(Answer Strategy) History UPSC Mains Exam : Part -1
History UPSC Mains Exam : Part -1
1. Comment upon any three of the following not more than 200
words each. (3 × 20 = 60)
(a) Highlight the views of Karl Marx on scientific socialism.
(b) What were the problems which the American revolutionaries encountered in
framing the American constitution.
(c) “Abraham Lincoln fought the civil war for saving the Union, not for the
abolition of slavery” comment.
(d) Eastern question was a tangled mass of intractable and interwoven issues”
2. (a) Discuss the key issues that were related to the German
unification. How did Bismark complete the work of German unification. (30)
(b) “A united and powerful Italy would emerge out of the mud of Crimea”.
3. (a) “Chartist movement was the natural sequel to the shortcomings of
the Reform Act of 1832”comment. (30)
(b) Highlight the methods adopted by the European powers in establishing
their colonial control over Latin America. (30)
4. (a) “Lenin displayed his talent, dynamism and innovation in solving
the problems of Russia after the resolution of 1917” comment. (30)
(b) What were the factors and forces which led to the rise of
authoritiarian regimes in Italy and Germany after the world war I? (30)
5. Comment upon any three of the following not more than 200 words each. (3 ×
20 = 60)
(a) “Seeds of the World War lay in the treaty of Frankfurt”
(b) “American revolution was based on the economic questions which emerged
between the colonies and the mother Country”.
(c) “Colonialism and imperialism were just like another facet of capitalism.
(d) “The Causes of the French Revolution lay in the problems of Ancien Regime.
6. (a) What was the nature and character of the Chinese revolution of
1949? How was it different from the Russian revolution? (30)
(b) Highlight the essential character of 19th Century Europian
revolutions? should they be regarded as the national and democratic? (30)
7. (a) “The Russian Revolution of 1917 was essentially a two-in-one
revolution” Comment (30)
(b) How did the American civil War solve the problems and issues which
were left by the American Revolution? (30)
8. (a) How do the Ideas of Emmanuel Kant reflect in the ideology of Karl
Marx? (30)
(b) “Bismarck Completed the work left out by Nepoleon” comment. (30)
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