(Syllabus) Maharashtra PSC: Sociology : Revised Syllabus for State Services (Main) Examination (Optional)
Maharashtra PSC: Sociology : Revised Syllabus for State Services (Main) Examination (Optional)
Sociology (Code No : 213) Paper - I
Foundations of Sociology
Standard : Degree
Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type
Duration : 3 Hours
1) Answers to this paper must be written either in English or in Marathi.
2) This paper will test the candidate’s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
interpret, to criticise and to appraise the subject matter related to the
topics/sub topics mentioned below.
3) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments
and happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.
Section – A (Marks : 50)
1) Sociology as a Discipline :
1) Nature of Sociology as a Social Science :
a) Sociology as a Social Science :
its nature, subject matter and scope.
b) Sociological Perspective.
2) Emergence and Early Development of Sociology :
a) Early Intellectual Origins :
‘The Enlightenment’ ideas
b) Social Forces in the Development
of Sociology : French Revolution, Industrial Revolution and the Rise of
Capitalism, Urbanization and Religious change.
2) Basic Concepts in Sociology :
1) Social System : Parsons’s concept of society as a
social system.
2) Social Structure : Elements–groups & sub-groups, roles,
norms and values.
3) Social Institution : Meaning and Characteristics.
4) Social Groups : Meaning, Characteristics and
Classification of Social Groups.
5) Associations : Meaning and Characteristics.
6) Organization : Meaning and Types.
7) Community : Meaning and Characteristics.
8) Society : Meaning and Characteristics.
Section – B (Marks : 50)
3) Culture, Socialization and Personality :
1) Culture : Meaning and Characteristics of Culture,
Components of Culture, Cultural Relativism, and Ethnocentrism.
2) Socialization : Nature of Socialization, Stages in
Socialization, Agencies of Socialization, Anticipatory Socialization and
Re-socialization, Significance of Socialization in Social Life.
3) Culture, Socialization and Personality Development :
Culture and Personality Development, Socialization and the Development of ‘Self’
: Theories of C.H.Cooley, G.H. Mead and Sigmund Freud.
4) Social Stratification and Social Mobility :
1) Concepts : Inequality, Hierarchy and Social
2) Forms of Social Stratification : Caste and Class as forms
of ‘Closed’ and ‘Open’ Stratification.
3) Theoretical Perspectives on Social Stratification :
Functionalist and Conflict.
4) Social Mobility : Meaning, Types of Mobility : Vertical
and Horizontal, Intra-and Inter-generational Mobility, Consequences of Social
Section – C (Marks : 50)
5) Economy, Polity, Education, Religion and Society :
1) Economy and Society : Characteristics of Feudalistic,
Capitalistic and Socialistic Economy, Social Determinants of Economic
2) Polity and Society : Types of Political System :
Theocratic, Authoritarian, Democratic and Socialistic.
3) Education and Society : Meaning of Education and Role of
Education in Society.
4) Religion and Society : Functions and Dysfunctions of
religion in society.
6) Social Change :
1) Social Change : Meaning; Meaning of related concepts
such as Progress, Evolution, Revolution, Development and Transformation.
2) Endogenous and exogenous sources of social change.
3) Development of Science and Technology and their impact on
7) Social Movement :
1) Social Movement : Meaning and Characteristics.
2) Structural Determinants of Social Movement.
3) Types of Social Movement.
Section – D (Marks : 50)
8) Contributions of Classical Thinkers :
1) Karl Marx : Marxian Dialectics, Theory of Historical
Materialism, Theory of Class Struggle and Theory of Alienation.
2) Emile Durkheim : Concept of Social Fact, Theory of
Division of Labour, Sociological Explanation of Suicide, Theory of Religion.
3) Max Weber : Social Action, Verstehen, Ideal Types,
Authority, Bureaucracy, Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
4) Vilfredo Pareto : Logical and Non-Logical Action,
Circulation of elites.
9) Scientific Study of Social Phenomena :
1) Key Terms : Concepts, Variables, Theory and Fact.
2) Hypothesis : Sources, Types and Characteristics of usable
hypothesis and its role in Research.
3) Research Process : Major steps in Social Research.
4) Research Design : Descriptive, Exploratory and
5) Issues in Social Science Research : Objectivity and Value
Neutrality, Issue of measurement in social science.
10) Aspects of Social Research:
1) Sampling : Meaning, Probability and Non-Probability
types of sampling.
2) Sources of Data : Primary and Secondary.
3) Techniques of Data Collection : Observation, Interview,
Questionnaire, and Interview Schedule.
4) Methods of Research : Social Survey, Case Study and
Content Analysis.
5) Classification, Interpretation and Presentation of Data :
Coding, Tables, Graphs, Statistical analysis, Interpretation, and Report
Paper - II
Indian Society : Structure & Dynamics
Standard : Degree
Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type
Duration : 3 Hours
1) Answers to this paper must be written either in English or in Marathi.
2) This paper will test the candidate’s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
interpret, to criticise and to appraise the subject matter related to the
topics/sub topics mentioned below.
3) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments
and happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.
Section – A (Marks : 50)
1) Historical Moorings :
1) Traditional Hindu Social Organization.
2) Impact of Buddhism, Islam and Christianity on Indian
3) Impact of Colonial Rule on Indian Society.
4) Diversity and Unity in Indian Society.
2) Basic Institutions :
1) Marriage : Marriage among different religious groups -
changing trends; The problem of Dowry.
2) Family : Structural and Functional aspects - its changing
forms; Domestic violence, and the problems of aged and singles.
3) Kinship : Features of Kinship system in India; Regional
variations in kinship system.
4) Caste : Origin of the caste system; Cultural and
structural views about caste; Views of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
on caste system; Caste among Muslims and Christians, Rise of Caste
Consciousness; Issues of equality and social justice; Mandal Commission Report -
the issue of defining social backwardness, Creamy Layer.
5) Religion : Religions in India - Statistical Profile;
conversions; secularism; Problems of religious minorities; Religious
Fundamentalism; Communal violence.
Section – B (Marks : 50)
3) Agrarian Structure and Change :
1) Concept of Peasant Society ; Characteristics of Rural
2) Land tenure Systems; Land Reforms; Green Revolution;
Social Consequence of Land Reforms and Green Revolution; Emerging Agrarian
Classes in India; and Caste, Class & Power- their interrelationship & changing
power dynamics in Maharashtra.
3) Cooperative Movement and its Role in Rural Development
with special reference to Maharashtra.
4) Globalisation and Indian Agriculture.
4) Urbanisation and Industrialisation :
1) Urbanisation : Growth and Trends.
2) Industrialisation : Growth, Diversification and
Decentralisation, Khadi and Village Industry.
3) Urbanization, Industrialization and their Social
4) Issues of Underdevelopment and Growth of Slums
5) Urbanisation and Industrialisation - their Environmental
5) Tribal (Adivasi) Society :
1) Terms and their meaning : Tribe, Adivasi, Girijan and
2) Distinctive Features of Tribal Communities in India and
their geographical spread.
3) Problems of Tribal Communities : Land Alienation,
Displacement of Adivasis due to Development Projects, Education, and Adivasi
4) Tribal Policy - isolation, assimilation and integration.
5) Tribal Development Programmes with special reference to
Section – C (Marks : 50)
6) Polity, Education and Population Dynamics :
1) Political System : Political Parties and their Social
Bases; Regionalism, Rise of Regional Parties; Decentralization of Power-Panchayati
raj and Nagarpalikas; 73rd & 74th Constitutional Amendments-Empowerment.
2) Educational System : Directive Principles of State Policy
and Education; Educational Problems of Disadvantaged Sections-Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Muslims and Women; Privatization of education - issues of
access to education, merit, quality, and social justice; General Agreement on
Trade in Services (GATS) and emerging issues, Challenges in Higher Education
3) Population Dynamics : Population Size, Growth, Composition
and Distribution; Birth Rate, Death Rate and Migration; Determinants and
Consequences of Population Growth; Issues of age at marriage, sex-ratio, infant
mortality rate; Population Policy and Family Welfare Programme.
7) Social Development :
1) Changing Conception of Development : Economic Growth;
Social Development; Human Development; Sustainable Development.
2) Perspectives on Development : Liberal; Marxian;
3) Theories of Development and Underdevelopment :
Modernisation; Centre-Periphery; World-systems theory; Regional Imbalance - with
special focus on Maharashtra.
8) Gender and Society :
1) Social Construction of Gender : Biology vs. Gender;
Patriarchy as an Ideology and Practice; Religion, Caste, Class and Gender
2) Feminist Thought : Liberal, Marxian, Socialist and
Radical, Non-Brahmanic Perspective.
3) Personal Laws and Gender Justice : Hindu Code Bill,
Christian Law, Muslim Personal Law, Customary Law and Tribal Women.
Section – D (Marks : 50)
9) Social Movements :
1) Selected Social Reformers- their ideology and work:
Raja Rammohan Roy, Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Gopal
Ganesh Agarkar, Mahatma Phule, M.G. Ranade, Prabodhankar Thakare, Maharshi Karve,
Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj, Maharshi Shinde and Babasaheb Ambedkar.
2) Social Movements : Peasant Movement, Trade Union Movement
and Adivasi Movement.
3) New Social Movements : Environmental Movement, Women’s
Movement and Ethnic Movement.
10) Social Welfare and Social Legislation :
1) Social Legislation as an instrument of Social Change;
Human Rights.
2) Programmes of Social Welfare in Maharashtra : Women and
Children; Labour; and Youth.
3) Non-Government Organizations and their Role in Social