Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains 2015 (9 March 2015)
Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains General Studies (9 March 2015)
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General Studies-I "Syllabus Topic-World History"
Q1. Why were Asian and African countries so easily dominated by the Western powers? Discuss.
General Studies-II"Syllabus Topic-International Relations"
Q2. Resolving the boarder issue between India and China has been a time consuming process. Trace the progress so far in resolution of this boundary question between India and China.
- Source: The Hindu
General Studies-III "Syllabus Topic-Indian Economy"
Q3. Based on the recommendations of Urjit Patel Committee the Indian government and the RBI have agreed to a new monetary policy framework that will pave the way for flexible inflation targeting. Critically analyse the significance of this change in monetary policy framework.
- Source: The Hindu
General Studies IV
Q4. What is the difference between attitude and aptitude? Explain with examples.
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