Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains 2015 (14 May 2015)
Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains General Studies (14 May 2015)
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General Studies - I "Syllabus Topic - Indian Geography"
1. Discuss the evolution of Peninsular Drainage System of India.
General Studies - II "Syllabus Topic - International Relations"
2. The India-China relationship today is marked by low levels of mutual trust and the lack of knowledge of the other among the people of both countries. Suggest some areas and sectors where India and China can improve their relations.
- Source: The Hindu
General Studies - III "Syllabus Topic - Disaster Management"
3. “We need to accept earthquakes as a reality and do everything in our power to redefine development plans, especially in terms of building quake-resistant buildings.” In light of this statement discuss how preparedness can go a long way in mitigating the effects of earthquake.
- Source: The Hindu
General Studies - IV "Syllabus Topic - Corporate Governance"
3. Elucidate the concept of corporate governance. What are the ingredients of corporate governance?
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
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