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(Syllabus) UKPSC: Combined Lower Subordinate Services Exam 2010 | SYLLABUS
Advertisement No. A-1/E-1/2010
Date of Advertisement : 29 May, 2010
Last date for the receipt of OMR application Form :
30th June, 2010
The detailed advertisement is also available on the website of Uttarakhand
Public Service Commission :
Preliminary Examination
General Studies and General Aptitude Test (Objective Type)
Time – 02 Hours M.M. 150
1- General Science- Questions on general science will cover general understanding and application of science, including matter of day to day observation and experiences as may be expected from an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline.
2- History of India- Questions on history of India will be based on broad understanding of ancient, medieval and modern India’s political, social, economic, and cultural aspects.
3- Indian National Movement- Questions on Indian National Movement will be based on India’s freedom movement, growth of nationalism and attainment of independence.
4- Indian Polity and Economy- Questions on Indian Polity and economy will be based on Indian polity, constitution, panchayati raj and community development, broad features of Indian economy and planning.
5- Geography and Demography of India- Questions will be based on a broad understanding of geographical, ecological and socio-economic aspects of demography of India.
6- Current Events- Questions will be based on national and international important current events including sports and games.
7- General Awareness about Uttarakhand- Questions will be based on broad aspects of geography, history and heritage, civilization and culture including folk culture (comprising folk literature and dialects, art and crafts, fairs and festivals, costumes and ornaments, dances, songs and instruments, means of livelihood of and food habits), polity, role of Uttarakhand in freedom movement of India, movement for formation of Uttarakhand State, agriculture, environment, education, natural resources and current events, Eminent persons of Uttarakhand (past and present).
8- Knowledge of Computer- Questions will be based on basic knowledge of computer operations.
Paper-2 General Aptitude Test
Maximum Marks- 50 Total Questions- 50
General Intelligence- The questions on general intelligence will cover both verbal types and non verbal types including questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification and arithmetical number series, This test will also include questions designed to test the candidate’s abilities to deal with abstract ideas, symbols and their relationships, arithmetical computations and other analytical functions.
Main Examination (Descriptive Type)
Paper-1 General Studies
Maximum Marks- 200 Time- 3 Hours
Note- This paper carries 20 questions. Each question carries 10 marks. All questions are compulsory. The word limit for each question is 100 words.
1- Current events of International, National and State Importance- It will cover the events of national importance like coalition government system, economic liberalization, economic recession, regional extremism and separatist movements – Naxalism; Maoism and Salwa judum; national security, internal security, communal harmony, and international perspectives like- nuclear policy – issues and conflicts; impact of globalization on the socio-economic conditions of developing countries and global food crisis.
2- Sports and Games- Questions based on important sports, games and tournaments, awards and personalities of world, India and Uttarakhand will be asked.
3- History of India- History of India will cover a broad understanding of ancient, medieval and modern India’s political, socio-economic and cultural aspects; Indian freedom movement, growth of nationalism and attainment of independence.
4- Elementary Knowledge of Indian Constitution- Questions will be on Indian Constitution as may be expected from an educated person who has not made a special study of the constitution. RTI, right to education, intellectual property right and consumer protection rights. Different welfare programmes and acts passed for the weaker and minority sections of society and different National and State Commissions for their upliftment.
5- Indian polity and Economy- The questions will cover Indian polity, panchayati raj and community development, broad features of Indian economy and planning.
6- Geography of India and Demography- It will include questions on broad understanding of geographical, ecological, socio-economic and demographical aspects of India.
7- General Science and Environment- Questions on General science and environment will cover general understanding and application of science, including matters of day to day observation and experience, as may be expected from and educated person who has not made a special study of any particular scientific discipline, global environmental problems and solution, nutritional requirements for human growth, application of genetic engineering in human welfare; diseases of cattles, birds, plants and their prevention.
8- Indian Agriculture- Questions will cover the general awareness of candidate in respect of crops, white, yellow and green revolutions, agricultural production and its contribution to rural economy, SEZ, use of Nano and bio-technologies in the field of agriculture, problems of Indian farmers and land reforms.
9- Science and Technology- Questions will be based on candidate’s awareness of the development in the field of science and technology, information technology, space technology, electronic media, basic knowledge of computer and cyber crimes.
10- Geography of Uttarakhand- There will be questions related to the geographical aspects of Uttarakhand; specific features of Uttarakhand Himalaya; mountains, rivers, climate, flora and fauna, horticultural activities, cropping patterns in different agroclimatic zones; natural and man-made calamities, disaster management, water crisis and watershed management in plains and hilly areas, problems of remote areas and their development; environmental movements and environmental preservation.
11- History and Culture of Uttarakhand – Questions will be based on the topics related to historical background of the State; important dynasties and their contribution, role of Uttarakhand in freedom movement of India and related personalities, major historical and tourist places, tribes; habitat and culture, including folk culture (comprising folk literature and dialects, art and crafts, fairs and festivals, costumes and ornaments, dances, songs and instruments, means of livelihood and food habits ), steps taken by Uttarakhand Government for the development of culture, different social reforms movements in the state.
12- Uttarakhand State Formation Movement and Important personalities- Questions will be based on movement for the formation of Uttarakhand State, contribution of people of Uttarakhand in national and international fields, especially in Armed Forces and administrative system of the State.
13- Natural Resources of Uttarakhand and their Development – Forest wealth and wild life, minerals, water resources – development of irrigation and irrigation projects, hydro electricity, conventional and non- onventional sources of energy, agriculture and green revolution, livestock, tourism, development of herbs and Ayurved. Human resource (population- density, sex ratio, and literacy, urban and rural population), rural/remote out migration, poverty and unemployment problems and measures initiated for their eradication and education system in Uttarakhand.
14- Statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams- The questions will be based on candidate’s ability to draw conclusions from information presented in statistical, graphical and diagrammatical form and to interpret them.