(Syllabus) RAS Syllabus (Main): Commerce & Accountancy (Code No. 07)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Syllabus (Main): Commerce & Accountancy (Code No. 07)
Commerce & Accountancy Paper-I
(Auditing and Accounting)
1. Auditing :
(i) Meaning and objects of auditing. Internal check and internal audit;
programming and procedure of audit work; vouching; verification and valuation of
assets and liabilities.
(ii) Appointment, removal, remuneration, rights, duties and liabilities of
company auditors; Broad outlines of company audit with reference to share
capital transactions and Statutory Report : Audit of Government companies under
Section 619 of the Companies Act; Cost Audit under Section 233 (B) of the
Companies Act.
2. Financial Accounting :
(i) Accounting- a financial information system; Partnership Accounts:
admission, retirement and dissolution.
(ii) Company Accounts : Issue, forfeiture and redemption of shares and
debentures. Underwriting; purchase of Business; Disposal of profits,
capitalisation of profits, Valuation of goodwill and valuation of shares.
(iii)Accounting for amalgamation, absorption, reconstruction and liquidation of
companies; Accounts of holding companies (one subsidiary only).
3. Cost Accounting :
(i) Methods of costing : Unit costing, contract costing, process costing and
operating costing.
(ii) Budgetary control and standard costing; Variance Analysis : Labour and
Material Variances.
(iii)Marginal costing and Decision Making.
Commerce & Accountancy Paper-II
(Business Management, Company Law & Finance)
1. Management and Organisation :
(i) Meaning, Nature, Principles and Importance of Management : various schools
of Management, Process of decision Making.
(ii) Functions of Management, Planning, Organisation, Coordination, Direction
and Control.
(iii)Social Responsibilities of Business; Modern Methods of Publicity- Media of
Advertisement and Sales Promotion Techniques. Consumer Protection - Meaning and
need; Provisions of Consumer Protection Act.
2. Company Law :
(i) Provision of Companies Act, 1956 relating to the incorporation, raising of
capital, management and winding up of a company.
(ii)Law and Practice relating to - Allotment of Shares, Payment of Dividend,
Company Meetings, Statutory Books.
3. Business Finance :
(i) Concept and Scope of Financial Management. Capital Budgeting. Discounted
cash flow approaches; Designing capital structure; Sources of raising short
term, intermediate and long term finance; Dividend policy, Structure of Working
(ii) Indian Money Market - Organisation deficiencies; Commercial Banking in
India; Monetary & credit polities of Reserve Bank of India; Indian Capital
Market- Functions and working of All India Term Financing Institutions (IDBI,
(iii)Negotiable Instruments : Meaning of Negotiable Instruments. Types of
Negotiable Instruments - Cheques, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes. Parties
to a Negotiable Instruments - their Rights, Duties, Liabilities and Discharge,
Endorsement and Crossing, Payment and Collection, Dishonour and Discharge.