Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains 2015 (4th March 2015)
Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains General Studies (4th March 2015)
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General Studies Paper I-Syllabus Topic: “Social empowerment”
Question: Do you think that advanced and modern technologies are being used in perpetuating and aggravating the culture of violence against women. Discuss in light of recent incidents. Suggest some remedial measures for the same. (200 words)
General Studies Paper II-Syllabus Topic: “Issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure, devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein.”
Question: “Increasing the States’ share of Central taxes to 42 per cent from 32 per cent will go a long way in strengthening the spirit of ‘cooperative federalism’ in India.” Comment. (200 words)
General Studies Paper III-Syllabus Topic: “Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment.”
Question: Human activities have always led to the reduction in forest cover, but in recent years, the intensity and scale of deforestation has increased significantly. In this context, discuss the significant causes and consequences of deforestation.(200 words)
- Source: THE HINDU
General Studies Paper IV-Syllabus Topic: “Human Values - lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators.”
Question: “Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.” For the quotation given, bring out what it means to you in present context. (150 words)
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
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