Weekly UPSC Mains Essay Writing Challenge
Weekly IAS Mains Essay Writing Challenge
- Rohingya Muslims issue is a global refugee crisis
- Crisis is not of employment policy , but shrinking job opportunities
- India a global hub for higher education
- Issues related to Women’s safety and Gender equality must be taught in school
- Need to assert the authority of the state routinely and regularly
- Privacy is not just data protection or surveillance by the state
- Place of Casteism and Communalism in 'New India'
- Institutions must conscious of judicial scrutiny and the public image
- Pursuit of science were inseparable from methods of justice
- Cow Politics in India
- Protection of human dignity
- Every person need a hobby to pursue in his/her free time
- The reality shows on TV has nothing to do with reality
- Government’s effort to enhance the overall participation of marginalised sections
- Farmer’s Agitation and sustainable pricing for their produce
- As per Shimla agreement and Lahore declaration Kashmir issue can be only resolved bilaterally
- Tendency to doubt everything government does
- Commitment to self-reliance
- The urge to do better is natural
- India need a roadmap to address Maoist Insurgency
- Judicial Activism
- The scope of religious activities
- Indian corporate and lack of governance
- Is India non-aligned internationally in real sense of terms.?
- The concept of “ Rajdharma” and right to recall
- Aadhaar and Right to Privacy
- Police infrastructure incapacity to handle existing cybercrimes
- India as a modern state requires better institutions
- Tenancy had been a symbol of the exploitation of the peasantry
- NOTA as a protest against corruption
- Autonomy to tribal areas under the Fifth and Sixth Schedules of the Constitution
- Why people should not overly dependent on technology?
- College students must have freedom to choose their courses
- There should be complete separation between politics and church
- A useless life is an early death.
- Topic 65 :-LGBTQI communities in India and their rightful share in all spheres of life and Dissent is the safety valve of democracy
- Topic 64 :-Protests play a crucial role in progressive democracy and Sharia courts undermine rule of law
- Topic 63 :-Liberality of temperament has the power to transcend ideologies and Humanity and empathy distinguishes
- Topic 62 :- Imposition of the Emergency and extra-constitutional authority and Indian Police representing repressive colonial character
- Topic 61 :- The UGC functioned as an instrument of a benevolent regulator and Lynching Mobs a matter of serious administrative concern
- Topic 60 :- Commercialisation of Healthcare System in India and Clean up Ganga Project by March 2019
- Topic 59:- Need of the hour is governance reform in banks and Is lying a crime like murder in the eyes of court ?
- Topic 58:- Offices with and without Profit and Reforming welfare system for efficient redistribution
- Topic 57:- Landlessness and manual casual labour are key deprivations for rural families and Marriage a civil contract and Separation have civil consequences
Topic 56:- Jobless growth in India, result of poor economic strategy
and Cooperative federalism in practice
Topic 55:-A useless life is an early death. - Topic 54:- From ‘knowledge for its own sake’ to ‘knowledge for development’.
- Topic 53:- India is an old country but a young nation.
- Topic 52:- Women hold up half the sky.
- Topic 51:- We have enough reports and baskets of statistics – what is needed is Governance.
- Topic 50:- ‘Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached (Swami Vivekananda.)’
- Topic 49:- If I had eight hours to chop a tree, I would spend six hours sharpening my axe.
- Topic 48:- The population of a country is both an asset and liability.
- Topic 47:- While past gives us hope, we have to transcend its limitations for a more progressive tomorrow.
- Topic 46:- Poverty is the creation of man, the God almighty has nothing to do with it.
- Topic 45:- The panacea of social ills lies in integration and not confrontation.
- Topic 44:- Communication systems of the society require committed regulation and not just be treated as ordinary market goods..
- Topic 43:- The majority vote by Britons to leave the European Union was an act of raw democracy.
- Topic 42:- Strong economic growth can take care of the bad debt issue.
- Topic 41:- The problem of hooliganism is best understood when placed in the cultural and sociological realms.
- Topic 40:- The notion was implicit that here was a space for dissent and that the institution did not need to hold the hands of the state.
- Topic 39:- A stronger and prosperous India is in America’s strategic interest.
- Topic 38:- The drama of waiting and still waiting overwhelms the power of the Court judgment.
- Topic 37:- History has no other way of answering old questions than by putting new ones. (Karl Marx)
- Topic 36:- A smart city should look at robust IT connectivity and digitalisation.
- Topic 35:- The State needs a development narrative in its social tapestry.
- Topic 34:- Fraternity, was meant to complement civil rights, not to destroy them.
- Topic 33:- Preparation for drought and ipso facto for a deficit in annual rainfall must go beyond mitigation and include steps to address this man-made scarcity.
- Topic 32:- Revision of drought management manual to provide effective relief to calamity-hit farmers and a national plan to tackle the crisis.
- Topic 31:- A judicial system that is seen as favouring the influential, will be vulnerable to the charge of socio-economic bias.
- Topic 30:- The phenomena of forest fires, deforestation, increasing floods, increasing man-animal conflict, and rapidly depleting biodiversity are closely linked.
- Topic 29:- India has an independent regional navigation satellite capability that covers the entire country.
- Topic 28:- Lack of transparency weakens our public banking sector.
- Topic 27:- Corruption is a true enemy to development.
- Topic 26:- The real issues of accessing justice relate not to the Supreme Court but the lower judiciary
- Topic 25:- Crime and violence constitute a major impediment for development and social integration for a plural society like India.
- Topic 24:- Radicalism needs more to breed than just rhetorical and religious inspiration.
- Topic 23:- A healthy environment demands that the targets get more ambitious.
- Topic 22:- Nuclear security is not about nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation, or nuclear safety.
- Topic 21:- The liberal democratic polity India showing to the world that diversity can be a virtue in peaceful development and coexistence
- Topic 20:- Privacy is a fundamental right?
- Topic 19:- India must criminalise marital rape as a first step towards ending violence against women.
- Topic 18:- Good economics is good politics.
- Topic 17:- A historian’s dharma is to be vigilant to mythmaking.
- Topic 16:- Commuting death sentence to life imprisonment is an act of compassion.
- Topic 15:- An essential feature of socialist policy making is increasing government expenditure.
- Topic 14:- Mineral-rich regions have fallen prey to fierce corporate plunder at the expense of the local population.
- Topic 13:- Democracy is slow ,painful but definite process.
- Topic 12:- Dignity of all identities is something yet to be internalised by the state.
- Topic 11:- Governors do not figure in people’s thoughts. They are a presence that is absent in the public imagination.
- Topic 10:- Secularism was the “most misused” term in the country.
- Topic 9:- The arrogance of the intellectuals who speak for entire society should not be a burden on the society.
- Topic 8:- Sound hydrological solutions to address the shortcomings in the city’s water storage and drainage system
- Topic 7:- Alternative viewpoints to grow in universities, academic institutions or cultural bodies, the value of a liberal society.
- Topic 6:- With alarming increase in child sexual abuse incidents, it is time to talk to your children about about the difference between a good touch and bad touch.
- Topic 5: The restrictive campaign finance rules infuse corruption into day-to-day politics.
- Topic 4:- Digital India is the flavour of the season, and not without any reason
- Topic 3:- Without access to affordable and appropriate skills training, young people, particularly those leaving rural areas and small towns for big cities, will be stuck in low-wage, insecure jobs that will leave them in want or poverty
- Topic: 2- The Vienna Convention provisions to save diplomats facing charges of heinous crimes cannot be justified.
- Topic - 1: No one can be denied livelihood on the basis of one’s language, says our constitution
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