(Syllabus) RPSC: Syllabus For Post of Legal Assistant: Competitive Examination
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
Syllabus For Post of Legal Assistant: Competitive Examination
The competitive examination shall include the following papers and each paper shall carry the number of marks as shown against each :-
Paper I | Constitution of India with special emphasis on Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and enforcement of rights through writs, Functioning of High Courts and Supreme Court and attorney General. | 50 Marks |
Paper II | Civil Procedure Code and Criminal, Procedure Code. Provisions required to be referred generally in Government Offices will be given importance. | 50 Marks |
Paper III | Evidence Act, Limitation Act, Interpretation of Statutes, drafting and convincing. | 50 Marks |
Paper IV | Language :- Part-A General Hindi Part-B General English |
25 Marks 25 Marks |
- Each Paper shall be of 3 hours duration.
- Pass marks shall be 40% in each paper.
- All papers except language paper unless specifically required, shall be answered either in Hindi or in English, but no candidate shall be permitted to answer any one paper partly in Hindi and partly in English unless specifically allowed to do so.
- The standard of the language paper will be that of senior secondary level.
Viva-Voce :
Candidate who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in the written examination as may be fixed by the Commission in their discretion shall be summoned by them for an interview for a personality test, which shall carry 25 marks. The Commission may in its discretion award grace marks upto 1 in each paper and upto 3 in the aggregate. The Commission may fix minimum qualifying marks in the written examination for the scheduled caste and the scheduled tribe candidates lower than what is prescribed for other candidates. The marks so awarded shall be added to the marks obtained in the written test by each candidate.
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