(Syllabus) RAS Syllabus (Main): Dairy Processing & Technology (Code No. 11)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Syllabus (Main): Dairy Processing & Technology (Code No. 11)
Dairy Processing & Technology Paper-I
Principles and processes of food preservation. Food from non-conventional sources, Processing of Fluid milk. Special milks. Manufacture of various types of indigenous milk products and changes occurring during manufacture and storage. Processes & principles of the manufacture of ice-cream, high fat products, cheese, fermented milks, concentrated milk and dried milk products. Structure and properties of milk powder. Sensory evaluation and judging of milk and milk products. Various defects in milk and milk properties. Types of packaging material and their properties. Packaging forms and operations. Problems in food packaging. Legal requirements of packaging and labeling dairy products. Disposal of waste package material. Recent developments in packaging dairy and food products.
Production planning net work scheduling, manpower planning and job evaluation, Inventory Control. Dairy Plant maintenance, operational precautions and preventive maintenance. Effluent treatment. Consumer behavior, theory of demand, theory of production economics and price determination. Product planning and development, Market information and intelligence, Marketing channels; Market forecasting. Market regulations.
Material and sanitary feature of the dairy equipments, sanitary pipes and fittings cleaning and sanitization, Bottle washers, can washers, CIP, mechanical separation, Homogenization Theory of Homogenization, Homogenization equipments, Pasteurization, Pasteurizers, Reaction kinetics, sterilizers, packing milk and milk products, mixing and agitation equipment Principles of evaporation, milk evaporation, Drying principles, milk drying equipments, Fluidization and membrance processing used in Dairy Industry. Principles of Dairy Plant Layout and Design, space requirement, floor plans, functional design, Layout of small, medium, and large size plant, choice of building construction. Problem solving through computers. File organization, organization issues and MIS centralized dispersal of data processing d Base III, Lotus 1-2-3 upto graphics FORTRAN, Logical operation and transfer statement.
Dairy Processing & Technology Paper-II
Composition and physico-chemical, and nutritional properties of milk and colostrum. Chemistry of milk constituents. Various standards of milk and milk products. Tests for the quality of milk, butte, ghee, milk powder etc. Adulterants in milk and ghee and their detection. Neuortralizers and preservatives and their detection. Heat stability of milk, Composition and Chemistry of cream, butter, ghee, ice-cream, cheese, condensed and dried milks. Spoilage of ghee and use of anti-oxidants. Chemistry of milk fermentation. Chemistry of rennin coagulation of milk and changes during ripening of cheese. Physico-chemical changes in the manufacture and storage of milk powder. Lactose crystallization and its significance. Chemical tests for milk quality. Physico-chemical changes during the manufacture of indigenous milk products. Chemistry and mechanism of different additives, preservatives, flavours and anti-oxidants.
Classification of Dairy organisms based on growth temperature-psychrotrophs, mesophiles, thermodurics and thermophiles, spoilages of milk by the above groups and their control. Undesirable fermentations - souring, curdling, proteolysis, Lipolysis and abnormal flavour and their control. Bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties of milk. Classification of lactic starter culture: activity, defects and their uses in the preparation of fermented milk-dahi, yoghurt, acidophilus milk, koumiss, kefir and cheddar cheese, spoilages and their control. Microbiological tests for grading of raw milk. Microbiology of cream; factors affecting quality of cream; defected and their control. Microbiological changes during storages of butter; defects and their control. Incidence and implications of entere Pathogenic organisms in ice-cream and their control. Types of microbiological spoilage and control in condensed milk. Microbiological quality of dried milk and infant foods. Microbiological standards of dairy products. Quality of water supplies to dairy plants and the tests. Sanitation control in dairy plants. Genetic manipulation of dairy starters and their improvement. Microbiology of indigenous milk products. Quality control tests, tests for abnormal milks and concept of HACCP. Therapeutic properties of fermented milk products. Utilization 0f dairy by products by microbial fermentations.