(Syllabus) RAS Syllabus (Main): Economics (Code No. 12)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Syllabus (Main): Economics (Code No. 12)
Economics Paper-I
- Functions of an economic system. Problems of choice and allocation. Role of the Price System. Micro and Macro economic analyses.
- Theory of consumer behaviour: Indifference Curve Approach. Consumer surplus. Elasticity : Definition, Measurement and kinds.
- Theory of Production : Production Function and technological progress. Laws of Returns and Returns to scale. Cost curves. Isocost and Isoquants.
- Price Theory : Pricing under perfect competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition and oligopoly. Theory of Factor Pricing Factorial distributin of Income and Lorenz curve.
- Theory of Money and Banking : Theories of the Demand for Money (upto Milton Firedman). High Powered Theory of Money Supply. Factors affecting Money Supply. Inflation : Cost Push and Demand, Pull control. Stagflation. Philips curve. Monetary Policy in the light of Chakravarty Committee Recommendations. Balance of Payments.
- National Income : Concepts. Components and Measurements. National Income and Welfare. Models of determination of Income and Employment (Classical and Keynesian).
- Theory of Public Finance : Theory of maximum social advantage. Taxation (Principles and Types) and effects. Incidence and shifting. Fiscal Policy (objectives and Instruments). Deficit financing.
- Theory of Economic Planning : Indicators of development. Obstacles to development. Saving and investment, Human Resource Development. Planning. (Meaning, objectives, types and instruments). Impact of liberalization on an economy.
Economics Paper-I
- Basic Characteristics of Indian Economy. Natural Resources : Land,
Minerals, Water, Forests and Power resource.
Population : Size & growth, Labour, force. Occupational distribution and Population policy. - Agriculture : Productivity Trends of Major crops (for last fifteen
years). Land Reforms Legislation.
Irrigation and Irrigational Policy. Use of Fertilizers and Fertiliser Policy Institutional credit for Agriculture. New strategy of Agricultural development. Agricultural Policy in India. Capital Formation in Indian Agriculture - Industry : Industrial Planning and Industrial Policy. Recent Industries Policy. Industrial Finance : IFCI, RFC, IDBI, SIDBI and Commercial Banks. Public and Private Sector. Problems of Trade Union Movement. Social Security Programmes. Agro Exports : Potential & Prospectus.
- National Income of India : Its recent Trends.
- Priorities and Strategy of current plan and its appraisal.
- Centre - State Financial Relations and Recommendations of the last Finance Commission.
- Problems of Poverty, Unemployment, Inflation and Regional Inequalities. NEP Reforms. GATT Accord, Globalisation and Strategies for MNCs.
- Position of Rajasthan in Indian Economy : Agriculture, Industry and Infra-structure. Population : Size & Growth, Rural & Urban, Human Resource Development (Literacy, health & nutrition). Natural Resources : Land Water, Livestock, Minerals and mineral policy.
- Agriculture : Land Utilisation. Major crops and productivity trends. Land Reforms. Dairy Development Programmes. Importance of livestock and problems of Sheep & Goat Husbandry.
- Industry : Important Industries in the State and their development. Small Scale Industries & Handicrafts. Growth Centres and development of Industrial area. Fiscal & Financial incentive for industry. New Industrial and Mining Policy. Tourism Development in Rajasthan : Role problems and Prospectus.
- Special Area Programmes : DPAP, DDP, TAD, ADP, IRDP and Special component plan for SC and ST.
- Indira Gandhi Canal.
- Planning : Objectives, achievements and Constraints in Economic Development. Objectives & Strategy of current Plan.
- Budgetary policy and Trends during the 1990s in Rajasthan, Finance Commission and Rajasthan.