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(Tips) Some Tips And Strategy For IAS (Geography) By Sidarth IAS Academy
Some Tips And Strategy For IAS (Geography) By Sidarth IAS Academy
Hi, Here are some tips and strategies to handle your Geography paper in the
mains exams for the IAS. First heres how you should write your answers. You
should first understand the question and only then attempt to answer it. The
question could be discussion-based or analytical or you need to elaborate or
elucidate. As a result you are needed to answer according what the question
wants. Whatever the query is, you are required to give an orderly and
logical presentation of information.
There should not be any contradiction within or between the answers. What
the examiner is looking for in your answers is concept and how organized
your thinking is.
- Thinking pattern is best reflected in the structure of an answer.
- There should not be any extreme views when you are debating an issue.
- There is no need to quote anyone.
- Answers should be well balanced. Every component of the question should be given equal weightage.
- The idea is that you might know about all topics but you should develop your own language to write them.
Focus should be on memorizing facts and then back up with your language. Your expression does not require you to write difficult English words. It should be as simple as possible.
Listed below are some of the main topics that should be covered. Since some sections come only on alternate years, please follow the trend and exclude a topic if it has been majorly covered in the previous year and choose another in the same category. This does not mean short question may not come.
Paper I
- Geomorphology
Plate tectonics, earthquakes and volcanism are significant sections in Geomorphology. The Union Public Service Commission keeps on alternating queries between endogenic and exogenic forces every year.
- Climatology
In this section, you can expect significant number of questions from tropical cyclones and climatic changes.
- Oceanography
Marine resources, which include biotic, mineral and energy resources and ocean currents are few of the important areas in Oceanography.
- Perspectives in Human Geography
- Economic Geography
Energy crisis
- Population and Settlement Geography
Distribution of world population Causes and consequences of migration Functional classification of towns
- Regional Planning
Growth centers and growth poles
- Models, Theories and Laws in Human Geography
Systems analysis in Human Geography Central Places theories of Christaller and Losch Laws of international boundaries and frontiers
Paper II
- Physical setting
Structure and relief Natural vegetation
- Resources
Energy crisis
- Agriculture
Agricultural intensity Agro and social forestry Livestock resources and white revolution
- Industry
Location factor of cottage industry
- Transport, Communication and Trade
Growing importance of ports on national and foreign trade, trade balance Developments in communication technology and its impact on economy and society
- Settlements
Morphology of Indian cities Conurbations and metropolitan regions Urban sprawl Slums and associated problems
- Regional Development and Planning
Decentralised planning Multi-level planning Geography and regional planning
- Political Aspects
Geographical basis of Indian federalism India and geopolitics of the Indian ocean
- Contemporary Issues
Environmental hazard like landslide Changes in pattern of land use Principles of environmental impact assessment and environmental management.
All The Very Best..
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Courtesy : Sidarthiasacademy
we have to prepare only these topics??
Geography Prep tips
geography prelims
geography prelims cum mains prep???
need a company to study
Hi Everyone,
I have taken my options as Geography and history as my options.
I would like someone can join me to do a group study..
No need to sit and study together.. but we can discuss the topics even
Kindly let me know if anyone is ready to join me.
RE: need a company to study
I am also thinking to go with same optional, but Maths has always been my stronghold. Since am preparing for 2012, am planning to cover all three subjects at least once to give me an idea of my position and comfortableness.
I am currently working as well, but will quit soon.
Let me know if interested to join in for discussions sometime in week or so. I really believe, it helps in understanding. Also, we can divide topics and at the end of the day teach each other the same. saves time in studying...what say?
Give me a call at 09560333659 or drop me a mail at and we can discuss more about it.
All the best.