(Syllabus) RAS Pre-Syllabus: Crop Husbandry with Horticulture (Code No. 08)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Pre-Syllabus: Crop Husbandry with Horticulture (Code No. 08)
Definition and importance of crop husbandry, scope of crop husbandry, agroecological zones and geographical distribution of crops.
Elements of crop production, cropping system including concept of inter cropping, multiple cropping, relay cropping system including sequential cropping, multistoeyed cropping and their importance in relation to crop production. Crop rotation, soil erosion, soil conservation practices and structures. Soils and soil management. Soil fertility and productivity, essential plant nutrients, fertilizers and organic manures including biofertilizers.
Soil plant water relationship, methods of irrigation and drainage, present status and sources of irrigation in the country and state of Rajasthan. Management of irrigation in major crops.
Types of weeds and weed control, types and use of herbicides.
Important crops of India, cultural practices for cereals, pulses, oil seed, fiber,sugar and tuber crop.
Importance and scope of Horticulture in India. Factors affecting the growth and development of horticultural plants. Nutritive value of fruits and vegetables. Area, production of major fruits, and export-import and vegetable crops of India. Nursery management practices; Classification of fruits on the basis of their climatic requirement. Planning and layout of orchards, planting system, management of orchards including manuring. Irrigation, training, pressing control of diseases and pests, protection of orchards against adverse weather conditions, classification of vegetables. Different types of vegetable gardening, management of vegetable farms including nursery raising. manuring, irrigation, interculture operations, harvesting and control of diseases and pests.
Production techniques in brief for importance fruits and vegetables of India, namely, mango, citrus, guava, papaya, grapes, Ber, Aonla, progranate and vegetable like solanacious crop, cole crops, peas and beans, onion. okra, curcurbitacious crops, etc. Weed management, fertility management in horticultural crops, cropping systems, inter cropping , mulching . Factors influencing the fruitfulness and unfruitfulness. Rejuvenation of old orchards. Harvesting, post harvest handling, processing, marketing and storage of fruits.