkar
5 Social & Scientific Literature :
1) Adhyasabhasya of the Brahmasutrasankarabhasya
2) Taittiriya Upanisad (Brahmavalli)
3) Tarkasangraha of Annambhatta
4) Yajnavalkyasmriti (Dayabhaga)
5) Arthasastra of Kautilya : (I. 8-12, II. 7-10)
6) Carakasamhita : (Sutrasthana 1. 41- 55 )
7) Lilavati of Bhaskaracarya : ( Srenivyavaharanta Adhyaya 1)
8) Samaranganasutradhara of Bhojadeva : (8.1- 20)
Section - C (Marks : 50) This Section will require a first hand critical
reading of the following selected texts :
6 Vedic Literature :
1) Rgveda : VII . 103, X .191
2) Atharvaveda : XII . 1, XX . 12
7 Epics & Philosophy :
1) Isavasyopanisad-verses-1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 15 and 18
2) Bhagavadgita II chapter verses 54 to 72
3) Sundarakanda of Valmikiramayana Canto 15 Verses 15 to
30(Geeta Press Edition)
8 Drama and Campu :
1) Svapnavasavadatta of Bhasa - Act VI
2) Campubharata of Anantabhatta - Stabaka – 3
3) Malatimadhava of Bhavabhuti - Episode of abducting of
Section - D (Marks : 50 ) This Section will require a first hand critical
reading of the following selected texts :
9 Poetry :
1) Raghuvansa of Kalidasa – Canto I, Verses 1 to 10
2) Kumarasambhava of Kalidasa – Canto I, Verses 1 to 10
3) Kiratarjuniya of Bharavi - Canto I, Verses 1 to 10
10 Lyrics & Prose :
1) Meghaduta of Kalidasa - verses 1 to 10 ( of
2) Bhaminivilasa of Jagannatha Pandita : verses 1 to 10
3) Kadambari - Sukanasopadesa (only) of Banabhatta
11 Appreciation of :
1) Saundarananda of Asvaghosa
2) Abhijnanasakuntala of Kalidasa
3) Uttararamacarita of Bhavabhuti
4) Mahadanam of Pandit Prabhakar Bhatkhande, Published by
Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai
(Note: Questions based on topic nos. 9/10/11 must be answered in