Alert: IAS Pre (CSAT) Exam 2013 notification date has been postponed.
Dear Members,
CSAT 2013 notification date has been postponed.
This Year's IAS Notification is important because of IAS Mains Pattern change; there is confusion among candidates that Mains pattern may change from this year only.
There is no official notice on IAS Mains Pattern change so far, so nobody can be 100% sure.
however our experts are predicting that IAS Mains partten change is not likely from this year; since it requires few changes within the govt processs which is not seen in the parliament proceedings or in the news.
Official statement released by UPSC Official site - says:
The Civil Services Examination, 2013 was scheduled to be notified on 02.02.2013.
However, due to some unforeseen circumstances, this examination will not be notified on
02.02.2013. The revised date of notification will be intimated in due course
(P.K. Arora)
Under Secretary, E.I(B)
We will keep an eye on next dates and ias mains pattern change, and inform you asap.