Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains (08th November 2014)
Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains (08th November 2014)
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1. Silk Road projects criss crossing Asia will help in increasing the connectivity in this region and in unleashing the economic potential of the region. Comment
2. Discuss the increasing closeness between China and Pakistan and its implications on India.
3. Fall of Berlin wall is one of the most important events in modern history. Discuss the events which lead to its all and what contribution event has made in the present situation of Europe.
4. Rosetta's, a lander craft from the European Space Agency (ESA)'s, journey from French Guiana to 67P is an amazing piece of remote-controlled navigation. Comment
5. In a World that is moving towards multilateralism Multilateral convention should supplement the tax treaties. Discuss the statement with respect to India’s attempt to amend the tax treaties with other countries.
6. APEC can help in making the Asian region as free trade, discuss about the various challenges and opportunities before the APEC.
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