Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains (26th November 2014)
Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains (26th November 2014)
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1. Section 7A(ii) of the JJ Act states that if the court finds a person to be a juvenile on the date of commission of the offence, the case shall be immediately sent to the Juvenile Justice Board (JJB). Do you think this clause has been misused in the country?
2. Whenever there is despair, or when the future is uncertain, or when terror stalks the soul, the godman gets a near open invitation. Comment
3. Every State is given a target to boost women’s sterilization and the pressure to sterilise women rises towards the end of the year. Do you think target approach towards sterlisation is best in the interest of nation?
4. Leader of opposition has important role in the functioning of parliamentary democracy, but in a democracy people’s mandate is supreme. Discuss
5. The promoter enjoys risk-less capitalism— even in these times of very slow growth, how many large promoters have lost their homes or have had to curb their lifestyles despite offering personal guarantees to lenders?” Critically analyze
6. The new and improved Model Police Bill, put forward by the Soli Sorabjee Committee, set up by the ministry of home affairs, offers a solution to police problems in India. Comment
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