Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (02 March 2016)
Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (02 March 2016)
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1. Consider the following statements.
1) Highest level decision making body of the WTO is the ministrial
2) A trade facilitation agreement known as the Bali Package was reached by all
members in 2013, the first comprehensive agreement in the organization's history
Which of the above statements is / are true.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 & 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
2. Consider the following statements about Geographical Indications (GIs).
1) The geographical indications of good (Registration & protection) Act came
into force in 2003.
2) Geographical indications Registry at Chennai.
3) GIs prevent spurious goods from entering the market.
Which of the above statements is / are true.
(a) 1 & 2
(b) 2 & 3
(c) 1 & 3
(d) All of the above.
3. Consider the following statements about Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIE).
1) The purpose of this agreement is to promote international co-operation in
tax matter through exchange of information.
2) It was developed by the U.N.
3) TIE agreements are a legal instrument that could be used to establish
effective exchange of information.
Which of the above statements is / are true.
(a) 1 & 2
(b) 2 & 3
(c) 1 & 3
(d) All of the above
4. Consider the following statements about holding company.
1) It usually refers to a company which does not produce goods or services
2) Its purpose is to own shares of other companies.
3) RBI appointed a panel headed by K.C. Chakrobarty on Holding Company issue.
Which of the above statements is / are true.
(a) All of the above
(b) 1 & 2
(c) 2 & 3
(d) 1 & 3
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:: CSAT (Paper -2) ::
1.) 2, 20, 4, 10, 6, … 8, 2.5, 10, 1.25, 12
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
2.) 17, 18, 20, 23, … 32,38
(a) 25
(b) 27
(c) 30
(d) 33
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
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