Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains 2015 (27 April 2015)
Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains General Studies (27 April 2015)
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General Studies I "Syllabus Topic - Indian Society"
1. “Beneath India’s global power aspirations, there simmer various parochial bigotries — of caste, linguistic identity, religion, region, etc.”Comment.
Source: The Hindu
General Studies II "Syllabus Topic - International Relations"
2. Why is it important for India to have good relations with Afghanistan? Discuss. Also elaborate on the recent initiatives taken by India for improving relations with Afghanistan.
Source: The Hindu
General Studies III "Syllabus Topic - Science and Technology"
3. There has been so much noise surrounding ‘net neutrality’? What is it? Do you support it? Give reasons to support your answer.
Source1: The Hindu
Source2: The Hindu Busniess Line
General Studies IV "Syllabus Topic – Human Values"
4. What is ‘moral intellectualism’? What is your view on ‘moral intellectualism’?
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
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