(Syllabus) RPSC: Syllabus For Post of College Lecturer: Geology
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
Syllabus For Post of College Lecturer: Geology
Unit – I
Physical Geology; Geomorphology; Aerial Photography and land sat imageries.
Use of Remote Sensing in Geology; Structural Geology . Landscape and sea floor
morphology . Our Solar system . Major processes of weathering, erosion,
transportation and deposition and structure resulted out of them. Evolution of
major landform features in arid zones.
Use of Remote sensing in geological studies .
Concept of strain analysis in rocks, planar & linear structures; classification
of folds, faults and joints . Outcrop patterns and geometry of superposed
Shear zones and thrust tectonics.
Unit – II
Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Igneous and metamorphic petrology and Sedimentology
Physical, optical and chemical characteristics of important rock forming
silicate minerals .
Trace and rare earth element distribution pattern. Concept depletion and
enrichment of element Isotope geology and radiometric dating of rocks .
Plate tectonic model of evolution of important igneous rocks .
Interrelationship between deformation and metamorphism . Anatexis and formation
of migmatitic gneisses .
Sedimentation and tectonics and basin analysis. Classification of igneous,
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and their textures & structures .
Unit – III
Stratigraphic principles, Applied Palaeontology; Precambrian and Phenarozoic
geology of India .
Litho-bio and chronostraitigraphic units and their interrelationships,
Approaches to palaeogegraphy. palaeobiogeography and palaeoecology.
Oxygen and carbon isotope studies in fossils .
Analysis of palaeontological records for tracing plate tectonic processes .
Origin and evolution of continental crust in Precambrian. Precambrian crustal
evolution in Rajasthan and neighbourhood .
Unit – IV
Geodynamic evolution of India through Phanerozoic; Earth's crustal features
and Plate Tectonics .
Concept of break up of super continents and event stratigraphy during
Phenarozoic in reference to the Indian Shield .
Earth's crustal features . Geological and geophysical characteristics of plate
boundaries . Rifting processes and sea floor spreading. Concept of ophiolite
obduction. Collision tectonics and evolution of the Himalaya .
Unit – V
Mineral Resources including energy resources; Groundwater Geology;
Engineering and Environmental Geology . Principles of Mineral Exploration .
Geological setting, characteristic features and genesis of important ferrous and
non-ferrous deposits of India. Energy resources of India; present and future
The pattern of ground water condition in northwest India. Fresh and salt water
relationship in arid zones. Concepts of management of surface & ground water
Ecology, Ecosystem and biotic communities, mining and human impact on air, land,
soil, water, climate and forest resources. Application of engineering geology to
development without destruction. Energy alternatives.
Preliminary ideas of various methods of geophysical exploration of minerals,
fuels and ground water.
Note :- Pattern of Question Paper
- Objective type paper
- Maximum Marks : 100
- Number of Questions : 100
- Duration of Paper : Two Hours
- All questions carry equal marks.
- There will be Negative Marking.
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