(Syllabus) RAS Syllabus (Main): English (Code No. 33)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Syllabus (Main): English (Code No. 33)
English Paper-I
Drama and Poetry :
1. Marlowe 'Doctor Faustus'
2. Shakespeare 'Hamlet', 'The Merchant of Venice'
3. Donne 'The Good Morrow'. 'The Sun Rising', 'The Ecstasy'
4. Milton 'L Allegro', II Penseroso', 'Lycidas'
5. Dryden 'Absalom and Achitophel'
6. Pope 'The Rape of the Lock'
7. Sheridan 'School for Scandal'
8. Wordsworth 'Tintern Abbey'
9. Shelley 'Ode to the West Wind', 'To a Skylark'
10.Keats 'Ode to a Nightingale', 'Ode to Autumn', 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'
11.Browing 'My Last Duchess', ''The Last Ride Together'
12.Shaw 'Arms and the Man'
13.Yeats 'Sailing to Byzantium', Lapis Lazuli'. Wild Swans at Coole'
14.T.S. Eliot 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Pruforck', 'Gerontion'
English Paper-II
Prose and Fiction :
1. Broswell's life of Johnson (Pengiun Edition, Ed. Christopher
2. C.H.Lockitt (Ed.) 'The Art of the Essayist'
3. Janne Austen 'Emma'
4. Charles Dicknes 'Great Expectations'
5. W.M. Thackeray 'Vanity Fair'
6. Thomes Hardy 'The Mayor of Casterbridge'
7. D.H.Lawrence 'Sons and lovers'
8. Virgina Woolf 'Mrs. Dalloway'
9. Graham Greene 'The Power and the Glory'
Note :- Evidence of first hand reading will be required in both the papers. The papers will be designed to test not only the candidate's knowledge of the authors prescribed, but also their understanding of the main literary trends during the period. Questions having a bearing on the social and cultural background of the period may be included.
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