(Syllabus) RAS Syllabus (Main): Civil Engineering (Code No. 06)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Syllabus (Main): Civil Engineering (Code No. 06)
Civil Engineering Paper-I
(Each portion to have roughly equal weightage)
(A) Applied Mechanics
Strength of Materials : Behavior of engineering materials in tension,
compression and shear, elastic limit, Yield point, proof Stress, Nominal Stress
and Ultimate strength, factor of safety, load factor, and elastic constants.
Principal stresses and strains, strain energy. Theories of elastic failure,
Analysis of structures.
Fluid Mechanics : Fluid properties, types of flow, fluid statics, forces
on fully and partially submerged bodies, stability of floating bodies, Fluid
kinematics, acceleration of fluid particle. Velocity potential and stream
functions, irrotational flows, ideal fluid flow, Bernoulli equation,
application, flow measuring devices. Momentum and angular momentum principles
are applied to fluid in a control volume, applications to jets. Introduction of
viscous flow, concept of drug, flow though pipes, dimensional analysis and
similitude techniques.
(B) Soil & Foundation Engineering
Soil exploration : Methods of site exploration, boring, sampling,
standard penetration test.
Preliminary definitions and relationship : Water content and unit weight,
specific gravity, void ration porosity and degree of saturation, density index
functional relationship.
Index Properties : Specific gravity, particle size distribution
consistency of soils, classifications of soils.
Laboratory Test : Particle size analysis, liquid limit, plastic limit,
Proctor density, field density, permeability, box shear and consolidation.
Soil Water : Inter-granular and pore water pressure, sand Boiling
phenomenon, permeability.
Compressibility and consolidation : Concept of one-dimensional
consolidation. Laboratory consolidation test settlement analysis.
Shear strength : Basic concept, Strength theory, Mohr's stress circle,
Mohr's column failure theory, and measurement of shear strength.
Earth Pressure : Lateral earth pressure (Active & Passive), Theory
Rankine's and Coulomb's theory.
Stability of slopes : Methods of slices, friction circle method, factor
of safety under various conditions.
Bearing Capacity : Definition Rankine's methods. Terzaghi's analysis
plate and test. Penetration test.
Compaction : Field compaction method, placement water content, field
compaction control and factors affecting compaction.
(C) Theory of Structures
(a) Statically Determinate Structures:
Bending moment and shear force in statically terminate beams. analytical and
graphical methods, stress due to bending moment and shear force, design of
section, section modulus, elementary theory of torsion. Combined bending and
torsion, Force in statically determinate plane trusses, analytical and graphical
Slope and deflection of statically determinate beams, deflection of statically,
determinate plane trusses, columns, and struts. Buckling of columns. Euler's.
Rankine's and secant formulae for long columns. Combined, direct and bending
stresses for short columns.
(b) Statically Indeterminate Structures:
Static Kinematic indeterminacy : Energy theorems, Stiffness and flexibility
method. Elementary analysis of structures, methods of consistent deformation,
slope deflection and moment distribution. Analysis of beams (including
continuous) and Portal frames, influence lines, influence lines for moment,
shear and reaction for statically determinate beams and planner trusses.
Muller-Breslau. Principles and influence lines for simple cases of indeterminate
(D) Structure Design
Loads : Specification for loads on buildings and bridges.
Reinforced Cement Concrete : Elastic and ultimate load theories,
resistance to bending, shear and bond. Design of singly and doubly reinforced
beams, one way, two way and flat slabs, columns, with axial; and moment loading,
footing, contilever and counter fort retaining walls.
Pre-stressed Concrete : Properties of high grade concrete and high
tensile steel pre-tensioning and post tensioning, losses in pre-stress.
Steel Structures : Tension and compression members, single and built up
section, connection and splices, roof trusses, simple beams and Purlin
connections, columns, lacing and battening, Grillage, Gussetted and slab base
Civil Engineering Paper-II
(Each portion to have roughly equal weightage)
(A) Surveying
Distance Measurements : Uses of steel and metallic tapes, application
of corrections, measurement of base line, errors in base line measurements,
reduction to mean sea level, specifications \for base line measurements, optical
measurement of distances, use of substances bars, geodimeters and use of radar
and laser systems in triliteration.
Angle Measurement : Principle of theodolite constructions, temporary and
permanent adjustment, precision in relation to nature of work, compass,
varieties, limitations, Traverse adjustments.
Vertical Measurements : Use of leveling instruments of level, level
tubes, estimation of sensitivity, optics, care and maintenance parameters to
define quality of telescope, leveling instruments and theodolites, methods of
records and reducing, staid reductions, uses of level rods, contouring, drainage
and watershed lines.
Methods of filling in details : Chain and compass, plane table and
traverse surveys, Principles and adjustments of closed traverse, determination
of missing data, solution of two point and three pint problems, use of station
Other Surveys : Curve ranging using linear and angular measurement,
simple, compounds and spiral curves, Aerial photogrammetry.
Measurement of area and volumes : use of planimeter, measurements of area and
volumes including prismoidal, Trapezoidal & Simpson's method.
(B) Construction Materials
(i) Building Materials : Building stones, building bricks steel
(plain, Tor, High-tensile and structural), Timber line, cement, sand surkhi,
cinder, stone slabs and lintels, aggregates for cement concrete, paints,
distempers, use of pozzolana manufacturing of lime concrete, cement concrete for
plain, reinforced and pre-stressed concrete work, additives and admixtures in
(ii) Road materials : Coarse aggregate, screening and binding materials
for WBM. Bricks of soling, coarse and fine aggregate for bituminous roads, IRC
standard size aggregates, Tars and Asphalt. Asphaltic concrete, Asphaltic
emulsion, Mastic Asphalt and Minerals fillers.
(iii) Construction :
Stone Masonry : Ashlar, course rubble, random rubble, stone pillar, dry
stone and arch masonry.
Brick Masonry : Types and their uses, hollow and reinforced brick work.
Wood Works : Doors and windows.
Steel Works : Structural steel work, metal doors and windows.
Roofing : Stone slab roofing. G.C. Steel sheet roofing, Asbestos cement
sheet roofing, jack arch roofing, tile and thatch roofing.
Flooring : Cement Concrete flooring, flag stone flooring, terrazzo mosaic
flooring, Terrazzo tile flooring, Brick on edge flooring, timber flooring
Granolithic floor finish, linoleum & other floorings.
Plastering : Lime plaster, cement sand plaster composite plaster, rough
coat plaster, Araish plastering with Gypsum, Plaster of Paris, painting.
Miscellaneous : Damp proof course, anti-termite treatment, stone
cladding, sill, coping and corbelling.
Construction Management : Management of construction, plants and
equipments. Planning for construction using network analysis C.P.M. and PERT
(C) Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
Hydrologic cycle, precipitation, evaporation, evapo-transpiration and
infiltration, Estimation of dependable runoff factors effecting runoff. Rainfall
runoff relationship, flood estimation using frequency analysis and unit
hydrograph methods.
Crop water requirements. Consumptive use of water. Water depth and frequency of
irrigation. Soil moisture and its variation in the rout zone. Wilting point
field capacity. Different methods of irrigation and irrigation efficiency. Duty
delta and outlet factor.
Cropping patterns. Intensity of irrigation, Command area development and its
related problems.
Diversion Head Works : Principles of design of weirs on non-permeable and
permeable foundations. Khosla's theory, designs for uplift and exit gradient.
Slit exclusion from canal head works.
Canals : Lined and unlined canals. Lacey's and Kennedy's theories.
Tractive force approach. Types of lining and its selection criteria.
Storage Works : Different types of dams. Elementary concepts of masonry,
concrete, earthen butters and arch dams. Forces gravity dams. Structural
behavior stability considerations and stress variation in gravity dams
Appurtenances, Foundation treatment and control of seepage.
Multi-purpose Project : Compatibility of multi purpose uses. Data needed
in planning of multi-purpose water resources project. Reservoir planning,
Environmental consequences of irrigation. Problems of alkalinity and salinity,
Farm drainage and CAD works.
(D) Transport & Traffic Engineering
Survey investigation and preparation of road project. Highway standard
classification, land width, building line, center line, formation width, terrain
classification, pavement width. Camber longitudinal gradients, sight distance
horizontal curve, super elevation, vertical curve, lateral and vertical
Design of Pavement : Flexible and rigid pavements.
Pavement construction :
(i) Sub-base. base course and shoulder stone/kankar brick soling, WBM
courses, shoulders. Granular sub-base, stabilized soil roads cement/lime
stabilized sub base, sand bitumen base course, crushed cement concrete
base/sub-base course.
(ii) Bituminous Course : Prime and tack coats, surface dressing, open
graded premix carpet, semi dense carpet, built-up spray grout base course,
bituminous base binder course. Asphalitic concrete, seal coats, mixed seal
surfacing. Penetration macadam base/binder course, full and semi grouts.
Traffic Engineering : Traffic characteristics, road user characteristics,
vehicular characteristics, volume, speed and delay studies origin and
destination study, traffic flow characteristics, traffic capacity and parking
studies., traffic regulation, traffic control devices, intersection control.
(E) Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering
Water Supply Engineering : Quantitative requirements of water supply for urban and rural areas. Variation in demand. Different sources of water supply, lakes, rivers and ground water. Intake arrangements. Drinking water standard for water. Water chemistry and water analysis. Bacteriological test. Pumping of raw water Design of rising mains. Water treatment, sedimentation, coagulation, filtration and disinfection, water softening and aeration of water. Water distribution system and their design and analysis. Boosting stations. Clear water reservoirs. Rural water supply and sanitation. Problems of low cost potable water for rural population. Tube wells for water supply. Safe yield from tube wells.
Sanitary Engineering : Sewerage, separate sewers and combined sewers. Hydraulic and structural design considerations. Different types of pipe material and different shapes of built up severs. Superimposed load on sewers.
Characterization of Sewage : Physical, chemical and biological
analysis, industrial waste water and its problem, natural purification process
through soil mass and through water bodies, elf purification of streams. Sewage
treatment, Physical treatment, screening, skimming tanks, Grit chamber, Settling
tanks. Secondary (Biological) treatment. Trickling filters and high rate bio
filters. Activated sludge and accelerated aeration plants. Secondary settling
tanks sludge digesters and sludge drying. Final disposal, Low cost waster water
treatment. Oxidation ponds. Oxidation ditches. Aerated lagoons. Septic and
Imhoff tanks. Anaerobic lagoons. Designs consideration and general arrangement.
Dry refuse disposal. Anaerobic composting and semi-aerobic composting. Urban and
rural sanitation.
Environmental impact assessment & management.