(Syllabus) RAS Pre-Syllabus: Electrical Engineering (Code No. 13)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Pre-Syllabus: Electrical Engineering (Code No. 13)
- Steady state analysis of d.c. and a.c. network; newtork theorems; network functions, Laplace techniques; transient response; frequency response; Three-phase networks; Inductively coupled circuits.
- Mathematical modelling of dynamic linear systems. Transfer functions, block diagrams, stability of control systems.
- Electrostatic and magnetostatic field analysis; Maxwell's equations. Wave equations and electromagnetic waves.
- Basic methods of measurement. Standards, error analysis, Indicating instruments, cathoderay oscillosciope, Measurement of voltage; current; power resistance, inductance, capacitance, frequency, time and flux.
- Semi-conductor devices and analysis of electronic circuits; single and multistage audio, and radio, small signal and large signal amplifiers. Oscillators and feedback amplifiers. Waveshaping circuits and time base generators. Multivibrators and digital circuits. Modulation and demodulation circuits. Transmission line at audio, radio and U.H. frequencies, Wire and Radio communication.
- Generation of e.m.f. and torque in rotating machine : motor and general, characteristics of d.c., synchronous and induction machines; equivalent circuits; commutation, starters, Power transformers, phaser diagram, losses, regulations, and efficiency.
- Modelling of transmission lines. Power system stability, Surge phenomena and insulation co-ordination. Protective devices and schemes for power system equipment.
- Conversion of a.c. to d.c. and d.c. to a.c. controlled and uncontrolled power, speed control techniques for drives.