(Syllabus) RAS Syllabus (Main): Electrical Engineering (Code No. 13)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Syllabus (Main): Electrical Engineering (Code No. 13)
Electrical Engineering Paper-I
(1) GENERATION - Different methods of conventional power generation (diesel, steam, hydro and nuclear), load curve; factors affecting the economics of power generation. Incremental rate cures. Condition for minimum input in isolated and interconnected power systems. Non-conventional methods of power generation like, magneto hydrodynamics, solar, wind, geothermal and Tindal energy conversion.
(2) TRANSMISSION - Transmission line parameters - resistance, inductance and capacitance calculations. Performance of short, medium and long lines. Line Insulators; their construction, testing. Corona and its effect. Neutral earthing methods. Underground cable Power circle diagrams. Basic ideas of power system stability, swing equation, equal-area criterion, Methods to improve stability limits.
(3) SWITCH-GEAR AND PROTECTION - Theories of arc extinction, comparative merits of bulk oil, minimum oil, air blast and SF6 circuit breakers. Causes and consequences of dangerous currents. Current limiting reactors. Busbar arrangements. Requirements of Protective relays, Protection of line; distance protection, carrier current protection. Protection of synchronous generators, transformers, and busbars. Introduction to static relays. Symmetrical components and their applications.
(4) TRANSFORMERS, INDUCTION MOTORS - EMF equation of transformers, construction of large power transformers and distribution transformers. Phasor diagram and equivalent circuit of transformers Regulation. Testing of transformers. Parallel operation of three-phase transformers. Efficiency and all day efficiency. Construction and principle of operation of three-phase induction motors. Torque-slip characteristics, equivalent circuit and determination of its parameters. Circle diagram, Methods of starting and testing. Principle of operation, methods of starting single-phase induction motor.
(5) SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES - EMF equation, Methods of obtaining sinusoidal wave form, Calculation of regulation by synchronous impedance, MMF, ASA methods. Theories of cylindrical rotor and salient pole synchronous machines. Parallel operation of Synchronous generators. Synchronising power. Power-angle characteristics. Principle of synchronous motor. Starting-methods, V-curves, hunting and its prevention.
(6) HIGH VOLTAGES SYSTEMS - Methods of high voltage generation D.C. Power frequency and impulse testing of high voltage apparatus, High voltage measurements.
Electrical Engineering Paper-I
(1) NETWORKS - Network parameters, topological concepts, formulation of mesh and node equation, number of independent equation. Duality. Network theorems and their applications. Two port networks. Supplied circuits, coefficient of coupling resonance in coupled circuits. Transient and steady state solution of R-L-C networks. Filters; image impedance, attenuation, phase, shift and insertion losses in constant K and M-derived filters. Analysis of polyphase unbalanced networks.
(2) MEASUREMENTS - Principle of operation and construction of moving coil, moving iron, dynamometer, induction, electrostatic and thermocouple type instruments, magger, ohmmeter, wattmeter and energy meter. Ballistic and vibration galvanometers. Measurement of low, medium and high resistances. A.C. bridges. Instrument transformers; constructional details, measurement of phase and ratio error.
(3) INSTRUMENTATION - Transducers in instrumentation for measurement of displacement pressure, strain, temperature etc. Signal conditioners, recorders and display devices. Nuclear instrumentation. Digital measurement of voltage, current power, time, frequency and phase.
(4) POWER ELECTRONICS - SCRs Triacs and other devices, basic theory of operation, characteristics, ratings, protection. Series and parallel operation- Firing Circuits, line commutated converters, chopper circuits, inverter, Series, parallel and bridge inverters, voltage control, Speed control of motors.
(5) CONTROL SYSTEMS - Open loop and closed loop control. Feedback
control systems. Transfer function and state space analysis of linear systems.
Stability study by Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist methods. Root-locus techniques.
Design of compensators.
(6) COMPUTER ENGINEERING - Basic layout of digital computer, input-output devices, memory organization, Binary arithmetic, logic circuits, counters, shifts registers. Basic control functions.
(7) MICRO PROCESSOR SYSTEM - Organization and programming of a microprocessor. Domestic & Industrial applications. Semi-conductor memories. Register organization, Interfacing memory and input-output devices. Data transfer-applications of micro-processors.