NEW! The Gist (AUG-24) | E-BOOKS
Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains (27th October 2014)
Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains (27th October 2014)
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1. Government brought the coal ordinance to remove the problems associated with captive coal-block allocation policy. What further steps do you think are required for proper functioning of coal sector
2. Black money is not only a drain on national wealth it is a challenge for national security as well. Comment along with measure to curb it.
3. Discuss the various reasons for global warming and its effect on Indian subcontinent.
4. The rehabilitation process after the disasters has to move forward to tackle the major problems of housing and livelihood, and both public and private sector should come forward to help the citizens. Discuss
5. Both petrol and diesel are politically sensitive commodities but unlike petrol, diesel price changes have a cascading effect across the economy. In the light of this statement discuss the effects of deregulation of diesel prices.
6. Rural electrification has many challenges in the form of inadequate power, cross-subsidization, overuse of water etc. Discuss the challenges and possible solution for the problems.
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