(Syllabus) RAS Syllabus (Main): Physics (Code No. 24)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Syllabus (Main): Physics (Code No. 24)
Physics Paper-I
1. Mechanics - Conservation Laws. Collisions, impact parameter, centre
of mass and lab systems with transformation of physical quantities, Rutherford
Scattering. Rotating frame of reference, coriolis force, motion of rigid bodies,
moment of inertia, angular momentum, torque and precession of top.
Central forces, motion under inverse square law, Kepler's Law, motion of
satellites, Special Theory of Relativity, Michelson-Morely experiment, Lorentz
Transformations-addition of velocities, Time dilation and length contraction,
variation of mass with velocity, mass-energy equivalence.
2. Oscillations and Wave Motion - (a) Oscillations, simple harmonic
motion, damped harmonic motion, force oscillation and resonance. Wave equation,
harmonic solutions, plane and spherical waves, superposition of waves, beats,
stationary waves, phase and group velocities. Conditions of interference,
Newton's rings and Michelson's interferometer. Diffraction-Fresnel and
Fraunhofer, diffraction by plain transmission grating, Rayleigh criterion,
resolving power of grating and telescope Polarisation : Plane, circular and
elliptically polarized light, its production and detection.
(b) Maxwell's equations : maxwell's equations and their application to plane
electromagnetic wave. Poynting vector. Lasers, He-Ne and Ruby lasers, spatial
and temporal coherence, elementary ideas about holography and laser
3. Thermal and Statistical Physics - First Law of thermodynamics, isothermal, isobaric, isometric & adiabatic processes. Second law of thermodynamics-entropy Carnot's cycle. Clausius-Clapeyron equation, Stefan-Boltzmann law. Kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell-Bolizmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Distribution. Maxwell's distribution of velocities, equipartition of energy, specific heats of gases, mean free path Brownian motion. Black-Body radiation. Wien's law, Planck' law, Solar constant, specific heat of solids - Einstein and Debye theories.
4. Electromagnetics - Electric field and potential, Gauss's law.
Poisson's and Laplace equations, dielectrics and polarization, dielectric sphere
placed in a uniform electric field. Electromagnetic induction, transformer.
Transient behaviour of R-C, and R-L circuits, time constant. Response of an
L-C-R circuit for alternating voltages; series and parallel resonance,
band-width and Q-factor.
Magnetic properties of materials: Qualitative description of para, dia ferro,
anti-ferro and ferri magnetism. Curie and Curie - Weiss Las.
Physics Paper-II
1. Quantum Mechanics and atomic spectroscopy - De Borglie waves. Photo-electric effect, Compton effect, wave-particle duality, Uncertainty principle; size of H-atom, zero point energy, wave packet, finite width of energy levels. Schrodinger wave equation with application to (i) particle in a box (ii) motion across a potential barrier (iii) tunneling. Hydrogen spectrum, electron spin, Stern-Gerlach experiment, space-quantisation, vector model of atom, J-J and L-S coupling, Zeeman effect, characteristic and continuous x-rays. Elementary ideas of Raman Spectra.
2. Solid State Physics - Crystal structure, Miller indices, reciprocal lattice. Classification of crystals, vibrations of mono-atomic and diatomic one dimensional lattice, dispersion relation, acoustic and optical modes. Band theory of solids; periodic potential, Block function, kronig-Penney model, or in of energy band gap, effective mass of electrons and holes. Conductor, semi-conductors and insulators. Electrical conductivity of metals. Elementary ideas of superconductivity : Meissner effect, critical temperature and critical field.
3. Nuclear Physics - Basic properties and structure of nuclei (size, mass, electric and magnetic moments, spin), binding energy and semi-empirical mass, formula. Nuclear stability and radioactivity, law of disintegration, Alpha, beta and gamma radiations, nuclear fission and fusion. Chain reactions and controlled nuclear fission. Principles and working of nuclear reactors and their classification. Linear accelerator, cyclotron and synchrotron accelerators.
4. Circuit analysis and Electronics- Kirchhoff's law, Thevenin, Norton and maximum power-transfer theorems. Input and output impedances. P-n junction diode, use of diode for rectification, zener diode and its use in voltage regulation. Transistor, its biasing, common emitter amplifier. Feedback, Barkhausen criterion, oscillator (Hartley,) R.C. Phase shift, Basic principles of radio and T.V. transmission and reception using block diagrams.