Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains (29th October 2014)
Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains (29th October 2014)
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1. Discuss about Black holes and the related quantum field theory.
2. Even in present globalised world local cultures play significant role in shaping the personality. Comment
3. There has been a continued decline in working hours and number of bills passed by the parliament, which leads to ordinances and executive orders. This is against the core value of democracy. Comment
4. Knowledge and awareness about an impending climate danger help one equip oneself with sufficient aids to combat the threat. Comment
5. Changes should always be gradual, it provides available infrastructure and manpower sufficient time to adjust to the changes. Discuss
6. Indian missile system is capable of defending the nation at the time of need and it has constantly evolved over time. Comment
7. The rural employment guarantee scheme is part of a broader policy approach, redistribution through rights and entitlements and it should not be trampled with. Comment
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