Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (06 February 2016)
Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (06 February 2016)
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
1. Arrange the following according to their chronological order.
1. Battle of Bilgram and Second & final defeat of
Humayun by Sher Shah.
2. Battle of Ghagra and Babur’s defeat of Afghans under Mohd. Lodhi.
3. Battle of Dharmat in which Dara was defeated by Aurangzeb.
4. Battle of Chausa & first defeat of Humayun by Sher Shah.
(a) (1) (2) (3) (4)
(b) (3) (4) (1) (2)
(c) (2) (4) (1) (3)
(d) (3) (2) (1) (4)
2. Arrange the following according to their chronological order.
1. Peshwaship of Balaji Baji Rao.
2. Death of Aurangzeb at Aurangzeb.
3. Third Battle of Panipat between Marathas & Afghans.
4. Peshwaship of Balaji Vishvanath.
(a) (2) (4) (1) (3)
(b) (1) (2) (3) (4)
(c) (3) (4) (2) (1)
(d) (2) (3) (4) (1)
3. Match the following
1. Pala
A. Ajay Raj
2. Chandela B. Rao Siha
3. Chauhan C. Gopal
4. Rathore D. Nanunka
(a) 2 - A 3 - D 1 - C 4 - B
(b) 1 - C 2 - D 3 - A 4 - B
(c) 4 - A 3 - B 2 - C 1 - D
4. Consider the following statements and mark the option which is correct.
(i) Babur founded a new capital city of Fatehpur
(ii) Babur was a skilled musician and played Naqqara.
(iii) The mode of caligraphy favourite to Akbar was ‘Nastaliq’.
(a) i & iii
(b) all of the above
(c) ii & iii
(d) none of the above.
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:: CSAT (Paper -2) ::
Direction : Sentences given in each question,when properly sequenced forma coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. Deprived of livelihood and income, they face penury, and as families split
up and spread out, their community bonds crumble.
B. Oddly, all this happens in the name of development, and the victim are
described as beneficiaries.
C. Cut off from their most vital resources, those uprooted are then robbed of
their history traditions and culture.
D. Imagine the entire population of the continent of Australia turned out of
their homes – eighteen million people losing their lands, evicted from their
(a) DACB
(b) DBAC
(c) ACDB
(d) ABDC
A. The sensitivity of the human ear is quite extraordinary, far exceeding
that of any manmade physical instrument.
B. It is sensitive to movements of the tympanic membrane of as little as one
billionth of a centimetre, less than the diameter of a hydrogen atom.
C. If all other noise could be suppressed, you would even hear the "rustle" of
air molecules moving in response to the heat of the atmosphere: you could almost
hear the grass grow.
D. The smallest pressure on the eardrum will produce audible sensation.
(a) BACD
(b) DABC
(c) ABDC
(d) BACD
A. In India, home to 2,500-3, 750 tigers (half the world's total), they are
being poached at the rate of at least one a day.
B. The threat has, however, sparked off another, though smaller, crisis – a
spate of recriminations between conservations organisations.
C. As anyone with a letter-box, a TV set and an environmental consceiencewill
know, the tiger may soon be extinct in the wild.
D. It does't take amathematician towork out that, if those rates continue,
theremay be no Bengal tigers left outside zoos, within a decade.
(a) DCBA
(b) CDBA
(c) CBAD
(d) CADB
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