(Syllabus) RPSC: Syllabus For Post of College Lecturer: Home Science (Child Development)

Rajasthan Public Service Commission

Syllabus For Screening Test For Post of College Lecturer: Home Science (Child Development)

Unit-I Child Development in Life Span Development (Theoretical foundations):

  1. History of Child development.
  2. Principles of Child development.
  3. Regulation of development – nature/nurture; growth & development; maturation and learning.
  4. Stages of life span development: characteristics of each stage; developmental tasks and challenges.

Unit-II Theories of Child Development and Behaviour:

  1. Theory – meaning, types and functions.
  2. Psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud.
  3. Psychosocial theory of Erik Erikson.
  4. Field theory of Kurt Lewin.
  5. S.R. Theory and Social learning theories.
  6. Cognitive theory of Jean Piaget.
  7. Need theory of Abraham Maslow.
  8. Ecological theory of Bronfrenbrenner.
  9. Integrated approach to theory building in Child Development.

Unit-III Early Childhood Care and Development:

  1. History of ECE in India and in the West.
  2. Major goals and philosophies of ECE: Montessori, Froebel, Dewey, project head start; Pre-basic education, Tara bai Mudak, Ravinder Nath Tagore.
  3. The Piagetian application in E.C.C.D. progressive approach and active learning; play way method.
  4. E.C.C.D. programmes at regional, national and international level: critical appraisal.
  5. Early childhood care and development: emerging issues and researches.

Unit-IV Family:

  1. The Changing status of Indian Families.
  2. Marriage and alternative life styles: Co-habitation, singles.
  3. Disorganised and reorganized families.
  4. Alternate family patterns – single parent families, female headed households. Dual career families, Childless families (DINKS); Adoption.
  5. Families in national policies and programmes.
  6. Research methodologies used in family studies
  7. Status of Family.

Unit-V Developmentally Challenged Individuals and Welfare Programmes and Policies:

  1. Meaning and Definition of Children with special needs, importance and methods of studying these children.
  2. Definition, etiology and characteristics of different categories of disorder-sensory, orthopaedic, mental, social, emotional and behavioural etc. and special education for them.
  3. Concept and scope of family and child welfare in India and abroad.
  4. Recent trends in population dynamics in relation to developing and developed countries and India's national population policies.

Unit-VI Research Management:

  1. Research methodology in Child development and family studies-Problem selection, Research design, Tools and techniques, Sampling, Analysis and Interpretation.
  2. Quantitative Research Techniques.
  3. Dissemination of research findings-methods of dissemination and publication intricacies.
  4. Bridging the gap between research and policy in Child Development.

Unit-VII Current Issues in Child Development:

  1. The disadvantaged child in urban, slum and rural settings.
  2. Child Rights Convention.
  3. Gender – Discrimination.
  4. Child labour and Child abuse.
  5. Violence within the family.
  6. Multiple – role stress of career women.
  7. Legal rights of individuals in a family.
  8. Needs and support for ageing in India.

Note :- Pattern of Question Paper

  1. Objective type paper
  2. Maximum Marks : 100
  3. Number of Questions : 100
  4. Duration of Paper : Two Hours
  5. All questions carry equal marks.
  6. There will be Negative Marking.

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