(Syllabus) RPSC: Syllabus For Post of College Lecturer: Geography
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
Syllabus For Screening Test For Post of College Lecturer: Geography
Unit – I
Geomorphology: Endogenetic and exogenetic forces; denudation processes: weathering and erosion, geosynclines, mountain building, continental drift and plate tectonics; concept of geomorphic cycle; landforms associated with fluvial, glacial, arid, coastal and karst cycles; slope forms and processes.
Unit – II
Climatology: Composition and structure of atmosphere; insolation; heat budget of the earth; distribution of temperature; atmospheric pressure and general circulation of winds; Monsoons and jet streams; stability and instability of atmosphere; air-masses; fronts; temperate and tropical cyclones; types and distribution of precipitation; classification of world climates: Koppen's and Thornthwatte's schemes; hydrological cycle; global warming.
Unit - III
Oceanography: Origin of ocean basins; bottom relief of Indian, Atlantic and
Pacific oceans; ocean deposits; coral reefs; temperature and salinity of oceans;
density of sea water; tides and ocean currents; sea-level changes.
Environment Geography: Physical factors influencing world distribution of plants
and animals; forms and functions of ecosystem; forest, grassland, marine and
mountain ecosystems; bio-diversity and its depletion through natural and man-
induced causes; conservation and management of ecosystems; environmental hazards
and problems of pollution; ozone depletion.
Unit – IV
History of Geographic Thought: General character of geographic knowledge during ancient and medieval period; foundations of modern geography; contributions of German, French, British and American schools; conceptual and methodological developments during the 20th century; changing paradigms; man- environment relations: determinism and possibilism, areal differentiation and spatial organization; quantitative revolution; impact of positivism, humanism, radicalism and behaviouralism in geography.
Unit – V
Population Geography: Nature, scope, subject matter and recent trends;
patterns of world distribution, growth and density of population; policy issues;
patterns and processes of migration; demographic transition; population-resource
Settlement Geography: Site, situation, types, size, spacing and internal
morphology of rural and urban settlements; ecological processes of urban growth;
urban fringe; city-region; settlement systems; primate city; rank-size rule;
settlement hierarchy; Christaller's central place theory; August Losch's theory
of market centers.
Regional Planning: Regional concept in geography; its application to planning;
concept of planning region; regional hierarchy; types of regions and methods of
regional delineation; conceptual and theoretical framework of regional planning;
regional planning in India; concept of development; indicators of development;
regional imbalances.
Unit – VI
Economic Geography: Location of economic activities and spatial organization
of economies; classification of economies; sectors of economy: primary,
secondary, tertiary and quaternary; natural resources: renewable and
non-renewable; conservation of resources.Agricultural Geography: Concept and
techniques of delimitation of agricultural regions; measurement of agricultural
productivity and efficiency; crop combinations and diversification; Von Thunen's
Model; agricultural systems of the world.
Industrial Geography: Classification of industries, theories of industrial
location: Weber, Smith and Hoover; resource based and footloose industries.
Geography of Transport: Models of transportation and transport cost;
accessibility and connectivity; spatial patterns of flow.
Unit – VII
Political Geography: Definition and scope of political geography;
geopolitics; global strategic views (Heartland and Rimland theories); concept of
nation, state and nation-state; boundaries and frontiers; politics of world
resources; geography and federalism.
Social Geography: Nature and scope of social geography; social structure and
social processes; elements of social geography: ethnicity, tribe, dialect,
language, caste and religion; concept of social well-being.
Cultural Geography: Nature and scope of cultural geography; environment and
culture; concept of culture-areas and cultural regions; theories of tribal
groups; dwelling places as cultural expressions.
Unit – VIII
Geography of India: Physiographic divisions; climate; vegetation; major soil types; coastal and marine resources; water resources; irrigation; agriculture; agroclimatic regions; mineral and power resources; major industries and industrial regions; population distribution and growth; settlement patterns; regional disparities in social and economic development.
Unit – IX
Geography of Rajasthan: Physiography; climate; droughts; soils and vegetation; minerals and power resources; agriculture and irrigation; livestock; major industries and industrial regions; means of transport; population: growth, distribution, problems and solutions; art, culture and tourism; geographical regions.
Unit – X
Cartography: Types of maps; techniques for the study of spatial patterns of
distribution; single purpose and composite maps; choropleth, isopleth and
chorochromatic maps; accessibility and flow maps.
Remote sensing and computer application in mapping; digital mapping; geographic
information system (GIS): thematic maps.
Statistical Method: Data sources and type of data; study of frequency
distribution measures of central tendency; selection of class intervals for
mapping; measures of dispersion and concentration; standard deviation; lorenz
curve; methods of measuring association among different attributes; simple and
multiple correlation; regression.
Measurement of spatial patterns of distribution; nearest-neighbour analysis;
scaling techniques; rank score; weighted score; sampling techniques for
geographical analysis.
Note :- Pattern of Question Paper
- Objective type paper
- Maximum Marks : 100
- Number of Questions : 100
- Duration of Paper : Two Hours
- All questions carry equal marks.
- There will be Negative Marking.
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